Chapter 190 Wronged For Him (Part [-])
Arranging people in Xingyang to watch the Zheng family's actions, this matter started two years ago.

Zhao Xing did not dare to say this to Zhao Yu.

At first he was moved to this idea, or because of Zhuzhu's estrangement.

Such estrangement came inexplicably and suddenly.

Call him dumbfounded all of a sudden.

He showed his affection several times, but he didn't even know where he offended the little girl and caused her to act like this.

Then he gave up, not wanting to make her unhappy.

Seeing her moving away from him day by day, she is getting closer and closer to Zhao Yi.

At that time, Zhao Xing had doubts, and he was afraid that Zhao Yi was not a hindrance, and something was wrong.

But at that time he was still naive, even though his eldest brother taught him so much, he still believed in the nonsense of his brothers and sisters, and he refused to doubt his own younger brother with the greatest malice.

Just three years later, Zhao Yi and Xingyang exchanged letters more frequently than before.

He went to ask the eldest brother, and the elder brother said it in an obscure way, but he heard it.

At that time, the emperor had already granted Zhao Yi a marriage.

With a good marriage like Duke Pei's mansion, Zhao Yi's heart became even wilder.

So communication with the Zheng family has become more frequent.

What can it be for?

Zhao Xing couldn't let it go, it was also the first time that he was seriously suspicious of his brother who was a compatriot of the same mother.

Recalling what happened when I followed my elder brother to Xingyang when I was young, I would wake up at night when I slept, and I could break out in a cold sweat.

So hastily arranged people to go to Xingyang to watch Zheng's actions.

What the big brother said is actually good.

He was not afraid that his father and queen would notice.

Even if you find out, what can you do if you scold him?

Now that I think about it, perhaps these things have never been hidden from my eldest brother.

Zhao Xing bowed his head: "Brother already guessed it, why don't you ask?"

Zhao Yu rolled his eyes and said, "What are you doing? You can do whatever you like, I told you, and I'm too lazy to intervene.

Is the Zheng family something good?Or is Zhao Yi something good?

Since they are not, then colluding together can only be embarrassing. "

He clicked his tongue again, raised his hand and patted Zhao Xing's shoulder lightly: "Actually, I also have selfish intentions, don't say that a brother uses you."

Zhao Xing understood the implication.

But he wasn't angry either: "It's okay, if elder brother had told me directly, I would have done these things for elder brother."

Only then did Zhao Yu laugh.

It was sincere, and even the corners of the eyes and brows were stained with joyful smiles.

After being bored all day today, I finally had a moment of genuine joy: "You don't hold any grudges. I used you to keep an eye on Xingyang for me. Now that you know it, at least scold me."

"An elder brother is like a father, how dare I?"

Zhao Xing also just joked with him, stopped his voice, and then said: "Brother mentioned this today, do you want to ask my people to do something?"

Zhao Yu nodded: "Make some noise, let the Zheng family know that Beijing is watching them, but don't let them know who it is."

Beat the grass and startle the snake.

Only when the snake moves can it reveal its head and tail, making it easier for people to grasp.

Zhao Xing smiled knowingly, and immediately agreed, and said nothing more about the rest, he only sent Zhao Yu away from the palace, and then went back to Guande Hall.

Zhao Xiyue was called to Guande Hall by Zhao Xing.

She didn't go out of the palace, Zhao Xing didn't know until he returned to his place.

This girl has always had a stubborn temper since she was a child, and she promised her well when she told her well, but turned around and went to Sun Guiren's palace, and even sent a maid to Hanzhang Palace to inquire about news.

When Zhao Xing heard this, he was angry and funny, so he asked Yuan Fu to go to Sun Guiren and call her.

Zhao Xiyue didn't have much energy when she came here, worry was written all over her face, and even spread to her eyes.

Zhao Xing had already changed into his normal clothes and was practicing calligraphy before the case.

When you see her, wave to her.

Zhao Xiyue inquired about An Hao with him sleepily: "Elder Brother didn't even say to come and see me, so he left the palace."

Zhao Xing made this amused: "Brother doesn't scold you, as long as you don't scold you, you dare to ask him to visit you? Waiting for him to comfort you?"

Zhao Xiyue curled her lips: "I just don't want to leave the palace. Obviously I did nothing wrong, why do you want me to hide?

Besides, when I went to the emperor's uncle's place, sister Aguan still asked me what happened.

I thought it was no way to say it, and it was no way if I didn’t say it. She still has to worry about you for the second brother, so it’s better not to go. "

What she said was logical, as if they were all reasonable, but in reality, if you listened carefully, they were all fallacies, and they didn't stand up at all.

Zhao Xing just didn't care about her: "You are too courageous now, knowing that the queen mother is angry, you dare to send someone to Hanzhang Hall to inquire about the news.

If it wasn't for the fact that the father is still with Hanzhang to accompany the queen mother, it is really alarming, what would you do?
It can be seen that father and elder brother have spoiled you on weekdays.

He acted with no regard for propriety. "

His preaching belongs to him. Whether Zhao Xiyue doesn't care about it is another matter.

She just sat down on the official hat chair, pinching her pale fingertips: "Then what should I say now?"

Zhao Xing shook his head and sighed: "It's okay, the eldest brother and I have made things clear to the queen mother.

It is a foregone conclusion that the Zheng family will be punished this time.

As for the decree that was just issued yesterday, the decree announced by the eldest brother at Zheng Qingzhi's mansion, could it be that the father's imperial order will be changed overnight?What did that become?

But the Queen Mother's attitude towards the Zheng family—"

He can't actually get it.

Because of this matter, even the eldest brother was not completely sure.

The two brothers tacitly did not mention it.

"My mother has been partial to the Zheng family for decades, and she will not change overnight. You have known that attitude for a long time, but this time punishing Zheng Shuangrong has also given you enough face. The emperor loves you again. That mansion is reserved for you as another courtyard, don't be unhappy, don't take this matter to heart."

Zhao Xing persuaded her a few words, and seeing that she was still depressed, he nodded his head: "If you can't get angry anymore, why don't you find an excuse to slap her twice?"

"What have I become? A shrew in the market? It turns out that I fight with people every day!"

Only then did Zhao Xiyue react, and she refuted Zhao Xing: "I'm not that kind of person."

But the voice of that sentence was very weak, Zhao Xing almost couldn't hear it clearly, but fortunately he listened carefully, and the room was quiet.

He froze for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, this younger sister was indeed not such a domineering person.

"Then don't..."

"I'm just angry with my eldest brother."

Zhao Xiyue suddenly raised her eyes and looked over: "Second brother, don't you think so? Who is the eldest brother? The eldest son of the father, the future prince of Daye, the future son of heaven, what did he say and what did he say? Want to be controlled by others?
A mere Zheng family, why?
I just couldn't get angry, I just felt aggrieved by the elder brother.

The queen mother is partial to the Zheng family, so I feel sorry for my own brother, isn't it okay?

I am not going to Hanzhang Hall today for my own sake, but only because I am afraid that my elder brother will be scolded and punished.

After all, it was the eldest brother who sent Zheng's will. "

(End of this chapter)

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