Chapter 189 Reserved Manpower (Part [-])
Coming out of Hanzhang Hall, Zhao Xing followed Zhao Yu dejectedly like a child who had done something wrong.

Zhao Yu's mood was not much better either.

The words are open, but Queen Zheng's attitude is still unclear.

It has long been known that this may be the result.

Better not say it.


"You don't need to say it, it has nothing to do with you."

Zhao Yu coldly interrupted Zhao Xing's apology: "You were complaining for me. Earlier, you went to Funing Palace and told Father Emperor. I thought that today would happen."

He suddenly stopped, still standing with his hands behind his back, turned around to look at Zhao Xing, and then shook his head and sighed: "People can't have such thoughts in their hearts. Once they are born and spread and grow, they can't be suppressed anymore.

In the past ten years, you have never thought of opening your mouth, and you have lived in peace for ten years.

Now I can't hold it back anymore, I feel wronged for me, I went to my father to pierce it, no matter how good I promised, no matter how nicely I said it, it is useless to promise not to tell my queen. "


Zhao Yu raised his hand: "It's not your fault, and you don't have to take it to heart. Just say it, and it will come to the surface sooner or later."

He pinched his brows with his backhand: "The queen mother is protecting the Zheng family like this, and sooner or later something will happen. Just wait and see, the trouble is yet to come."

"Then Father, will he..."

This time Zhao Yu didn't interrupt him again, but Zhao Xing himself stopped talking and didn't continue.

Zhao Yu then rolled his eyes and looked at him again: "You understand it in your heart. Zheng Qingzhi has moved away, and the Zheng family has also disposed of it. This time, the credit for transporting grain to the northwest is all in vain. Announce a decree to Xingyang. You should give me a verbal praise, and no more substantive ones, you should also understand the meaning of the father."

Zhao Xingzhen said yes with a straight face: "No wonder just now in the palace, the queen mother was so angry, I watched the father try to persuade him several times, but he didn't say anything."

Zhao Yu also hummed: "These days, don't keep running outside the palace.

The empress mother is very angry today, one is because of the Zheng family's affairs, and the other is because of the attitude of the emperor and you.

Erlang, you are different from me.

The queen mother dotes on you, and now you are talking to her like this in order to vent my anger, this is what makes her most angry.

She doesn't like it, she's afraid she'll get sick if she's bored, so you stay in the palace, pay more attention to Hanzhang's news, don't show your face easily, and don't get mad at her anymore.

Furthermore, with Ah Yue's temper, the emperor's father loves her dearly, but the empress mother may not.

I live outside, so I can't take care of you. As an elder brother, don't tell the queen mother to really vent her anger on her. "

He just explained, and Zhao Xing responded one by one.

In fact, he didn't need to tell him these words, Zhao Xing knew it in his heart.

And Zhao Yi——

"I reckon that the news of punishing Zheng's family this time is mostly because he went to inform the queen mother, so today we have a quarrel in Hanzhang, he will probably tell Zheng Qingzhi, or simply write to Xingyang. "

As soon as this was mentioned, Zhao Yu turned cold again: "He is restless, and the Zheng family has joined him with restlessness. Just watch, something bad will happen sooner or later."

Zhao Xing gritted his back molars: "I see what the queen mother means, and she still has the heart to regard Zheng's daughter as the third concubine."

"You don't need to talk about it, and you don't want to interfere." Zhao Yu snorted coldly, "Let the queen mother do whatever she likes, she will just let her go, sooner or later there will be a day when the father will not be able to tolerate the Zheng family.

What we have to do is to be on guard.

The Zheng family retreated to Xingyang for decades and never came to Shengjing. Who knows what they did outside?
With such overwhelming wealth and honor, I'm afraid that even Duke Pei's mansion can't match his family.

Isn't it commonplace to win people's hearts in private and form cliques for personal gain?

But at the end of the day, Zhao Yi was the only one they relied on, they had their eyes on Zhao Yi, and everything else was easy to say for the time being.

Is it possible that they really dare to raise troops and fight to the capital?
If the name of everything is not correct, the words will not go well, not to mention the matter of the emperor's unification. "

Zhao Xing knew what he said, but he was still worried.

So after much deliberation, Zhuzhu said that the Nanyuan rebellion may have been written by the Zheng family.

After all, Zhao Yi is trapped in Shengjing, his behavior will be greatly restricted, and the eldest brother has never let go of his guard against him. If he is more on guard, it will be even more inconvenient for him to do what he wants to do.

It is also only in the correspondence with the Zheng family, the elder brother is not good at intercepting those pigeons, lest the queen mother find out, and there will be extra troubles.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xing pursed his lips.

Seeing his hesitant expression, Zhao Yu clicked his tongue: "If you have something to say, just say it."

"I was thinking, the left and right are also quarreling in front of the queen mother, so there is nothing to hide. Whether it is the eldest brother or me, even if there is a dispute with the Zheng family, the mother knows that the mother will not be able to mediate it. From now on I probably stopped thinking about it.

Zhao Yi lives in the middle of the capital, and he has plans for everything. He used to have the Han family to help him, but now that the Han family is gone, he can only rely on the Zheng family.

Brother, you might as well intercept and read the correspondence.

Even if he found out, he would report it to his mother, and at worst he would let it go, so what? "

Zhao Xing put his hands behind his back and said what he should say.

Zhao Yu did not respond to these words.

Zhao Xing frowned: "Brother still has concerns?"

Zhao Yu shook his head: "It's not a concern, but after he figured out what happened today, he really has something to do, so he can only be more secretive. If I can intercept the correspondence with the Zheng family, it must not be serious. thing."

He paused for a while, didn't hit Zhao Xing, and sighed: "But you are right, and we still have to take precautions in advance, what if he is stupid and can't think of these?
Or is there something urgent that can't be taken care of?
Take it, and naturally go to the father to discuss it.

I take what you said to heart, and I will send someone to keep an eye on it.

The Zheng family in Xingyang..."

Zhao Yu took a deep breath and let it out, his eyes swept over Zhao Xing, and his heart trembled when he saw Zhao Xing.

Sure enough, Zhao Xing took half a step back: "Why is elder brother looking at me like this?"

Zhao Yu smirked: "Did you keep people in Xingyang?"

Zhao Xing's heart trembled at first, but after hearing this, his heart sank, and his complexion also became gloomy, livid and ugly.

Looking at his virtue, Zhao Yu knew that he had guessed right: "I was just skeptical at first, but I don't bother to interfere with what you want to do.

It's because you couldn't hold back your breath in front of your father and queen that I thought, you've been feeling wronged for me for the past ten years. Since you haven't swallowed this breath, you can't relax your vigilance against the Zheng family for a day. .

You grew up under my hands and have learned so much from me. Now that you know what the Zheng family was thinking and what they are thinking now, you will guard against it.

Anyway, you are not afraid of being blamed by your father, queen and queen.

Sure enough, people stayed. "

(End of this chapter)

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