Chapter 185 Punishment (Part [-])
Jin Hedi was silent for a moment.

Naturally, he was not annoyed because Qian Langshi participated in the performance.

It's because Qian Langshi's performances are all true.

Originally, many things in this world were just turned a blind eye and turned a blind eye, uncovering the past and forgetting about it.

As the emperor, he didn't make everything so clear.

But someone mentioned it, and if you spread it out, you can't get it wrong.

The Zheng family's problem didn't start a few days ago.

Zhao Yuduan sat on the official hat chair with his back straight and his expression indifferent.

Emperor Jin He looked at him for a long time, but he couldn't see the slightest affection from the eldest son's face.

Dalang is doing better than him.

Jin Hedi pinched his eyebrows and laughed: "Then, in your opinion, how should we deal with this matter?"

Only then did Zhao Yu frowned: "Father, do you want to hear the truth, or do you want to hear a few words from your ministers for the Zheng family, so that you can take advantage of the situation and continue to whitewash the peace, so you don't want to mention this matter?"

Jin Hedi was silent.

Zhao Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "Father, why don't you dismiss Qian Shilang from office, and then drag him down and beat him [-] times.

His qualifications in this half of his life were in vain, and his achievements were in vain.

He is a civil servant, and he has always been weak. After [-] boards, none of them can't take care of him for a year or so. Maybe he will become a useless person from now on.

The lesson learned by the rich servant is here, and no one will dare to criticize Zheng's half-sentence in the future.

After all, if you want to take part in the Zheng family, you have to weigh whether you have the weight and qualifications. "

He sneered, but that sound was actually very short, and it happened to be able to get into Jin Hedi's ears.

Then Zhao Yu paused for a moment, and then continued, "There is still the Wei family behind Qian Shilang, and the kindness of supporting and supporting him is not good—"

He clicked his tongue, then shook his head and said, "What do you think, father?"

But when none of the civil and military officials dared to tell the truth, what would the court look like?
Emperor Jinhe turned cold and said, "You don't need to be yin and yang, and I didn't say that I would send Qian Langshi away, otherwise the Taiji Hall would drag him down and deal with him. It's your turn to tell me about the yin and yang in the Nuaning Pavilion of Funing right now." These?"

Zhao Yu turned his eyes away a little when he heard the words, and didn't look at Jin Hedi again.

When Jin Hedi saw him like that, he was very angry.

Political discord between father and son is a common occurrence, and it is not unheard of in the past, but Da Lang seldom has such an attitude.

Cold and tough.

There are thorns all over the body.

In the past, Da Lang always remembered that he was the father of Jun, and there was a word Jun in front of his father.

Since the Zheng family came to Beijing...

Emperor Jinhe knew where the problem was, and after knowing what happened ten years ago last time, he understood why Da Lang couldn't let it go for ten years.

So he sighed: "You tell the truth, since I asked you, I didn't listen to your eccentricities, you just tell me."

Zhao Yu was surprised and looked back at the past.

Emperor Jinhe sneered: "What? Now I have become a foolish king in your eyes?"

Zhao Yu hurriedly said that he didn't dare, and after sorting out his thoughts, he confessed first: "It's my son who was so angry that he lost his head, and his words were useless just now..."


Emperor Jinhe interrupted him with a wave of his hand: "Whenever you encounter something about the Zheng family, you feel upset. Saying a few words is nothing. If you didn't fight with me in Funing Palace, you have behaved, don't you?"

Zhao Yu lowered his gaze even more: "I dare not."

If it was Zhao Xing, even Zhao Yi would only take it as a joke after hearing this, and the atmosphere between father and son was harmonious, and the previous unhappy things would not be mentioned.

Zhao Yu failed.

He would neither think that way nor do it.

Emperor Jinhe suppressed the soreness in his heart, and urged him again: "Speak."

Zhao Yucai said loudly: "One thing is that Zheng Qingzhi has to move out with his younger brothers and sisters, so he can no longer live in that house.

In the second case, Zheng Shuangrong did hit Ah Yue, even though Ah Yue beat her, she deserved it.

Erchen said something that shouldn't be said, if she didn't rely on the queen mother, would she dare to talk to Ah Yue like that?

Ah Yue grows up so big, even Ah Wan has never slapped her so much.

When she was young, Shen Baozhi acted absurdly relying on the imperial aunt, Ah Yue beat her, and the imperial aunt brought Shen Baozhi to discuss an explanation with you and the queen mother. Have you forgotten what attitude you and the queen mother had towards her at that time?
Now that it's Zheng Shuangrong, why is it another way of saying it? "

He was still angry in his heart, and vented it through this matter, and the attitude of Jin Hedi was obviously tolerant, so when Zhao Yu opened his mouth, he was more or less unable to suppress the grievance in his heart, even with Jin Hedi. When speaking, the attitude is not good, the tone of voice is not good, even with the meaning of questioning.

As expected, Emperor Jin He was not annoyed: "What you said is that Ah Yue was the one who was wronged, and she deserved the slap.

Now you just say, how to deal with it? "

"Either send her back to Xingyang, go back to her home to contemplate her mistakes behind closed doors, and make her kneel in the ancestral hall."

Zhao Yu looked calm, and said slowly: "But if the queen mother doesn't want to send her away, but also wants her to stay in the capital and go back with her brothers and sisters later, then don't ask her to enter the palace. Going to provoke Ah Yue to get annoyed and angry again.

And even if she stays in the capital, it is necessary to stay behind closed doors.

She is young, and she has made mistakes, which is naturally the fault of her father and brother's poor upbringing.

She, Aye, has an official position, so a fine is enough. Her direct brother hasn't received an errand yet, if there is no good way to punish her, then it will be imposed on her, Aye, with an extra two months' salary.

Now she lives in Zheng's Mansion in the capital, which is Zheng Qingzhi's mansion, and her younger siblings should be under his discipline.

This kind of incident happened at her family banquet, and even caused the courtiers to go to the Tai Chi Hall. He is the eldest brother, so of course he should give an explanation.

But he has just entered the court, and it is not appropriate to be punished too severely, so he should be fined along with his salary. "

It is not a big deal for the Zheng family to be punished for several months of salary.

His family didn't pay attention to those silver coins.

What matters is face.

Because Zheng Shuangrong is alone, he has lost a lot of people, and he may not be able to wait for others to discuss it.

The Zheng family has always been proud and high above them, how can they bear this.

For a long time, I was reluctant to meet people easily.

Emperor Jin He knew it well, so he took a second look at Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu pretended not to see it, and after calming down, he persuaded Emperor Jinhe: "Father and emperor have been lenient to the Zheng family for the sake of mother and queen these years. I want to persuade my father, that this time, for the transportation of grain to the Northwest, even if it is rewarded for merit, it should not give any substantive rewards to the Zheng family.

It is an indisputable fact that the Zheng family is full of glory, all belong to the queen mother alone.

His family wants to be indifferent to fame and wealth, and stay away from Shengjing for decades, but all they do is to catch fame.

The emperor's blind indulgence is only afraid that it will become a disaster in the future.

If that day really comes, wouldn't it be even more difficult for the queen mother to live with herself? "

(End of this chapter)

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