Chapter 187
Zhao Xing spoke with eloquence and eloquence, and a large pile was thrown out loudly.

His voice is smooth.

Like pearls and jade hitting the ground, they made a muffled and melodious sound after landing, and finally turned into a clear light, lingering on the beam, and lingering for a long time.

Even in the previous life, Jiang Wan could never tire of hearing this kind of voice.

But today, the voice came to Queen Zheng's ears, and she was stunned for a moment.

She didn't even know what to say, or what to refute the second son.

She has loved him for more than ten years, and he has grown so big in the palm of her hand. Neither the eldest son nor the youngest son have such treatment.

Why is it that today, he has to stand on the opposite side of her and question her like this?

Empress Zheng shook her shoulders, and raised her finger down, facing the direction where Zhao Xing was standing.

Jin and Diyin were sitting beside her, and they could clearly see the trembling of Empress Zheng's fingertips.

His heart tightened, he cast dissatisfied eyes on Zhao Xinghou, and raised his hand to shake Queen Zheng.

Empress Zheng pulled her hand back suddenly: "Don't touch me!"

She almost screamed at the top of her lungs.

Even Zhao Yu was taken aback.

The queen mother in memory is dignified and luxurious, and she will never lose her appearance.

For so many years, no matter how annoying things are, the queen mother seems to be able to endure them.

But today...

Zhao Yu squeezed his fingertips tightly.

Zhao Xing also saw Jin Hedi's gaze.

He knew more clearly what Jin Hedi's gaze meant.

But he really didn't want to give in today.

The empress mother was so angry that she would react like this, Zhao Xing knew it in her heart.


Zhao Xing straightened his back, and the corners of his lips were flattened: "Mother, I have no intention of provoking you, let alone offending you.

For so many years, you love and favor Erchen, and Erchen knows it in his heart.

Erchen is not a white-eyed wolf who does not know good and bad, and has always respected you.

But queen mother, on the matter of the Zheng family, the son-in-law has no way to make concessions in front of you. "

Empress Zheng's pupils trembled: "Erlang, what are you talking about? How about the Zheng family? What has the Zheng family done that hurt the heavens and reason? I want you to stand in front of me like this and say how bad your grandfather's family is?
In recent years, the Zheng family has retreated to Xingyang, and they will never set foot in Shengjing, isn't that enough?

Even if it is Qingzhi, he will only come to the capital to be an official for a few years. After a few years, when he is older, he will go back to inherit the family business and inherit the title, so he will never come to Shengjing to be an official again.

Can't do this?
There are so many gentry in the world, how can you count the mediocre and mediocre people in the court?
You have practiced with Dalang, and you are familiar with the situation in the court.

Although I never asked about those things, I was somewhat aware of them.

Could it be that you think the children of the Zheng family—”

"The Zheng family's children just don't deserve it!"

Zhao Xing didn't want to listen anymore, and suddenly raised his voice, interrupting Empress Zheng's words.

He raised his head and looked determinedly: "In the eyes of the queen mother, the Zheng family is good in every way, and they are good in everything.

But for Erchen, no!It can never be!
Cheating and calculating, insidious and vicious, and hurting people behind the scenes, these are all things that the children of the Zheng family have done! "


Zhao Yu cut him off sharply.

But it was too late.

Empress Zheng's eyelids twitched, and her eyes suddenly sank.

Insidious and vicious, hurting people behind the scenes.

If this is the case, it will never be said for no reason.

And this kind of resentment is definitely not accumulated in a day or two.

In the past ten years, Erlang really didn't have much contact with the Zheng family.

Empress Zheng had a gloomy face, as if she suddenly understood something: "Erlang, tell me, what exactly did the Zheng family's child do?"

She unexpectedly calmed down at this moment.

Don't be persuaded by others, it seems that I suddenly figured it out.

She also took a breath in a low voice: "In the past, what is now, what I don't know, you, you guys, how much you have kept from me, today you tell me everything, tell me, I want to hear it Listen, how did the son of the Zheng family in Xingyang become the insidious villain you mentioned!"

In fact, she already knew it in her heart.

Dalang's attitude when the Qing brothers brought their sisters to Beijing, and Dalang's attitude towards Xuanzhi when they met each other in Hanzhang Hall on the first day.

At that time, Empress Zheng told herself in her heart that Xuanzhi might have something to do with Dalang's injury ten years ago.

But she didn't know anything about the details.

No one wants to tell her.

For many days before, she was also willing to be kept in the dark.

She thought that if she didn't know, then she didn't know. Since she didn't know, just pretend it never happened. It's been ten years, so let's forget about it.

Pretend to be stupid, whitewash the peace.

But now, looking at Dalang Erlang's attitude towards the Zheng family, Empress Zheng suddenly realized that what happened ten years ago was hard to live with, and no one really let go.

It is simply impossible to blindfolded with your head covered.

And it will only make the gaffe worse.

When Emperor Jin He heard this, he wanted to persuade Empress Zheng a few words.

Empress Zheng swept over with a glance: "What do you want to persuade me? Are you going to hide it from me for the rest of your life? I have to find out what I say today!"

She had made up her mind, and Jin Hedi knew her best, so she closed her voice in embarrassment, and even took back the gaze that was cast on Zhao Xing before, and stopped looking at it.

Zhao Xing has long been reluctant to vomit, and today it has become like this, and there is nothing to hide.

No one can stop him.

He had promised his eldest brother in the past, and he also promised his father a few days ago.

These things are rotten in my stomach, and I will never tell my mother in front of my mother.

Zhao Xing took a deep breath, and subconsciously glanced at Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu's face was also not good-looking.

Zhao Xing pursed his lips, poised his face carefully, and after calming down, he told Queen Zheng about the past ten years ago.

After finishing speaking, Zhao Xing himself breathed a sigh of relief.

The stone that had been pressed on his chest for many years was suddenly let go one day, so he naturally breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Yu lowered his head and lowered his eyes, unwilling to be seen by others.

Emperor Jin He also turned his eyes away, not even Empress Zheng.

Zhao Xing stood upright in the hall, and after scanning his father and brother's complexion and demeanor, his eyes fixed on Empress Zheng.

From shock to bewilderment, and then to unbearable heartache later.

Zhao Xing still couldn't figure out whether her heartache was for the Zheng family or for her elder brother.

So he also lowered his head: "Mother, you are always wondering why the eldest brother and I don't have the slightest affection for the Zheng family. Now you should figure it out."

His voice was also muffled: "My son told you these things today, to be honest, it really relieved my anger.

Erchen is venting this anger for the elder brother, but also for himself!

After the mother, the whole Zheng family is so precious, is it really so precious? "

(End of this chapter)

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