Chapter 182

The noise and silence in the small courtyard were in stark contrast.

Maybe Zheng Shuangrong has never been beaten in her life, she is young, Jiang Wan watched her actions, saw her words and deeds recently, guessed that she was spoiled at home, she didn't talk about it, and she didn't even think too much.

Otherwise, he would not dare to speak like this in front of Zhao Xiyue.

Even Zheng Shuangyi knew how to give in, so she bumped headfirst.

So being slapped by Zhao Xiyue, and in front of so many people, on the one hand, he was really stunned by the slap and felt wronged;

So at this moment, she was crying and crying, no matter what her two sisters tried to persuade her, she would not listen at all.

And silence is on the other side—

Seeing Zhao Xiyue's posture, those girls who complimented Zheng's daughter dared not say a word.

Everyone here has started to get started, and no one dares to stand up and persuade them to be the middleman who mediates the conversation.

Shen Baozhi should have done this.

Because of her seniority, she is considered the most respectable among these people.

But she herself is an idiot who can't stand things. She has been beaten twice by Zhao Xiyue since she was a child. In my heart, I was afraid of Zhao Xiyue.

For a moment no one dared to stop them, and Sister Zheng Shuangyi knew that they had no face, so she froze here.

Zhao Xiyue sneered again: "Ms. Zheng, your younger sister really needs to be taught how to behave. She is presumptuous and rude, disgraceful and embarrassing. If she talks about it in front of her mother, she will be disappointed."

Zhou Wanning was looking at Jiang Wan, Jiang Wan also looked back, the two girls looked at each other, thinking the same thing.

Regardless of.

Then they each looked away in a tacit understanding, just not to persuade Zhao Xiyue.

Pei Qingyuan also felt relieved, but after all, she couldn't do things like just sitting on the sidelines.

Zheng Shuangrong was beaten at Zheng Shuangyi's banquet, and she lost all face. Today's affairs are almost here.

She thought about it for a while, and called the princess softly: "Shuangrong is still young, and she is so delicate at home. When she came to Shengjing and met Her Royal Highness, she lost her sense of propriety for a while, so don't be angry, Your Highness.

His Highness just slapped her, she thought she also knew that she was wrong, and she must keep the word "duty" in mind in the future.

After all, this is in Zheng's mansion, and it's Big Sister Zheng's banquet. His Highness is a guest, so it's not good to be the guest, after all, it's more or less a sage's sake.

His Highness just raised his hand and spared Sister Shuangrong this time. "

This is not the first time Zhao Xiyue has seen Pei Qingyuan.

When Pei Qingyuan came to Beijing when she was a child, because she was much older than her, she didn't often play with her.

I just remember that this is a sister who has been very beautiful since she was a child.

It is also dignified and luxurious, virtuous and supple.

Hearing these words just now, she felt very comfortable.

It's not just to persuade her to hold her hands high.

This insinuation, yin and yang strangeness, Pei Qingyuan can do it at his fingertips, and he won't lose to her, will he?
There was a smile in Zhao Xiyue's eyes again, and when she turned her head to look, Pei Qingyuan looked calm, as if she was really persuading her and pleading for Zheng Shuangrong.

But Jiang Wan and Zhou Wanning didn't intend to speak.

She thought for a while, then clicked her tongue: "I just returned to Beijing, and it's the first time that Big Sister Pei has asked me for mercy. I don't want to give this face."

She raised her chin, really looking at people with the tip of her chin, and turned to tell Zheng Shuangyi: "Your sister is crying like this, why don't you take her to resettlement, and leave her to show shame in front of people?"

Zheng Shuangyi gritted her teeth, but she had no words to refute, so she could only call Zheng Shuangxue: "Take Sanniang first, let her wash her face, take a rest, take a breather, and come back later."

Zheng Shuangrong was out of breath from crying, with the words "unconvinced" written all over her face, and was dragged away by Zheng Shuangxuesheng.

"Princess, Sanniang was young and ignorant, she collided with her today, Your Highness is a noble person, the most tolerant, don't care about her, I will definitely discipline her in the future, and won't make her be so foolish and reckless again."

She pleaded guilty, Zhao Xiyue didn't hold her back, and just followed Zheng Shuangyi's words.

But it was obvious that he had lost interest at all.

"After such a commotion today, I'm still sitting on the table at your house. You sisters probably feel uncomfortable, and everyone will not be able to eat this meal well."

Zheng Shuangyi was about to smile and say no, but Zhao Xiyue didn't give her a chance to speak, and asked Jiang Wan, "Sister Awan, can you accompany me out for a meal? You can't let me go out to eat pitifully alone." Fan, will you go back to the palace alone?"

Jiang Wan showed embarrassment: "This..."

Her eyelids were pressed down, and her long and thick eyelashes flickered twice: "I accepted the invitation from Big Sister Zheng..."

Zheng Shuangyi was eager for them to leave quickly, so she agreed on the spot: "It's okay, Your Highness is not happy, so you can go with me, Aguan. After a few days, I have to hold another banquet to make an apology to Your Highness."

The corners of her eyes and brows drooped together, full of helplessness and annoyance: "I still expect you to say a few nice words for me in front of His Highness, don't let His Highness really annoy our sisters."

When they left Zheng's house, Zhou Wanning and Pei Qingyuan naturally went with them.

Needless to say, Zhou Wanning, Pei Qingyuan can stay, but she also thinks it's unnecessary in her heart.

It seemed that she helped Zheng Shuangrong out of the siege, but if she really stayed, it would not depend on his face.

Besides, Zhao Xiyue probably thought of this, and pulled her together before leaving.

After stepping down the steps, Zhao Xiyue breathed a sigh of relief, and instead of boarding the carriage driven by Empress Zheng, she ordered the little eunuch who followed her: "I'm in the carriage of the Duke's mansion, you go back to the palace first, and if the queen mother asks, she will say that I and Jiang The ladies of Pei are together, so the queen mother can rest assured."

Seeing the little eunuch drive away, Jiang Wan smiled and joked: "You said you told me to be in your honor, now it's all right, you still want to rub my car."

Zhao Xiyue curled her lips: "I'll lead you to enjoy the light, do you dare to sit?"

Jiang Wan bluntly said that he didn't dare: "You just came back to Beijing, and you came to the banquet, why can't you bear to shame them today? Go to have a meal, let's talk for a while, you go back to the palace early, I It is estimated that their sisters will go to the palace to sue the saint, and when you return to the palace, you may not know what will happen."

She was also afraid that Empress Zheng would really punish Zhao Xiyue for the sake of the Zheng sisters. After thinking about it, she felt uneasy, and then told her: "Go to King Su's mansion and tell His Royal Highness Su, and ask him to accompany you back to the palace. Don't worry about it." This was punished."

Zhao Xiyue obviously didn't care about it: "It's just them? The second brother is still in the palace.

Brother Su and Brother Erhuang don't want to see the Zheng family, and I'm not a fool.

With my brothers around, can I still be punished?

It's just that the Zheng sisters' face must be slapped hard today, so that they can remember that this is Shengjing, not Xingyang, and even with the backing of the queen mother, they are not allowed to do whatever they want! "

(End of this chapter)

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