The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 214 Knife Injury

Chapter 214 Knife Injury (Part [-])

Hearing this, Jiang Wan stopped and looked back.

After seeing clearly what Zheng Shuangyi was holding in his hand, his face froze for a moment, and he almost snatched the purse from Zheng Shuangyi's hand.

This behavior is really disrespectful.

And Zheng Shuangyi watched her change her face.

Nervous, restless, those mixed emotions flashed across Jiang Wan's face.

"What is this..."

Zheng Shuangyi didn't finish her question, so she froze on the spot.

It was because Jiang Wan opened the drawstring of the purse, and took out a safety buckle from the small purse—a safety buckle that was so familiar!

"Grandma, what kind of precious thing is this, why don't you ask us to touch it?"

"Grandma, grandma, is that His Highness so weak? Can this thing really keep him healthy for the rest of his life?"

"Then grandma is so eccentric, why have I never received such a thing?"


Memories flooded into my mind in an instant.

When I was young, my grandmother went to Lingyin Temple to ask for Zhao Yi's safety buckle.

That was the loving heart of the grandmother, in order to protect the safety and success of Zhao Yi's first life.

No one is more familiar with this thing than Zheng Shuangyi.

Zhao Yi has been by his side for ten years and almost never leaves him.

She played with it in private, and Zhao Yi would tell her to be careful and not to fall.

Many good things in the house were ruined, and Zhao Yi was never stingy with things, he would give her whatever she wanted, even the things that were bestowed to Xingyang by the emperor had not been dropped by her.

Only this safety buckle.

Zhao Yi cherishes it, so it is very precious.

But now this thing really belongs to Jiang Wan!
"This safety buckle..."

Zheng Shuangyi's throat was astringent, so her voice was tight, and when she spoke, she trembled slightly.

Jiang Wan became even more flustered when he heard the words.

She even hurriedly stuffed the safety buckle back into her purse: "You..."

"Where did you come from!"

Zheng Shuangyi's voice became sharp, almost shouting.

Even Zheng Shuangxue was taken aback when she heard her tone, quite surprised.

Of course she knew the meaning of the safety buckle.

But who to give it to and when to give it to, that is Zhao Yi's freedom.

It has been five years since Zhao Yi returned to Beijing, and he had a marriage contract with Jiang Wan, so he gave this thing away in private to his future concubine, what's the problem?

So she stepped forward and pulled Zheng Shuangyi's arm: "Big sister, you haven't had a meal yet, and you haven't had any wine yet. Why are you drunk first? Don't drink like crazy, let the sage know it. Laughing at you."

She intended to calm down, and didn't want Zheng Shuangyi to go crazy because of that safety button.

In recent days, she has lost enough face with Zheng Shuangyi and Zheng Shuangrong, but she doesn't want to make another fool of herself with Zheng Shuangyi at the Jiying Palace Banquet today.

Who knew that Zheng Shuangyi was really obsessed, and she threw away Zheng Shuangxue's hand like crazy: "What kind of thing are you, how dare you come to pull me?!"

Jiang Wan frowned, and looked up, and sure enough, Zheng Shuangxue's face was covered with a layer of frost.

Then she probably guessed right.

There is a reason for Zheng Shuangxue's reticence, and the greater possibility is that it came from Zheng Shuangyi.

After all, she had some understanding of Zheng Shuangyi's temperament in her previous life. Ever since she found out that something was wrong with Zheng Shuangxue when she went to Daxiangguo Temple, she thought about it for several days. I am afraid that the surface peace of the Zheng family sisters is only on the surface.

Zheng Shuangyi is a person who does not allow anyone to steal her limelight.

Zheng Shuangxue may not be convinced by her.

They are all the daughters of the first wife, and they are also the children of the eldest family. These gaps and dissatisfaction are nothing more than normal.

Jiang Wan pretended not to know at the moment, pressed the little purse into her arms, and stared at Zheng Shuangyi: "What do you want to do?"

And the dagger held in the other hand became even tighter.

Zheng Shuangxue actually saw it with sharp eyes.

It was cold and bitter, but he had already turned around at this moment.

Earlier, Jiang Wan hid the dagger behind his back, as if to calm down his hostility, but now that the knife points are facing each other, there is another meaning in it.

Zheng Shuangxue's eyebrows twitched, and her figure actually moved accordingly, but she didn't go forward to pull Zheng Shuangyi back.

Zheng Shuangyi's eyes were scarlet, because she was excited by the security badge.

She quickly snatched it up, as if wishing to snatch her purse from Jiang Wan's hand: "Tell me! Where did you get this thing? It's something close to His Highness, how dare you steal His Highness's safety buckle?! "

"Are you crazy?"

Jiang Wan's eyes were also reddened by this sentence, almost crying: "This is given to me by His Royal Highness in the next year, saying that he has wronged me, and I am sorry, take this thing to me as an apology." Yes, I hope this safety button can protect me for the rest of my life, how can you slander people with red lips and white teeth!"

She gritted her silver teeth: "Besides, how do you recognize His Highness's personal belongings? How do you know that these are his personal belongings?"

Jiang Wan's original intention was to anger Zheng Shuangyi.

As a matter of fact, Zheng Shuangyi's encounter with Zhao Yi was indeed too much to be stimulated by people's words.

She was usually stable, whether she was in front of Empress Zheng or walking outside the palace, she was good at putting on airs and acting obediently.

Today I can't hide it no matter what!

Amidst Zheng Shuangxue's exclamation, Zheng Shuangyi went out with one hand, aiming at Jiang Wan's throat.

"big sister!"

Jiang Wan practiced martial arts since he was a child, logically speaking, it is absolutely impossible for Zheng Shuangyi to succeed like this.

But Zheng Shuangyi was very strong, when she dodged, Zheng Shuangyi slapped her heavily on the shoulder.

Due to the pain, the dagger that was originally held in his hand fell from his hand.

The dagger fell on the floor tiles with a crisp sound.

At this time, the golden light sprinkled into the palace again, and the red and yellow gemstones on the golden knife handle became more and more radiant.

It also stings people's eyes.

Zheng Shuangyi was indeed red-eyed, and Zheng Shuangxue wanted to let her go, so she gave her the opportunity to bend down to pick up the knife, and stab Jiang Wan like crazy, all movements were done in one go.

"Tick tock, tick tock—"

The sound of blood dripping on the ground was one and one, which was completely different from the sound of a dagger falling.

Jiang Wan's right arm was cut by the dagger, and the blood flowed down the arm, and then gathered at the fingertips, dripping down.

She was stunned, and Zheng Shuangxue was also stunned for a moment.

When he was about to make a move, Zheng Shuangyi seemed to be even more insane after seeing the blood, holding the dagger in his hand and trying to stab again.

Violence flashed across Jiang Wan's eyes, he dodged, and snatched the knife from Zheng Shuangyi's hand with his hands. While turning his wrist, the blade swirled, as if pulling out a knife flower, and the tip of the knife was slashing the tendons of Zheng Shuangyi's wrist.

With just one touch, she picked Zheng Shuangyi's hand muscle.


The scream was naturally from Zheng Shuangyi.

It is indeed painful.

Cold sweat broke out from her temples, and her face was pale.

Zheng Shuangxue's face turned dark, and she suddenly understood everything.

Holding the dagger, Jiang Wan took several steps back, leaning his back against the pillars in the hall, when he suddenly heard footsteps outside the hall, his eyes swept across Zheng Shuangxue's face.

The footsteps were fast and heavy, and of course Zheng Shuangxue could hear them.

Facing Jiang Wan's eyes, her heart trembled violently.

Jiang Wan is a ruthless person.

Killing one thousand enemies and injuring herself by eight hundred, she dared to risk her life!
In the blink of an eye, Zheng Shuangxue had already made a decision.

She quickly walked to Jiang Wan's side, hugged Jiang Wan's shoulders halfway, and comforted him in a low voice: "Awan, are you okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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