The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 213 You Dropped Something

Chapter 213 You Dropped Something (Part [-])
The Jiying side hall was indeed cleaned up early, and it was prepared for the pre-banquet gatherings of the gentlemen and ladies.

In fact, there were also preparations in the garden, but they didn't go.

Serious gift giving is not in front of the elders.

When it was moved to the Jiying side hall, all the people took the gifts prepared for Zheng Shuangyi early in the morning and sent her to her.

Zhuchai jade bracelets are nothing more than such objects, or calligraphy and painting, which are nothing new.

The jade carving of the little beast that Shen Baozhi gave was a bit different, it was carved by herself.

She is ignorant in other things, but she is very good in this one, such as jade carving and stone carving, she has loved to play with these since she was a child, and she couldn't carve well at the beginning, I don't know how much good material was wasted.

Anyway, her family is rich, and Princess Huayang always depends on her, and she is willing to use any rare materials for her to practice.

After years and months, it can now be given away as a gift.

Because everyone sent gifts, even Zhao Xiyue, who came late, also gave a jade bracelet, but Jiang Wan's was not seen.

Shen Baozhi raised his eyebrows and looked over: "Isn't it true that you haven't prepared a gift for Shuangyi? His birthday banquet will soon return to Xingyang, don't you say to prepare well?"

She is indeed a person who remembers eating but not beating.

There was only a riot in Daxiangguo Temple at that time, and it was less than a month later, she forgot about it when she turned around, and dared to provoke with words.

Fortunately, Zhao Xiyue didn't know if it was Empress Zheng who taught her, or if she really grew up and didn't bother to argue with Shen Baozhi, she just rolled her eyes and ignored her.

Zhou Wanning's temper could never be contained, and she was going to pull Jiang Wan as a gesture.

In the end, Jiang Wan pressed it back.

Jiang Wan didn't want to talk to Shen Baozhi either, and looked at Zheng Shuangyi with a smile: "The gift must be prepared, if you can't get along in private, you can't play together, today is your good day, I am not here to disrupt the situation, how can I be free?" What to do?
It's just that I'm afraid I want you to accompany me there. I've prepared two gifts. Which one do you like better, and then show them here? "

Zheng Shuangyi showed embarrassment and hesitation.

She didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Jiang Guan's gourd.

What a great gift, but also so engrossed.

Besides, according to the current situation, she didn't want to be alone with Jiang Wan at all.

Jiang Wan seemed to have guessed that she would have such a reaction, and smiled and called Zheng Shuangxue: "Are you going with me too? You are sisters, so it's good to help choose together.

Anyway, it's not a serious banquet here, and Ah Yue is here again. Could it be that without the two of you, is there any trouble?
I look at this moment, Second Brother and Third Highness should also come to Jiying's side soon, why worry? "

"I always don't..."

"Then let's go together."

Zheng Shuangxue responded with a clear voice.

Zheng Shuangyi suddenly turned her head and glared at her.

After Jiang Wan heard this, she already stepped forward to pull people away, one hand at a time, and she gave a few words to Zhou Wanning, and pulled the two Zheng sisters out of the house together.

The imitation Qing Gang dagger lay in a golden sword box, and the other was a sapphire lying lion ornament that Jiang Wan randomly picked out from her small storeroom.

Although the latter is also expensive, but the level of care is incomparable with that dagger.

Jiang Wan opened the sword case and showed it to Zheng Shuangyi: "I heard His Highness the Third Highness say that when he was in Xingyang, you also accompanied him to get up early to practice kung fu, so I thought you probably have kung fu, this dagger is very suitable you.

I, Aye, collected the Qinggang dagger, a famous handed down weapon. I drew the pattern and sent it to Tiangong Pavilion for customization.

However, this dagger is much lighter than the Qinggang dagger, and fits the little lady's hand.

For people like us, when we celebrate our birthdays every year, what good things have we not seen?

But I was also afraid that you would not like such a gift, so I also prepared a sapphire ornament. "

In fact, such things as gifts are based on the intention and the person who gave the gift.

For Zheng Shuangyi, no matter how expensive or rare something is, as long as it is given by Jiang Wan, she will not like it.

It was because of Jiang Wan.

Famous and Qinggang, of course she knows.

Why not expensive?
It is difficult to find a second dagger like this in the whole world.

But she lacked interest, and the smile on her face was extremely perfunctory: "It's no wonder that you have such a heart, and you are so thoughtful, and you have to prepare two birthday gifts for me.

But this is all your will, how can I choose randomly?

I have heard of Mingqi Qinggang's name, but it's always a pity that I don't have the blessing to see it with my own eyes, but I would like to thank you. "

That is to plan to accept this dagger.

Jiang Wan smiled without saying a word.

She could still figure out what Zheng Shuangyi was thinking.

The reason was nothing more than her sentence "I listened to what His Highness said".

Zheng Shuangyi has a deep affection for Zhao Yi.

She smiled, handed over a hand, and stroked the golden sword box twice: "The most important thing is that you like it, after all, this gift I gave you is what you want, and it's not a waste of my time to draw pictures again. It’s time to go to Tiangong Pavilion several times to keep an eye on it.”

Jiang Wan said and stretched.

When she spread her arms and stretched her body, her movements were naturally bigger than usual.

Something fell out of the sleeve pocket.

But it was inconspicuous, because the big-sleeved shirt on her body covered it up a bit, and even Zheng Shuangyi couldn't immediately notice that she had dropped something.

Jiang Wan sighed: "You have been in the capital for so long, you haven't seen what it looks like when I practice martial arts?"

Zheng Shuangyi subconsciously frowned.

She was about to refuse, but Jiang Wan had already taken the dagger out of the sword box, and even weighed it in his hand, which made Zheng Shuangyi startled: "How did this dagger open?"

It's still considered that she has good eyesight, so she won't be a fool.

Jiang Wan still smiled: "I specially asked Qiao the shopkeeper of Tiangong Pavilion to open the blade personally. The dagger is just for self-defense. Even if it is placed next to the little lady, it is still a weapon, not a real Qinggang dagger. Well, to put it bluntly, it is a counterfeit, although it is also expensive, but it is far from the point of special collection.

Since it is not used for collection, its original function is self-defense. If it is not sharpened, how can it be self-defense? "

She was holding the gold knife hilt, the beautiful three-color gemstone was cold, Jiang Wan turned her hand back, and the cold handle of the dagger was stuck to her wrist: "I'll show you, it's also a birthday gift, others It’s rare to see it!”

She seemed to really not care about these things, and she seemed to have never had any conflicts and disputes with Zheng Shuangyi, and today she was sincerely celebrating Zheng Shuangyi's birthday, and she wanted to show her a set of boxing techniques when she was interested.

Although Zheng Shuangyi was puzzled in his heart, he still followed up step by step.

She stepped on something under her feet, and when she lowered her head, she saw that it was a small rouge-colored semi-circular purse, which Jiang Wan probably dropped just now.

And Jiang Wan was about to walk out the door.

She simply bent down, went to pick it up, weighed it in her hand, and it still had some weight, but she didn't know what was inside, so she stepped lightly: "Awan, you dropped something."

(End of this chapter)

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