Chapter 181 Slap (one more)
Who dares to sit in the palace chariot?

Jiang Wan was just talking about it.

Today, even if Empress Zheng personally asked her to get in the car, she would refuse again and again and dare not get in the car.

Those words are nothing more than a mouthful, so forget about Zheng Shuangyi.

When it really came down to the matter, Jiang Wan couldn't do such a presumptuous thing anyway, so why not just give someone an excuse and ask someone to come and play a book of her father and brother?

All the way into the courtyard, the previously lively banquet was suddenly quiet for a moment because of Zhao Xiyue's appearance.

It's not because Zhao Xiyue is so out of gregarious.

It's nothing more than her different identities, Jin and Emperor love and favor her, and she has the weight of speaking in front of Empress Zheng.

Because Sun Guiren is a housekeeper, she was only a beauty when she was pregnant with Zhao Xiyue. When Zhao Xiyue was born, Empress Zheng had no daughters. In addition, she still sent Zhao Yi to Xingyang in those few years. The matter was sad, so Sun Guiren took the initiative to send Zhao Xiyue to be raised by Queen Zheng's side.

She can be regarded as the child brought up by Empress Zheng.

After growing up day by day, the little ladies outside will naturally look at her as tall as a hundred feet.

Even a girl as arrogant as Shen Baozhi didn't dare to be too presumptuous when she met Zhao Xiyue.

Zhao Xiyue is not delicate, nor is she a tricky and eccentric girl, but whoever she likes or dislikes is directly written on her face, and she is willing to get close and walk around. She is very tolerant. No one should try to ask her to show affection.

For example, Jiang Wan and Shen Baozhi.

Zhao Xiyue's differential treatment has always been on the table, and it is absolutely not hidden.

For a moment, Jiang Wan only felt comfortable.

I couldn't help thinking that Zhao Xing said jokingly that she had been wronged, and he just instigated Zhao Xiyue to seek justice for her.

She even refuted Zhao Xing a few words at that time, but today, it seems that she should keep these words in her heart, remember them all the time, and be prepared to do so anytime and anywhere.

Zheng Shuangyi is the master and the host, no matter how reluctant she is at the moment, she still wants to ease the atmosphere.

So he stepped up: "I didn't know that the princess would come, so I asked someone to prepare a table. The princess should go to the side hall to sit for a while?"

Today's elegant banquet, one table per person, as many tables are prepared as there are invitations.

Moreover, Zheng Shuangyi is thoughtful, and she is the best at dealing with people.

Among the young ladies from various families who were invited to the banquet, she would explain everything to anyone who didn't get along well with each other, who didn't like to eat this, and who didn't want to drink that.

Those who don't get along will sit separately, with the seats far apart, so they won't be afraid of verbal disputes.

The dishes are all the same at first glance, but each has its own merits.

Even the tea and snacks are well arranged.

In fact, Jiang Wan has to say that she still admires Zheng Shuangyi in this way.

After all, regardless of past life or present life, when it comes to dealing with people, she is really inferior to Zheng Shuangyi who is comprehensive in every aspect and is good at dancing with her long sleeves.

The most important thing is that Zheng Shuangyi is able to bend and stretch, he can really bear it.

Just like right now—

Zhao Xiyue smiled and moved half a step away, making it clear that she was keeping a distance from Zheng Shuangyi: "You don't need to be so troublesome, just prepare an extra futon. When the table is open, I will sit at the table with Sister Awan, or rub Wan Sister Ning, I agree with both of their tastes anyway, so you don’t need to arrange a table for me, I don’t have that big of an appetite, and I can’t eat that much.”

Her eyebrows and eyes were curved, and she always had a faint smile: "Your family is a great hero now, how dare I work hard for Mrs. Zheng?"

Zheng Shuangyi's face changed suddenly: "I don't dare to be the princess, how can there be..."

"How not?"

Zhao Xiyue didn't show her any affection: "I listened to a lot on the way back to Beijing, and I listened more clearly when I entered the city.

Now there are disasters in the Northwest and Fujian, the court is in a dilemma, the emperor's uncle now takes 3 taels of silver, it is not enough, and the common people don't praise half a word, why is this? "

She squinted to look at Zheng Shuangyi, the smile in her eyes was actually cold: "The Zheng family sent grain to the northwest, and at this time, grain is probably more useful than silver.

He did good deeds without leaving a name, but there was a villain who talked too much, and he ruined the wishes of the Duke of the country, and he insisted on shouting that everyone would know. "

As she spoke, she sighed again: "It reminds me of four years ago and two years ago, it was the same, but I don't know if the Duke of the Kingdom is going to get angry again this time.

The queen mother is the most filial, always thinking about the recent situation of the Duke and the Zheng family, you finally came to Beijing, it was a happy thing for the queen mother, but this trouble happened again. "

Zhao Xiyue looked at Zheng Shuangyi with a loud voice: "In case the Duke is really angry and falls ill, will Xingyang send you a family letter to urge you to go home?"

Zheng Shuangyi gritted her back molars, her expression couldn't hold back anymore.

After all, Zheng Shuangrong was young, so he couldn't listen to these yin and yang words, so he gritted his teeth and retorted: "Your Highness means that I'm cursing my grandfather for not being able to afford it!
This was originally a matter of accumulating virtue and doing good deeds. The county prince took 3 taels of silver, wasn't it also to accumulate blessings for himself?

I don't believe that the prince of the county is trying to make the world praise him.

Since the county prince didn't think so, my grandfather naturally didn't think so either.

The princess opened her mouth with red lips and white teeth, and touched her upper and lower lips. When she turned around, she said that my grandfather was a scheming villain!
Does the princess dare to say these words in front of her aunt? "


Sisters Zheng Shuangyi and Zheng Shuangxue failed to hold Zheng Shuangrong down, and after she blurted out these words, they didn't even have time to reprimand her for being presumptuous.

Zheng Shuangrong stepped forward, almost approaching Zhao Xiyue to question.

It is for this reason that they stand close.

Then he was slapped solidly by Zhao Xiyue.

A slap in the face not only made Zheng Shuangrong cry.

Everyone present was amazed.

The two sisters, Zheng Shuangyi and Zheng Shuangrong, backed up for several steps, but their eyes were full of disbelief, and they looked at Zhao Xiyue.

Zhao Xiyue looked indifferent, and turned her wrist: "I haven't fought anyone for a long time, but when I fight someone, my hand really hurts."

Zheng Shuangyi's face was livid: "Your Highness is the princess of the Tian family, but there is no reason to hit anyone casually!"

"is it?"

Zhao Xiyue raised her eyebrows: "Your sister is so presumptuous, what is she, and what is she, worthy of standing in front of me and talking?

You are the eldest daughter of the Zheng family, and the queen mother looked at you so highly that I would like to say a few polite words to you.

Is it worthy of your sister?

The words are insignificant, and she offends the nobleman. She stands in front of me and threatens to question me. Is this a good rule in your family? "

Zhao Xiyue paused, then snorted coldly: "What did I not dare to say in Hanzhang Hall just now?
I went to the empress, and I told her without changing a word, what did your sister say, dare to follow me into the palace and return to the empress? "

(End of this chapter)

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