Chapter 184 Participation (Part [-])
Zheng Qingzhi was given another book, at the court meeting on February 29th.

I don't know who started it first.

It's still a rehash.

It was about Zheng Qingzhi's house.

Don't talk about presumptuousness, but don't know how to restrain yourself.

Since moving there, I can't wait to have a small banquet every three days, and a big banquet every five days, so that everyone in the world will know that the members of the Zheng clan live there.

How flamboyant?

The original intention of Emperor Jin He was to let Zheng Qing's siblings move out.

This is what he promised Zhao Xing before.

I mentioned it once before, but Empress Zheng didn't let go. A few days ago, I caught up with the Zheng family's delivery of food. For about three to five days, no one mentioned it again.

Bringing up old things again today is actually trying to add bad luck to himself.

But there are always those who are not afraid.

Emperor Jin He also planned to push the boat along the way, and ordered Zheng Qingzhi's brother and sister to move away. As for the queen, he just said it slowly.

As a result, one wave of ups and downs rose again.

The matter of the Zheng family's mansion has not yet come to fruition, the Ministry of Rites Qian Shilang stepped out, bowed down and called His Majesty.

Jin Hedi's eyelids sank: "Qian Qing has a book to play?"

Qian Shilang straightened up and nodded solemnly: "I heard that His Royal Highness Yiqing came back a few days ago, just in time for Mrs. Zheng to hold a banquet in the mansion. The princess was in a good mood, so she went there specially, but the third lady Zheng was speechless at the banquet. , contradicting the princess, really angered His Highness.

This matter has been widely circulated in Beijing, and the common people are discussing it. Now it is only said that the Zheng family is noble and decent. They have made great contributions to his family several times, and the ladies of the Zheng family have become the most expensive girls in the world. Even the princess of the Tian family dared to contradict and humiliate her! "

He paused almost word by word, emphasizing each voice, and after repeating what he said, he arched his hands and asked to play again: "The Zheng family has no way to teach daughters, and I ask your Majesty to take heavy responsibility!"

That's a lot of words.

What's wrong with teaching women?
Zhonggong is also a daughter of the Zheng family.

Zhao Yu only moved his eyelids a couple of times when he heard this.

He glanced over the past coldly, he was calculating.

The Qian family is a poor family and a commoner family, and they can't get on the stage, and they can't compare with the noble families.

But Qian Langshi was able to achieve his position today, thanks to the support of the Wei family back then.

It is Mrs. Wei's Wei family.

Zhao Yu is very clear about the resumes of courtiers, and if he picks out any one at random, he has thought about it roughly, and he knows it in his heart.

Qian Langshi was a Jinshi in the 30th year of the Ming Dynasty, and he was on the list, but he came from a poor family. He was only a seventh-rank official at the beginning, and he was not qualified to stay in the capital, let alone enter the Hanlin Academy.


In the 37th year of the Ming Dynasty, Qian Langshi was an official in Henan Province, just in time for Mrs. Wei's brother to take up the post and go to Henan Province.

Once you come and go, you will know each other.

In the 39th year of Ming Dynasty, Qian Langshi was recommended by the Wei family to Beijing and joined the Ministry of Rites.

Now 14 years have passed, one is supported by the Wei family, the other is that he is upright and capable, and the third is indeed qualified. If there is no accident, after Wang Shangshu resigns, the vacancy of the Ministry of Rites will be the next round. on top of him.

Zheng's behavior in Beijing is very public. Whether Zheng Shuangyi and Jiang Wan are dealing with each other or not, outsiders can't tell, and the elders will not know.

Qian Langshi's actions today are more or less intended to avenge his personal revenge.

But Zhao Yu was too lazy to take care of it, and it was even more impossible to expose it in front of the palace.

The Zheng family deserved it.

It's just that people who are completely honest are too rare.

The grace of knowing you, no matter what time it is, you must hold it high above your head, and you will never forget it.

Is there anyone in the court who can speak for Zheng?
That's too much.

Not to mention the people who are on good terms with the Zheng family, even if Emperor Jinhe gave him a look, someone would stand up and excuse the Zheng family.

Today, however, there is none.

Because after hearing what Qian Langshi said, Emperor Jin He's face was gloomy and livid, and he didn't even allow Qian Langshi to continue talking. After a long silence, he left in anger.

All the civil and military officials left in the Golden Palace looked at each other in blank dismay, and many of them were sweating for Qian Langshi.

Gu Huaizhang gritted his teeth and stepped closer to Zhao Yu: "His Royal Highness Su, the officials are angry, won't His Highness persuade you?"

Zhao Yu actually didn't want to go.

He knew why his father was angry.

But Chaochen has no one who dares to enter Funing Miansheng at this moment, only him.

Zhao Yu took a deep breath, glanced at Qian Langshi, and when he saw Qian Langshi's complexion, he sighed: "You don't have to worry about Qian Langshi, since what you said is true, father has always been right and wrong, even if you are angry, it may not be wrong." If you are angry with Qian Shilang, you should leave the palace as soon as possible."

Qian Langshi received Zhao Yu's words of comfort, and his heart suddenly sank back into his stomach.

He subconsciously went to look at Gu Huaizhang again, but when he saw that Gu Huaizhang also nodded at him, he was completely relieved, bid farewell to the two of them, hurried out of the Tai Chi Hall, and left the palace without mentioning it.

The atmosphere in Funing Hall was very oppressive.

Emperor Jin He was really angry, and even Li Fu couldn't persuade him.

However, all the affairs in the hall today involve the Zheng family, and there is no way to go to the Hanzhang Hall to ask Empress Zheng to persuade her.

He was so angry that he didn't dare to breathe, Zhao Yu came.

Li Fu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that Jin Hedi had no intention of refusing to see him, he stepped out of the hall to welcome Zhao Yu in.

After welcoming him into the Dongcijian Nuan Pavilion, he bowed his back and backed out, and even closed the small door of the Nuan Pavilion.

It's almost March, the sky is not so cold, and even the earth dragon has stopped burning.

Around the small gate of the Nuan Pavilion, the room is very hot, which makes people's hearts a little restless.

Zhao Yu asked Ann to call his father, but he stood still.

Emperor Jin He looked up at him: "Who are you interceding for?"

Although his tone was not good, he still waved his hands and asked Zhao Yu to sit down and talk.

Zhao Yu sat on the official hat chair obliquely opposite him, with his back straight, and he sat quite upright, and asked instead: "Who does the emperor want your son to intercede for?"

Jin Hedi was speechless for a while.

After a long time, he gritted his molars: "Dalang, the Zheng family has been very successful recently, but the things in the northwest are indeed thanks to the food sent by the Zheng family. What do you think?"

Zhao Yu's smile was cold: "How can the Zheng family take out so much grain and send it to the northwest when the household department is crying for poverty?
Isn't it because in the past ten years, the emperor has repeatedly favored the whole Zheng family?

High-ranking officials and rich salary, increased officials and titles, gold and treasures, besides the Zheng family, who else in the world has such a mighty kindness from the emperor?

The Zheng family is the ancestral family of the son-in-law, but to be fair to the son-in-law, his family has enjoyed the blessings that others cannot enjoy, so it should bear the responsibilities that others may not have to bear.

Sharing worries for the king, worrying about the country and the people, the Zheng family should have done better than others! "

He paused, and looked at Emperor Jinhe: "But father, what the Zheng family has done, even the sons and ministers know it well. In the past few years, you have done it time and time again, and you really don't know it. ?

If you didn't know, I'm afraid you wouldn't be so annoyed by Qian Shilang's performance today. "

(End of this chapter)

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