The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 191 Saint Attitude

Chapter 191 Saint Attitude (Part [-])
Within two days, the Zheng family had a new order.

It is the decree sent by Empress Zheng to the palace.

Order Zheng Shuangrong to enter the palace to kowtow to Zhao Xiyue to make amends, and immediately send her back to the Zheng family in Xingyang, and enter the ancestral ancestral hall to contemplate behind closed doors for three months. The etiquette mothers in the village learn the rules well.

When to learn this rule, that has to be decided by the mother of etiquette.

Mammy says she's done, and she's done.

Once the news came out, everyone was shocked.

"Is it really the decree made by the saint himself?"

"Well, I couldn't believe it when I suddenly heard my aunt talking about it. I'm afraid Zheng Shuangrong has already entered the palace to make amends to His Highness Yiqing."

Jiang Wan's breathing was slightly stagnant.

Chang Ning raised the soft curtain and entered the door with a solemn expression.

With a twitch between her eyebrows, she asked Chang Ning: "What's the matter?"

"Someone came to the palace, saying that the sage told the princess to enter the palace and asked the princess to meet with her."

So solemn.

It's been a few days since no one mentioned this matter.

If it weren't for Qian Langshi's memorial to join the Zheng family, who would care about it?

Did Zhao Xiyue really suffer?
They were all there that day.

Although Zheng Shuangrong's words were useless, her words could only be said to be in a bad tone and in a bad tone, which should not be the attitude she should have towards the princess of the Tian family.

Now it suddenly happened like this.

It was only a few days after the official punishment was issued, and the sage followed closely behind.

And it is heavier than the official punishment.

Pei Qingyuan was also stunned for a moment when he heard this: "What's the matter? A few days ago, you and Wanning were still troubled by these things. Seeing the sisters of the Zheng family was upset, thinking that the saints favored their family like a saint, and their sisters In Shengjing, no one dared to care about walking sideways, even Shen Baozhi bowed his head and gave in.

A few days ago, King Su went to Zheng's house to issue an order to inquire about crimes, which was surprising enough. Why is the saint acting like this today? "

Jiang Wanzhen frowned, shook his head and said he didn't know: "Second elder brother hasn't left the palace these few days, I thought he must have something to do in the palace and it's not convenient for him to come out, anyway, I don't have anything important, so I didn't let my cousin and the others Help me to ask my second elder brother to come out of the palace to see me.

From the looks of it now, there was indeed an accident in the palace, and he stayed in the palace to accompany the saint.

This matter probably has a lot to do with the Zheng family, otherwise the sage would not have suddenly changed his attitude and punished Zheng Shuangrong so severely. "

He was sent home, locked up in the ancestral hall, and sent a ceremonial mother in the palace to accompany him to discipline him.

Although the government's will also said that Zheng's teaching daughter is useless, it is not so serious.

The sage's actions are tantamount to telling the world that the Zheng family just can't teach their daughter well, and the etiquette and rules are so messed up that even her own aunt can't stand her eyes.

Now the face of Zheng's family is getting bigger.

Zheng Qingzhi will be an official in Shengjing again, and the brothers and sisters of the Zheng family will walk in the capital for several months, what face is there now?

That's not what Pei Qingyuan thought.

Holding Jiang Wan's wrist, she hurriedly asked her: "Does this mean that the sage will never favor the Zheng family like that again? This is simply unbelievable.

The Zheng family can have today's glory, who doesn't know that it all depends on the saint?
What a decisive person the official family was when they were young. First, when I was at home, Aye and his younger brother occasionally mentioned the things that the Zheng family had done over the years, and even the bad things that his nephews bullied men and women. Don't worry, those above dare not report back to the officials, but don't the officials really know?
Turning a blind eye and closing one eye, but also adding officials to the Zheng family, offering favors and rewards, the family is full of honors, isn't it more dignified than Pei Guogong's mansion?

They are all aristocrats with a century of history, not to mention our Hedong Pei family, but if you add all the Langya Wang family, Lanling Xiao family and others together, who can compare with his family?
You don't want to go hundreds of years, that is, five or sixty years, how did the Zheng family in Xingyang ever be like it is now? "

She couldn't hold back when she said these words.

Jiang Wan was quite surprised.

After all, she knows what kind of temperament her cousin is.

People are not very willing to talk about it behind their backs, let alone the lintel of a noble family. If you pick it up and talk about it, you wouldn't even say a word on weekdays.

It can be seen that this breath has been held for a long time.

She is so depressed, it can only be because she has heard too much at home.

The little uncle is quite stable and stable, besides, the Pei family is married to the Pei Guo government, and now they are not in Shengjing, and they have no grievances with those gentry, and they can't get used to the Zheng family.

Let alone others.

"I don't know if the saint really left the Zheng family behind. Maybe the Zheng family did something to annoy the saint for a while, but after all, they are close relatives of the same blood. Maybe someday they will change their minds. It's better than ours. These people are kind."

When the words came to this point, Jiang Wan knew more or less in his heart.

I'm afraid it's not the old things that were brought up again.

The Zheng family intended to murder the eldest son, causing King Su's left hand to be damaged for the rest of his life.

She forbears her anger for ten years, all for the sake of Empress Zheng alone.

To be honest, if she were to be Empress Zheng, now that she knew this, she would punish the Zheng family and give Zhao Yu a break.

How about otherwise?
Or pretend not to know, say nothing, let the Zheng family be proud, Zhao Yu deserves to suffer?
It seems that the official family is now on the same boat as their sons, and their attitude towards the Zheng family is also clear.

Empress Zheng decreed heavy responsibilities only after judging the situation.

Today's punishment is for better protection in the future.

Jiang Wan would not feel that a person who had been in a coma for decades would wake up overnight.

If Empress Zheng could wake up and see clearly what the Zheng family is like, she would have understood.

After decades of ignorance, Jiang Wan regarded his mother family as higher than the sky, and Jiang Wan didn't expect anything.

Seeing that she was silent for a long time, Pei Qingyuan poked her forearm: "Do you want to invite the Second Highness to come out and ask? I don't think it may be a good thing that my aunt has entered the palace.

If according to what you said, the sage changes his mind in the future, and when he thinks of the Zheng family being humiliated today and his aunt was there to testify, wouldn’t he secretly hate his aunt?
My aunt may not know what happened in the palace, she still has to figure it out, right? "

But Jiang Wan said no need, pursed his lips and thought about it, and sent Chang Ning: "You order two clever people to inquire and see if Princess Huayang has entered the palace.

Since the saint wants to invite people to be witnesses, he has done so much to save face, so he can't just pass on his aunt to the palace alone.

The eldest princess of Huayang is mainly fine after entering the palace.

Even if the sage really wants to turn over the old scores in the future, there will still be the eldest princess standing in front of her, so she can't count on her aunt. "

Besides, my uncle is not really a vegetarian, if he really wants to come to knead the county prince's mansion, wouldn't he be willing to be kneaded by others?
As for Zhao Xing...

Jiang Wan made up his mind: "Second elder brother came out of the palace to tell me naturally after he finished his work at hand. If he doesn't come, he won't be able to get away. It's better not to ask cousin to invite him."

(End of this chapter)

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