The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 242 Greed for Cups

Chapter 242 Greedy Drinking (Part [-])
Chapter 240 Three

Arrogant or not, it's all a joke anyway.

The elders are still sitting on the table, so it is impossible for the little girl to really get drunk.

After the dinner was over, Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Wei drank more wine, even if it was just fruit wine, it was a little bit sweet.

The two of them themselves are not as good at drinking as Gu's, and they are so drunk that they don't mention it when they go back.

Seeing the two of them like that, Mrs. Gu felt helpless for a moment.

Said it was for her to clean up the dust, she was not drunk, and the two drank more happily than the other.

She was also asked to house the children.

So Mrs. Gu explained a few words, sending the brothers and sisters to play on their own if they are not sleepy, but don't make trouble too late, and arrange it as soon as possible. After getting up early tomorrow and having breakfast in the county prince's mansion, they will get Jiang Yuan Brother Zhan and Jiang Wan went back to the Duke's mansion.

After giving these orders, she led the girl back to her own yard, and she ignored the children.

The brothers sat at the table and didn't even eat two glasses of wine. The King of Changping County is very strict with this. The Zhao Ran brothers have to secretly avoid him if they want to drink for a few days, otherwise they will be scolded .

Gu Huaizhang didn't care about the children, but he didn't follow the wishes of the King of Changping either. After a meal, Jiang Yuanzhan accompanied him and the King of Changping for two drinks.

Right now, the brothers are not enjoying themselves, and they are discussing that they will hold two jars of wine and have another drink secretly.

There was worry in Pei Qingyuan's eyes: "If you tell my uncle to know, I will punish you carefully."

Zhao Ran smiled and said it was all right: "Auntie is happy today, she is drunk, father and king can't care about us. You guys go to play by yourself, and go back to sleep when you are sleepy. Let's find a place to sleep secretly. I won’t let my father know about it.”

He said so, and Pei Qingyuan couldn't say anything more, so he could only let him go.

On the contrary, Jiang Wan went up to hold Jiang Yuanhui with a cry: "They are going to drink by themselves, why should the third brother follow?"

Jiang Yuanhui pushed her hand away: "Brothers are staying together, I just came back after not seeing each other for more than a year, am I the only one who is special and not going here?
They eat wine, I drink tea, anyway, they are in their own home, and they will not force me to drink, don't worry, just go at your own pace and don't worry about me. "

That's what I said, but it's a matter of excitement. If I'm not in a good mood, I'm thinking about the elders getting drunk tonight, the caregivers who have to take care of others, and those who go to sleep early, no one Take care of them, I really drank too much, who is responsible for feeling uncomfortable tomorrow?
Jiang Wan was full of worry.

Jiang Yuanzhan came forward and patted her on the shoulder: "What are you afraid of? Sanlang himself is the best. He is more precious than anyone else. What's more, I'm here, why don't you go?"

Jiang Wan curled her lips: "Then I don't care, you are going to take the third brother to drink—"

She thought about it for a while, but it wasn't right, so she changed her words: "It's okay to have a drink, but if you drag the third brother to play crazy, and tell him to drink too much, what's wrong with him tomorrow, I'm only looking for trouble with you! "

The brothers looked at each other in blank dismay, all helpless.

Jiang Yuanhui had no choice but to reassure him again and again before he could force Jiang Wan not to follow.

Zhou Wanning stood beside her, pulled Jiang Wan back, and coaxed her with a smile: "You don't have to trouble them, anyway, Brother Yuan Zhan patted your chest with you and said that he was there, so you can just rest assured and talk to us." Go to play, if brother Yuan Hui drinks too much today and has problems with drinking, tomorrow he will feel uncomfortable and make trouble, you can just go to brother Yuan Zhan to trouble him.

After all, a man is worth a fortune, and he has to be responsible for what he says, right? "

Was her last sentence right? She raised her eyebrows and cast her eyes on Jiang Yuanzhan.

Jiang Yuanzhan suddenly felt more helpless.

These two are clearly in harmony.

But what can he do?

In the end, I could only say yes repeatedly: "Just as you said, since I said it, I brought Sanlang there too, brothers, I will never let Sanlang drink too much.

What do you want tomorrow, you just have to trouble me, it's over, right?

If you delay and don't tell us to leave, it's getting late, and we don't want to go to drink anymore. "

Jiang Wan could only say yes in a low voice, but in the end he was worried about Jiang Yuanhui, so he pulled him aside, and repeatedly told him: "Third brother, you have to take care of yourself before returning to Beijing, don't be too indulgent.

No matter how good the second brother promised me, the body is always your own, and he is likely to be greedy for his own pleasure, so how can he care about you, okay?
If you really drink too much and have an attack tomorrow, you will be the one who feels uncomfortable, and no one can replace you, you know? "

Jiang Yuanhui has long been used to it since he was a child.

Obviously he is the elder brother, but Yaomei is always like a sister. She doesn't trust him in anything, and reminds him ten thousand times, lest he mess up and ruin her body.

He agreed, raised his hand and rubbed the top of Jiang Wan's hair: "Yaoyao has already spoken, do I dare not listen? You go, you are so cautious, the cousins ​​will not take me with you anyway, they want to squeeze me out , isolated me."

Moved from the small flower hall to the warm pavilion, the little girl brought tea again, but no more snacks.

I just had dinner, and I didn't have a serious digestion. I used to eat good food at night, with big fish and meat, and a lot of meat. Now I eat those soft pastries, which are heavy, and I won't be able to sleep for a while, feeling uncomfortable , will be very uncomfortable.

So I got some refreshing fruits and some plums.

Sweet and sour, delicious, or just tea.

Seeing Jiang Wan's brows relaxed, Pei Qingyuan poked her on the shoulder and said teasingly: "I see that you do things as you please, and often act like a child. I just heard what you told my third cousin today, and I just realized that you are actually a good boy." Such a careful and caring person is not a child, huh?"

Jiang Wan sighed and didn't answer the words.

Zhou Wanning answered for her: "You don't know, brother Yuan Hui was young..."

She thought about it: "When I was eight or nine years old, Zhuzhu guessed that he was six or seven years old, brother Yuan Hui was young, he was weak, and he was always not asked to go out with his brothers to play, maybe he was bored After a long time, I became more interested in playing.

Once, I ran out with brother Yuan Zhan, and a few people got together to drink secretly. The next day, I had a seizure. I was very sick. I lay on the bed for more than a month, and I have been in bed for more than half a year, right? "

She asked back and went to see Jiang Wan: "I remember it took more than half a year to raise it? It's all right now."

Jiang Wan's face was serious and serious: "Seven months and 23 days, at first, Auntie stayed in front of the third brother's bed almost day and night, and then he gradually calmed down, so he stopped guarding like that, but I remember very clearly. For more than seven months, every day and every hour was suffering and torment for my mother and me."

(End of this chapter)

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