Chapter 196 She is making trouble (Part [-])

Shen Baozhi did follow Zheng Shuangyi all the way out.

Zheng Shuangyi walked fast ahead, she almost trotted all the way, and only raised her voice to call someone when she was far away from the octagonal pavilion.

The people who were hurrying in front clearly heard it clearly, but they refused to stop and wait.

Shen Baozhi had no choice but to hold up the hem of her skirt and run, waiting for a gust of wind, and finally caught up.

Panting, she grabbed Zheng Shuangyi's forearm with one hand: "You wait for me, I chased you out on purpose, you keep walking forward with your head depressed, why did you ignore me when you heard me? I'm good at chasing this one."

Zheng Shuangyi looked away in a hurry.

He even raised his other hand slightly, and wiped two handfuls under his eyelids with the back of his hand.

Shen Baozhi's expression changed, Zheng Shuangyi's red eye sockets were the first to catch his eyes, and there were a few crystal clear teardrops hanging from his long eyelashes.

She snorted heavily: "Too much deception!"

"forget it."

Zheng Shuangyi pushed her hand away, and took his own hand out: "His Royal Highness Yiqing is the proud daughter of the sky, and the official is in charge of the jewels. In the whole world, who does she want to bully?

What's more, today I was the one who made a mistake first, and I was rude and rude. It's really very unruly.

His Highness Second Highness calligraphy is hard to come by, that painting is really beautiful, I am an idiot, when I saw such a good painting, I was fascinated by it for a while, but I forgot my identity, so I opened my mouth grandly to ask Second Highness, I don’t blame the princess for being angry Let me say a few words. "

She sniffed the tip of her nose, her voice was buzzing, and she was choked with sobs: "I hid because I felt that I was really ashamed just now, and I was embarrassed to stay in the pavilion and talk with you, so I came out to relax and take a breath. , I will go back in a while, and you will chase after it."

Zheng Shuangyi seemed to calm down quickly and adjusted her emotions.

She handed over a hand, and took Shen Baozhi's hand again: "Let the princess see it, just think that you are fighting for me, and remember you in my heart when you turn around, and there is no good fruit for you.

I'm an insignificant, and it's not a big deal either.

Don't think that I have been greatly wronged just because I shed a few tears, it's not like that. "

As she spoke, she even raised the corners of her lips to make a smiling face.

But at this moment, in Shen Baozhi's eyes, it was a wry smile, just a forced smile.

Shen Baozhi snorted and pulled out her hand: "You are willing to let her go! It is clear that she is bullying too much!
Last time at your family's banquet, she also came uninvited.

What kind of guest is uninvited?
She is the official's own princess, and she has to be reasonable wherever she goes!
Your Sanniang's voice is a bit louder, but which one of the words you said was rude and reckless to hit her?
I thought about it, but I couldn't think of it!
She slapped your third wife, and said in front of so many people that you don't slap someone in the face. She obviously has no dignity at all and won't leave it to you sisters.

In the end, it was your third wife who was punished for the crime, she became innocent and wronged, and even your former house became her other courtyard, it is simply..."

"Stop talking."

Zheng Shuangyi couldn't hear this.

The more Shen Baozhi mentioned it in front of her, the more she hated it.

No one can mention it.

That's just rubbing salt in her wounds.

But she didn't show it on her face, she just looked aggrieved: "The decree came from the officials and the saints. When you say this, don't you resent the officials and saints? Be careful to bring trouble out of your mouth and get into trouble. Don't dare to talk nonsense.

As for Sanniang, she was reckless, young, spoiled by her family, spoiled, and came to Shengjing, relying on the support of her aunt, she didn't know how to write the word restraint.

Otherwise, who would dare to talk to Her Highness the Princess like that?
This matter is indeed Sanniang's fault, there is nothing to say. "

Shen Baozhi also belatedly realized that she had said something wrong just now, if outsiders listened to it, it would be a great sin.

Fortunately, Zheng Shuangyi is the most considerate and understanding person, not only stopped her and told her not to talk, but also let her go, as if she hadn't heard anything just now.

Shen Baozhi sighed: "You are just too kind-hearted to let someone ride on your neck to bully you like this.

Forget it even Zhao Xiyue, she is precious, we can't afford to provoke her, I was beaten by her many times when I was young, the official saints protected her, even my aunt came forward to ask for an explanation, the official saints also blindly perfunctory up.

After that, I didn't want to provoke her either.

You are right, she is the proud daughter of heaven, she is high and high, she is not comparable to us. "

After the voice came to an abrupt end, Shen Baozhi's eyes flashed darkly: "What is Jiang Wan doing? What kind of person is she? Now it's up to Zhao Xiyue to call her sister, and dare to look at our jokes coldly!

If I were you, I would never give her a good life! "

Zheng Shuangyi let out a cry, her tone full of helplessness: "I don't think that Awan is that kind of person, so don't say that, we are all the same person, ladies and gentlemen, who is more precious than whom?
You hold the injustice for me, I think of your benefits in my heart, but Awan is also good, and I am willing to get close to her.

Her Royal Highness may have misunderstood me. Anyway, we will stay for a few more months. After a long time, it will naturally get better. "

"You just don't care!"

Hearing what she said, Shen Baozhi only hated her for being the most temperless, soft-tempered and easy-to-handle, and she refused to think of people as bad. stomp.

This was not enough, and he poked Zheng Shuangyi's shoulder with his fingertips: "Really, you and Zhao Xiyue are still cousins, she should call you cousin, in terms of closeness, you are no closer than Jiang Wan ?
She was born in Miyagi and grew up in Shengjing. You have lived in Xingyang County for many years. What is the difference in the past?
Since there is no, now that we see each other, how can we talk about misunderstandings or not?
The last time she went to your family banquet, that was when she came back to Beijing from the province of Chenjun. The first time we met, it was clear that she was trying to make things difficult for you sisters. Could there be any misunderstanding here?
Your third wife has been sent back to Xingyang, but she still refuses to let her go.

If you must say that it was a misunderstanding, you might as well ask her directly, and then you can talk about it, and save yourself from rubbing people like this all the time!

If you don't want to say it, it's because you know best.

Most likely, Jiang Wan played tricks on it, and I don't know how many bad things you said about your sisters in front of Zhao Xiyue because of the Second Highness, which made Zhao Xiyue look at your sisters anyway! "

Zheng Shuangyi's pupils trembled, and she let out a low voice, her face full of disbelief: "Baozhi, I dare not talk nonsense, we have no intersection with His Highness, even more so with Ah Wan..."

"Are you stupid?" Shen Baozhi teased her again, and even interrupted her, "One, when you came, you took away all the limelight from her before. Two, she broke the engagement with the third highness, how embarrassing she was, and three Your Highness was raised in your family and has a good relationship with your brothers and sisters. Doesn't she hate you brothers and sisters for this?

You are wronged for nothing!I am not convinced for you! "

 ps This chapter is also called "Fools always think others are fools"

  Also known as "Stupid pigs always think they are in the atmosphere"

(End of this chapter)

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