The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 200 You Don't Need It

Chapter 200 You Don't Need It (Part [-])

Later, Zhao Xing still found out.

Anyway, Zhao Xiyue just said it casually as a joke.

After entering the city, he ordered people to send his two younger sisters back to the palace, and accompanied him along the way with the imperial guards, so he had nothing to worry about.

He explained a few words, telling Zhao Xiyue not to talk nonsense in front of Empress Zheng after returning to the palace, why she returned to the palace early, and what happened at Daxiangguo Temple, told her not to say anything, just wait until he returned to the palace.

Of course Zhao Xiyue listened to him, she didn't want to face Queen Zheng now either.

Before leaving, she told Zhao Xing what Jiang Wan cursed, and before leading Zhao Xinuan into the car, she made a face at Jiang Wan, then turned around and complained: "Second brother, let her deal with her anyway, she is crazy now. There's no end to it, just listen to what she said, what it's like.

You say a little lady of the noble family, a girl who was raised in a high school, how come such words come out of her mouth.

Although I was really happy to hear her scolding Zheng Shuangyi, how could she talk like that! "

After she finished her complaint, she turned around and got into the car, led her younger sister into the car, and did not give Jiang Wan a chance to give her an explanation, and ordered the little eunuch who was driving the car to set off back to the palace.

Zhou Wanning didn't go home either, and wanted to follow to the Prince's Mansion, Jiang Wan simply didn't board the car, and asked Pei Qingyuan to take Zhou Wanning back to the Palace to play first.

Zhao Xing's carriage was still following, but the two walked side by side to the palace.

After walking about a stone's throw away, Zhao Xing ordered someone to go first: "I'm going to the Prince's Mansion in a while, you drive the car to the gate of the Palace and wait, so you don't have to follow along."

The little eunuch drove away after hearing this.

After watching the carriage drive away, Jiang Wan tilted his head to look at Zhao Xing: "Send away all the attendants and leave the two of us behind. The second elder brother means that he is going to scold me and teach me a lesson. You are not allowed to say such things in the future, so you should send the slaves away so that I don’t lose face in front of others, right?”

Zhao Xing looked down at her, feeling helpless: "Now you are more and more able to handle me, what did I say?
I haven't even had time to speak yet. Isn't this because you don't want to take a car and want to walk with me, so let's walk slowly back to the Prince's Mansion?

Since this is the case, isn't it inevitable to dismiss the servants?

I saw that you were a guilty conscience, you scolded someone first, it was so majestic, and you told Ah Yue to sue you, you were afraid that I would scold you, so you rushed to gag me, and didn't ask me to speak, did you? "

Hearing his tone, Jiang Wan also knew that he had no intention of taking care of this matter at all.

So he laughed again.

With her hands behind her back, she swayed beside Zhao Xing, walking slowly: "You're right, I'm just gagging you."

Zhao Xing laughed along with her: "You scolded her, did you vent your anger?"

"It's not out of anger."

Jiang Wan sighed again: "I don't care about people like her, so I told you before, even if you said something to me and urged Ah Yue to target her, ask Ah Yue to stand up for me. I haven't thought about it either.

When Ah Yue just returned to Beijing, it was indeed because of you that she went to target her.

Now it is for His Royal Highness Su Wang.

Actually it has nothing to do with me.

Anyway, it's already like this now, I thought, in the future, I will just pretend that there is no such person as her. "

She pursed her lips, and then her voice paused: "Second Brother, I heard what you told Ah Yue just now..."

Jiang Wan still hesitated for a while, and Zhao Xing urged her: "Tell me, if there is anything you dare not say to me, just say it."

Then she said: "Two days ago, the sage issued a decree and punished Zheng Shuangrong to return to Xingyang. I thought she knew what happened to King Su in Xingyang ten years ago. She changed her mind. Now she knows the grievances that King Su and you have suffered. Then he won't go out for the Zheng family again.

But what you said to Ah Yue just now, it doesn't seem like this? "

Speaking of this, Zhao Xing turned black again.

When Jiang Wan saw his expression, he understood everything in his heart.

She also darkened, with a serious face: "It seems that it is true. Rao King Su's hand was crippled because of the Zheng family's child, and the saint didn't care.

Because those things have passed, ten years have passed.

There is no way to go back and pursue it now—other than that, the mother clan is the mother clan.

What is this? "

She began to shake her head: "I respect saints very much in my heart, but I really don't understand."

"Don't say you don't understand, we can't understand either."

Zhao Xing's warm palm landed on the top of Jiang Wan's head, and rubbed along her black and soft hair: "Brother, I, Ah Yue, and even Father.

In fact, these years, my mother occasionally chatted with Sun Guiren. A Yue told me a few days ago that Sun Guiren privately told her not to get involved in these things, let alone relying on her father's love to act recklessly in Hanzhang Hall .

So you see, in fact, we don't understand it, but we all know that there is no way.

Because the father is lenient, he doesn't care.

The Zheng family... The Zheng family is not a good one, no matter in the past or now.

Eldest brother and I know it well, and speaking of it in the court, the emperor also knows it well.

What the hell are they planning, relying on the mother to do whatever they want, do you really think the father doesn't know? "

Jiang Wan was speechless for a moment.

She really didn't know how to answer this question.

So she could only take a deep breath, and then sighed: "I know, why don't you know? In fact, in the past ten years, who hasn't come here like this.

We're better off, after all, the Zheng family wasn't in the capital before, so they couldn't hinder us. "

Zhao Xing knew that she was angry, so he let her go: "You don't have to be angry, I talked with the elder brother, and the elder brother discussed it with the father.

Regarding the Zheng family, there is always a head.

You really don't need to be like this, worried and disturbed, so what do we need?
If the Zheng family sisters are good, if you are willing to say a few words, we can play together for two days.

They are not good, you just leave them aside and ignore them.

We Zhuzhu have been popular since we were young, and we are liked and sought after wherever we go, so we still need a few girls to play with and make trouble with? "

Jiang Wan didn't hold back, and let out a chuckle: "I didn't know that the second elder brother has such a sweet mouth now, and he can tell such jokes to make people happy."

Zhao Xing withdrew his hand: "I have coaxed you like this before. If you are happy, you will be happy. If you are happy, you will look good if you smile more.

As for the teenage girl, she frowns all day long, which makes her bitter and bitter. I feel uncomfortable watching it, so please don't be like this. "

She said well: "Anyway, what you say to the saint is the most important, and I don't have to be afraid that the saint will punish you and reprimand you. It's useless to worry about it."

Zhao Xing said yes: "Just keep this in mind, and naturally you won't worry about me."

(End of this chapter)

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