The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 188 A group of harmony

Chapter 188 A Group of Harmony (Part [-])

Chapter 180 Nine

Venting one's anger is the best way to vent one's anger.

Zhao Xing is not that kind of person.

It's not really possible to get angry about such a small matter.

What he said before was not fast, and that was also the truth.

But after talking to his father in Funing Hall, and being called to Chengyi Pavilion by his elder brother to teach him a lesson, Zhao Xing understood that some grievances can only be suffered by himself, and it will be like this for the rest of his life.

He still had a chance to say something, but he couldn't take it to heart after he said it, and pretended that nothing happened, with a peaceful look.

To be honest, Zhao Xing still felt very sad.

After everything happened today, everyone still has to live in harmony.

"My queen, the heavens are peaceful, I think it is an auspicious sign, but if you have to rely on human power to maintain the superficial harmony, I would rather not!"

Zhao Xing took a deep breath, stood there with his hands behind his back, he didn't even move a bit.

Empress Zheng has been silent for a long time.

How could she not know what the second son's words meant?
For a long time, Empress Zheng trembled her eyelashes and looked in Zhao Yu's direction: "Da Lang, what Er Lang said is true, right?"

Zhao Yu's heart sank, and he refused to speak again.

Pain flashed in Empress Zheng's eyes: "It's not that my mother doesn't believe you. But Dalang, it's been ten years, why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell your mother?"

Zhao Yu was silent, but Empress Zheng was actually anxious.

Jin Hedi finally pressed her wrist and shook his head at her.

Zhao Xing has already said so much, and this matter is not bad, so he called the initial mother again and said to her: "Brother didn't say it because of your face. It was originally for you. What did you tell him to do?" tell you?"

Empress Zheng was stunned.

Zhao Xing's lips moved a few times, but he hesitated to speak.

Zhao Yu finally reacted.

He stood up, paced into the hall, and stood beside Zhao Xing, shoulder to shoulder with his younger brother.


"I said it myself, you don't need it."

Zhao Yu didn't change his face, and didn't even look at Zhao Xing, but raised his hand and pressed on his shoulder, pushing him away slightly.

Emperor Jin He and Empress Zheng looked at each other, both speechless.

After Zhao Xing sighed inaudibly, he followed Zhao Yu's words and moved half a step away.

At this moment, Zhao Yu raised his eyelids and turned to the two queens: "The queen mother really wants to know, why didn't she tell you?

My left hand is useless.

Ten years, ten years.

In the past, how glorious I was, no one could match me in riding and shooting, and I was able to draw a bow with my left hand much better than others. Didn't you and your father also take pride in it?
The Duke of Pei Guo praised me as the bright pearl of the world, a rare treasure, and I should be a general.

At that time, my father still coaxed me, and when I grow up, let me be a general, fighting in battle, defending the family and the country.

What for?
It's not because I am capable of writing and martial arts. "


Empress Zheng threw out a word, but didn't know what to say next.

There was even a daze in her eyes.

But it happened to fall into Zhao Yu's eyes.

Zhao Yu sneered, but it was actually mocking, but it was very light and fleeting: "Ten years ago, when I returned to Beijing from Xingyang, I hurt my hand. In front of my son and minister, the queen mother kept chasing after Erlang and asked, Was it an accident, was it a quarrel with his brothers in Xingyang, a small fight between children, lost his hand, and hurt his son's hand.

Queen Mother, every word and every sentence, the words are still in your ears, have you forgotten all of them? "

Empress Zheng froze on the spot.

Jin Hedi's complexion was livid.

He was unhappy, but it was not easy to attack.

The fact is, the kids did nothing wrong in the first place.

It was he and the queen who owed Da Lang, and it was never Da Lang who wronged anyone.

After Zhao Yu's voice paused for a while, he calmed down and didn't want to irritate Empress Zheng any more, and his tone and attitude softened a lot: "I know that Queen Mother values ​​the Zheng family, and I don't blame Queen Mother.

That is the mother clan of the queen mother, and the queen mother attaches great importance to it, as it should.

What happened back then, if it broke out, it would be a felony to punish the Jiu Clan. The empress mother knew it well, but you were afraid. You knew that the Zheng family couldn't afford such a crime, even with your all-out guarantee, it couldn't.

So you hope that I will calm down, just treat it as an accident, and don't mention it.

Since I know your will, as a son of man, I must be filial, so I act according to your will.

But mother, ten years have passed, is it right for me to swallow my anger and swallow such grievances?I owe the Zheng family?

Just because their surname is Zheng, and they gave birth to a good daughter whose mother respects the world as the middle palace, they can do whatever they want, lawless? "

As Zhao Yu spoke, he began to shake his head again: "I hope that the queen mother can be clear and open-minded, and she can treat everyone equally even when it comes to the Zheng family's affairs.

Forget about the outsiders, are we even unworthy to be compared with the children of the Zheng family?
Erchen didn't understand, and even thought it was ridiculous.

Is it true that one day they turn upside down and you have to come forward as a guarantee? "

Empress Zheng's expression froze: "Why did you come to this?"

"Look, I have said so much, but you still only ask me why this is the case."

Zhao Yu smiled wryly and said: "Then let's take this matter as an example——A Yue is the princess of the Tian family, her father is in charge of the pearl, and she was raised by your side since she was a child. She has a noble status, how can she be compared with the Zheng sisters?
Zheng Shuangrong's words were incoherent, and he ran into Ah Yue, you were angry with Ah Yue, if it wasn't for the persuasion of Father Huang and Erlang, you still don't know how to get along with Ah Yue.

Also in the court, you always say that you don't interfere in the affairs of the court, but people have written the scriptures and participated in the performance, which one is not true?
It is a fact that the mansion where Zheng Qingzhi lives is trespassing, and it is a fact that Zheng Shuangrong rudely collided with Princess Tianjia. Since they are all facts, it is also a fact that the Zheng family has no way to teach their children!

Queen Mother, everything is true, no one has wronged Mrs. Zheng, you heard the news today, but you want to get angry with us, is this what you said?
We are a family, we were supposed to have a meal in harmony, talking and laughing happily, but we had a lot of trouble because of the Zheng family. "

He hesitated a little, took another long breath, and then spat out heavily: "You have done enough for the Zheng family, and my father has tolerated more for the Zheng family.

Queen Mother, you said more than that, I hope that both me and Erlang, for the sake of my cousin, will be more tolerant and tolerant towards the Zheng family.

But mother, for so many years, my son has never asked you, why? "

Yes, why?

Even Empress Zheng was speechless.

Just because of the surname Zheng, is it because they belong to the mother clan of Zhonggong?
After all, these things are simply untenable.

The world belongs to the Zhao family, not the Zheng family.

The official is willing to give her enough tolerance because he loves her.

The children were willing to give in because they respected her.

But what has she done all these years?
(End of this chapter)

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