Chapter 199 Unreconciled (Part [-])
The banquet broke up unhappily, and Zhao Xing felt sorry for the younger sister, and became more and more displeased with the Zheng sisters and Shen Baozhi.

When they went down the mountain and returned to the city, they only confessed to Yuan Fu, but they were not even allowed to accompany the horses and chariots when they sent them home.

Zhao Xinuan had already fallen into a deep sleep, with tears still hanging from the corners of his eyes. Seeing that the girls were filled with righteous indignation, Zhao Xing thought they had to vent their anger, so he simply hugged Zhao Xiyue back to his carriage, and asked Jiang Wan and the others to take Zhao Xiyue I didn't mention the carriage all the way back to the city.

"I just said it's really unlucky!"

Zhou Wanning was so angry that she wanted to smash things, but everything in Zhao Xiyue's carriage was a royal gift, and she didn't dare, holding her breath, her teeth itching with hatred, she pulled her handkerchief and wished she could tear it into pieces.

Pei Qingyuan was afraid that she would hurt his hand, so he squeezed her wrist tightly: "Don't take these dead things to vent your anger, why bother?"

Bad luck is really bad luck.

Originally, it was agreed to play here for two days, and I also ordered people to go to the Daxiangguo Temple to deliver the message. Even the Buddhist house was prepared. After lunch, I went to climb the mountain. Grill two fish for half a day, stay overnight in Daxiangguo Temple, and return to the city after lunch tomorrow.

In the end, Zheng Shuangyi and Shen Baozhi made such a fuss, and all the plans fell through.

Jiang Wan took Zhou Wanning's hand out of Pei Qingyuan's: "Do you want to stay here with them for one more night, or do you want them not to come to you for the next few months?"

"That's different."

Zhou Wanning pursed her lips and said embarrassingly: "They don't have to come, it's not that we are in a hurry to invite them, and they are disgusting when they come, it's really rude!"

Zhao Xiyue shook her head and called her: "You have had a clean life for several months, isn't it good? Don't be angry, think about Zheng Shuangyi's embarrassment just now, you should feel better in your heart."

Pei Qingyuan's eyelids moved, and he subconsciously looked at Zhou Wanning.

Sure enough, Zhou Wanning blurted out: "Well, what do you say was ten years ago or not? I think it frightened her. Her face turned white instantly, and she didn't even care about her usual dignified manner. He staggered and almost fell, what is it..."

"Don't ask too much."

Jiang Wan raised her eyebrows and interrupted her.

Zhou Wanning realized later that she probably shouldn't have asked.

When she was about to think about it, Zhao Xiyue smiled and opened her mouth again, disrupting her thoughts: "I just saw that her younger sister doesn't seem to be of the same mind as her."

Jiang Wan hummed.

Pei Qingyuan and Zhou Wanning left early, and they didn't know what they said afterwards.

When Zheng Sisters were sent to the carriage, Zheng Shuangyi was still dazed and distracted, but it was Zheng Shuangxue and Shen Baozhi who helped her into the carriage.

Zheng Shuangxue couldn't see anything on his face.

Hearing such words at this moment, he looked sideways.

Zhou Wanning pursed her lips and thought for a long time before saying: "The last time your Highness went to the Zheng family banquet, it was Zheng Shuangrong who stood up for her eldest sister, and Zheng Shuangxue hid aside. Now that I think about it, she really didn't say a word.

Just before the Su Zhai was delivered, Zheng Shuangyi ran out, His Highness said something like that, Zheng Shuangxue returned to His Highness, it didn't seem like she was apologizing for her elder sister, but she sincerely apologized, saying it was all her sister's fault, right? You must have heard right, right? "

Jiang Wan took over the words: "You heard me right, that's what she meant."

She thought for a while, and told Pei Qingyuan and Zhou Wanning what Zheng Shuangxue said just now when she was under the gazebo.

After the two listened, they really looked at each other.

After a long while, Pei Qingyuan hesitated and said: "If you say it this way, I listen, she just got involved in the Zheng clan because of what you said.

She is a daughter of the Zheng family, so I don't want to hear you say these things.

If you want to say that Zheng Shuangyi is not good, she just looks on coldly and doesn't pay attention at all, and claps her hands if she can't say it, and steps on Zheng Shuangyi's feet along with you.

But if you drag her in together, will she refuse to agree? "

There was a half-smile on Zhao Xiyue's lips, faintly showing: "I see, that's probably what it means."

Jiang Wan fell into deep thought for a moment.

She vaguely remembered that in her previous life, Zheng Shuangxue was married to the Wen family in Taiyuan.

Wen's family lintel has some shortcomings, and it is even less obvious in this dynasty and this generation.

Jiang Wan had no way of knowing whether Zheng Shuangxue was willing or not.

But judging from the results, she was probably not reconciled.

After all, the Zheng family has been waiting to send Zheng Shuangyi into Zhao Yi's palace from the beginning to the end, waiting for her to be Zhao Yi's queen after Zhao Yi's affairs are completed.

Everyone was originally from the same family background, Zheng Shuangxue had to match Wen's family, Zheng Shuangyi had such a good future.

As far as Zheng Shuangxue is concerned, how could it be possible to be convinced?
"We have also seen a lot of resentment towards the eldest sister among the high-ranking noble families, and this is nothing surprising.

If you ask me, Zheng Shuangxue is a sensible person. "

Why don't you understand people?

She went to Beijing with her brothers and sisters. It turns out that the flesh and blood of the whole family are like grasshoppers on a rope, sharing weal and woe.

Needless to say, the brothers of the Zheng family, even the youngest Zheng Shuangrong did this.

Only Zheng Shuangxue was that exception.

She can watch her sister be humiliated with cold eyes, and she can also be indifferent to her brother's punishment.

Zhou Wanning tasted something, and couldn't help but click her tongue: "You mean, she really wants to walk around with us, so that she can get rid of her bastard sister earlier?"

Jiang Wan looked sideways at Zhao Xiyue, and sure enough she thought the same way.

"But it's not interesting to say these things now, and what she thinks is not that important to us."

Zhao Xiyue stretched her posture and stretched her waist: "Today, Zheng Shuangyi was really scared, and Sister Awan scolded her in a nasty way, and she even blurted out such words as get out of her way. If she still needs face, go In the next few months, they should never come to us to show off their power and put on airs.

As for Shen Baozhi, she is just an embroidered pillow that is not useful, and there is no need to take her seriously, but treat her like a person. "

She yelled, and bumped Jiang Wan's arm with her elbow: "I don't know, where did Sister Awan learn these words? How to roll and crawl, listening to such vulgar words, you just open your mouth now." What?
Does my second brother know that you have learned all this outside?

I have to report you to my second brother. "

Jiang Wan snorted and rolled her eyes at her, then withdrew to avoid her: "You just talk, Second Brother doesn't care about me.

I didn't say it too harshly, what's wrong with telling her to get out of here?
She is pretending to be weak, and she has disgusted me for such a long time, why can't I just scold her?

Go ahead and tell me, the second elder brother will most likely scold you for being too talkative. If you don't believe me, go and try it! "

(End of this chapter)

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