Chapter 197 Attack (Part [-])
Jiang Wan and the others didn't know where Zheng Shuangxue found Zheng Shuangyi and Shen Baozhi.

In short, when Zheng Shuangyi returned to the octagonal pavilion, the tails of her eyes were red, obviously she had cried.

What a pitiful and wronged look, I feel pity.

Jiang Wan's heart felt cold, and he became more and more lazy to pay attention to her.

The Daxiangguo Temple has sent a vegetarian meal and a vegetarian banquet, which is still placed in the octagonal pavilion.

Everyone sat around, but Zhao Xing was more embarrassed.

Those are the dishes that girls like to eat, and he didn't like vegetarian food in the first place, so he simply got up and didn't want to move his chopsticks, and gave up the space to the girls.

It's been fine in previous years.

Jiang Wan and the others were the only ones who followed, and Zhao Yu hadn't been crowned king at that time, and Zhao Yi hadn't gotten into such a fight with them yet.

This year he came alone with the Zheng sisters, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

Seeing him get up, Zhao Xinuan went to hold his hand: "Second brother, don't you eat? The concubine mother said that you must eat well to be healthy."

Zhao Xing smiled and pushed her hand away: "Follow your sister and have a good meal, I'm not hungry."

Zhao Xiyue pulled back Zhao Xinuan's hand, picked up several chopstick dishes for her, piled up the lotus flower dishes in front of her, and watched Zhao Xing out of the gazebo.

She thought for a while, and whispered to the little Gong'e who was standing behind with her hands tucked in: "Take those cakes and pick out some of the second brother's favorites, and send them to him. You can't really skip eating, so you can pad your stomach anyway."

The little Gong'e said yes and followed suit.

Out of the corner of Zhao Xiyue's eyes, Zhao Xiyue glanced at Sister Zheng Shuangyi, and while serving Zhao Xinuan another dish, she said, "You know what you are, and you always appear inappropriately, so you don't have to annoy people. It makes others feel uncomfortable. It's boring."

Zheng Shuangyi's hand holding the vegetables stopped, and a small ball of green vegetable dumplings fell, rolled twice on the stone table, and fell to the ground.

She swallowed, bit her lower lip tightly and did not speak.

Zheng Shuangxue pretended not to hear and turned a deaf ear, just burying her head in eating her own food.

Shen Baozhi has always been an open-mouthed person with a bad temper and a bad temper.

She is afraid that Zhao Xiyue is not fake, but this person, once his head gets hot, he really gets excited, so why is there anything to be afraid of?
So it happened on the spot.

She slapped the silver chopsticks on the stone table with her backhand, making a crisp sound, causing everyone in the banquet to cast their eyes on her.

Zhao Xiyue narrowed her eyes: "What are you doing? Leave the table if you don't want to eat!"

"This is not in the palace! When you are away from home, everyone came out to play happily. Why are you always targeting Yuanniang in a weird way?"

In fact, Shen Baozhi shrank her shoulders in shock from Zhao Xiyue's aura, but she quickly calmed down, her chest was full of breath, and she felt uncomfortable anyway, she had to let it out.

There were clusters of anger in his chest, and all fears were forgotten.

She turned into a character, standing there, not tall, but protecting Zheng Shuangyi like an old hen guarding its cubs.

Even Zhou Wanning couldn't see it.

He scolded her in his heart as a pure fool.

This is still in a hurry to find scolding.

Sure enough, Zhao Xiyue clicked her tongue and told her left and right: "Since this food is not to Mrs. Shen's liking, go and eat her bowls and chopsticks, and don't force her to eat these vegetarian meals!"

It was all arranged by the inner government of the palace, and sent to Zhao Xiyue Palace to serve Gong'e for many years.

When going out, the master's orders are the most important, and other people's face has nothing to do with them.

Once the master had spoken, they had no choice but to follow through.

So three or five little maids stepped forward, and really removed the bowls and chopsticks in front of Shen Baozhi.

Zhao Xiyue raised her eyebrows and looked at her again: "I am yin and yang? I am targeting Mrs. Zheng? You are not afraid of slipping your tongue when you speak.

In previous years, you came here together, so forget it!
This year, the eldest brother has been crowned king, and the mansion has been officially opened for eight hundred years, so he can't take us to play around.

The third brother practiced his academic skills under the elder brother's hands, but he couldn't come.

Several cousins ​​have their own things to do, and they can't come to each other.

Even the second brother of the Jiang family has received an errand to be on duty in the Yamen.

The second brother brought us here, are you familiar with the second brother?

If you don't know each other well, how can you eat at the same table?
My second brother didn't even eat, so he didn't attend the table at all. At noon, he could only eat a few pieces of cake to fill his stomach.

I said the last sentence was inappropriate, did I misunderstand you?
You said with a straight face that I am yin and yang?

Shen Baozhi, did I give you shame? "

Shen Baozhi was already angry and defended Zheng Shuangyi.

At this moment, Zhao Xiyue scolded her head and face, and her face turned livid: "You are relying on the official saint to love you and bully others! You bullied me when you were young, and you bullied Yuanniang when you grow up!"

She became anxious, and naturally vented all the dissatisfaction in her heart without choosing words.

Zhao Xiyue is one, and Jiang Wan can't escape!

Shen Baozhi stomped her feet angrily, raised her hand, and pointed at Jiang Wan with her fingertips wrapped around: "You don't have to look on and pretend to be innocent, if it wasn't for your instigation, I don't know how many bad things about Yuan Niang have been poured into her ears, why would she target Yuan Niang like this?" Their sisters?

Jiang Wan, you are really good at tricks. You have coaxed the Second Highness around since you were a child, and you have tricked the Third Highness when you grow up.

Even sisters Zhao Xiyue and Zhao Xinuan treat you like their own sisters.

I just don't like your set! "

She gritted her voice and said coldly: "If you have the ability, make it clear to your face, don't hide behind Zhao Xiyue's back and make dirty tricks!

How long has Yuan Niang and the others been in the capital?Where on earth did I offend you and ask you to do this! "

Jiang Wan suffered such a meal for no reason.

A fool's words are not worth paying attention to.

But the people behind the fool are worth it.

Jiang Wan raised his eyelids and looked over, Zheng Shuangyi was sitting there with his head bowed, his shoulders trembling, shaking from time to time, as if he was crying silently.

That's how it looks like, Shen Baozhi, a stupid goose who lied to her, charged into battle for her?
Jiang Guan smiled suddenly: "Sister Zheng."

She cleared her throat, put down the silver chopsticks in her hand, and called Zheng Shuangyi.

Zheng Shuangyi raised her head slowly: "Awan, Baozhi has a strong temper, and it's hot today, she was worried about me for a while, so she said these words, you must not take it to heart.

Your Highness, please forgive me..."

"You don't have to talk softly to them!"

Shen Baozhi grabbed Zheng Shuangyi's shoulder and held it firmly, not letting her continue: "The more good-natured and talkative you are, the more they will bully you!
You backed down in every possible way, and they became more and more complacent, but I am not convinced!

Even if I went to the palace, entered the Hanzhang Hall, and met the saint, I would say the same!

What kind of hatred is pouring on the sky, everyone is the same person, and you want to run on Yuanniang like this, stepping on Yuanniang's face to domineering! "

(End of this chapter)

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