The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 186 Who's fault

Chapter 186 Whose Fault (Part [-])

Emperor Jin He approved everything Zhao Yu said.

The intention of punishing the crime was also for Zhao Yu to take him to Zheng's house in person.

As for the relocation of Zheng Qingzhi's brothers and sisters, it was left to Zhao Yu to supervise.

Ordered to move out within three days, the mansion was vacant, and the Ministry of Construction called.

However, Jin Hedi also let the words out in private.

That house is going to be left to Zhao Xiyue.

The specifications of three entrances and three widths would be smaller if used to renovate the princess mansion, but it is just right to leave it to Zhao Xiyue as a separate courtyard.

Zhao Xiyue is still young, she will be married for a few years, and she is not in a hurry to build her princess mansion. It would be good to set up a few other houses outside the palace for her to have fun outside the palace.

It was already the next day when this matter reached Queen Zheng's ears.

After the early court was over, Empress Zheng asked someone to send Zhao Yu to Hanzhang Hall to answer.

How did she know, even Jin and Di didn't know.

But yesterday the decree was sent out, and sister Zheng Shuangyi was not able to enter the palace.

They also handed over signs, and they were all stopped.

Zheng Qingzhi is a rare understanding person in the Zheng family. When he saw that all the signs of his younger sisters were stopped, he knew that this matter was a dictatorship of the Sacred Heart. He detained his younger brothers and sisters at home, packed their luggage, and stopped them from arguing to see them in the palace. Queen.

On the way to Hanzhang Hall, Zhao Yu had a rare expression on his face.

After receiving Li Fu's report, Jin Hedi hurriedly moved to Hanzhang.

When he entered the gate of the palace, Zhao Yu was kneeling in the palace.

His waist is still straight, and he is as straight as he kneels.

Emperor Jin He's face darkened: "What is this for? The child is not good. He did something wrong and made you unhappy. You tell me, and I will discipline him. I don't have to be angry anymore."

As he spoke, he stepped up to the throne, and sat down beside Queen Zheng.

Empress Zheng snorted coldly, and laughed: "Isn't the official family hiding what they are doing now? Didn't the official family stop all the girls from entering the palace yesterday when they handed over signs?

Now that the Zheng family is having trouble, they keep it from me.

The officials are busy with everything, and they don't care about me, so Da Lang will help you to hide it.

He is the flesh that fell from my body, and I can't ask him a few words?

What the official means is that I can't control the child when he's grown up. Today, I asked Dalang to kneel in the Hanzhang Hall to answer, did I overstep? "

Zhao Xing also rushed over after hearing the news, just in time to meet an anxious Zhao Xiyue outside Hanzhang Hall.

She was afraid that Zhao Yu would be scolded and punished, so she rushed in with a pale face, but Zhao Xing grabbed her.

"What are you here for?"

Zhao Xiyue pursed her lips: "I heard that the Zheng family was punished, the elder brother went to proclaim the decree, and the court just ended today, and the queen mother got the news from nowhere, so the elder brother came to ask questions.

At first I thought it was nothing serious, but just now I heard from my mother and concubine that even my father moved over here, so I came here in a hurry because I was afraid that something might happen. "

She was anxious, and pulled Zhao Xing's sleeves to bring him in.

The little eunuch and the little maid on duty at the door didn't dare to stop them at all, so they could only turn their eyes to Zhao Xing for help in embarrassment.

Zhao Xing clasped Zhao Xiyue's wrist and did not let go: "You go in at this time, the queen mother sees you, do you think she will be happy?"

Zhao Xiyue's breath was stagnant: "But second brother, this matter is..."

"It doesn't matter whose fault it is, what matters is who the empress thinks is wrong."

Zhao Xing pulled out his hand and stroked Zhao Xiyue's head: "Ah Yue, go out of the palace, let's play outside for a day today, or go to Uncle Huang's place to play with Zhuzhu and the others, or go to brother's place Later, when he leaves the palace, you can ask him again."

Zhao Xiyue's heart was tight, and even her throat was sore.

She seemed to finally understand that in Empress Zheng's heart, no one was more important than her mother's family.

Even the big brother is the same.

Her father's punishment of the Zheng family was due to her father's preference for her, and it was also the result of balancing for the government.

It has nothing to do with Empress Zheng.

She often came and went to this Hanzhang Hall, but today she couldn't take a step to rush in.

Zhao Xiyue raised her eyes to look at the plaque, but there was a layer of mist in front of her eyes: "But I am out of the palace, and my mother and concubine can't go out of the palace."

Zhao Xing sighed lowly: "It's okay, I'm afraid you will be impulsive, Sun Niangniang is not that kind of person, she is used to aloofness, she is in a corner, nothing will happen, go quickly."

When Zhao Xing entered the door, Zhao Yu had already got up and moved to sit beside him.

But his face was gloomy and scary.

Emperor Jinhe sat on the throne with Empress Zheng, but the distance was very far away, which was obviously avoided by Empress Zheng on purpose.

Seeing him coming, he changed his usual gentle expression and said with a sneer: "It's worth you all coming over to beg for mercy. What kind of favor are you asking for? What kind of favor are you asking for?"

Before Zhao Xing said a word, he was choked by Queen Zheng's words.

Zhao Yu's face was even more ugly: "Mother, it has nothing to do with Erlang. You are not feeling well in your heart, so just come here for your minister."

"You father and son are on the same boat now, and I am an outsider, right?"

Zhao Xing couldn't even imagine what happened in this palace before he entered the door.

Eldest brother is the most filial person.

How many grievances in the past have been swallowed up, and they are all for the mother's face.

Why did the elder brother be so excited to say such a thing today.

He went to see Jin Hedi.

Emperor Jin He also sighed, eyes full of helplessness, and shook his head at him.

Zhao Xingzhen stood on the spot with his face covered and his hands tucked in. He neither moved towards Empress Zheng nor sat down beside Zhao Yu.

He remained silent for a long time before calling the queen mother: "Actually, Erchen met Ah Yue outside."

Empress Zheng frowned, glanced at him, and then sneered and turned her eyes away.

Zhao Xing frowned.

Sure enough, it was right not to ask Amei to follow her.

"Is the queen mother angry because Mrs. Zheng was punished, or because Mrs. Zheng was punished for Ah Yue's sake?"

Zhao Xing walked slowly, and took a small step forward: "Miss Zheng San was rude and violent, the empress mother knew about it, and she had already exposed it, why do you have to have another incident today?
If he is angry because the Zheng family is being blamed, Er Chen feels that it is unnecessary.

The courtiers wrote the booklet, could it be that the father turned a deaf ear and pretended he hadn't seen it?
Zheng Qingzhi lived there, so he was presumptuous.

Father looked at you and didn't say anything, but now the censor is holding on to you.

The facts are there, is it true that he has not overstepped?
As for Mrs. Zheng San - she is young, and Ah Yue is not very old either.

It turned out to be girls of the same age, who should give in to whom?Who should be more sensible than whom?
If it is said that he must give in, it should be Mrs. Zheng San who gave in to Ah Yue! "

"What Miss Zheng San, that's your cousin!"

"Ah Yue is Erchen's biological sister."

Zhao Xing clicked his tongue, and said in a low voice, "Because the Zheng family has a mother and queen, they have been arrogating a lot, and they have been rude for many years. Doesn't the mother know better than anyone else whether his children are good or not? ?
How come today, you still flirt with your father for this kind of thing, teach brother a lesson, and blame Ah Yue?

Empress Mother, from the beginning to the end, is it us who are wrong about the Zheng family? "

(End of this chapter)

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