The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 243 Where to go

Chapter 243 Where to go (one more)
The next day everyone got up early.

The Zhao Ran brothers didn't drink too much last night.

It was really the same as what their brothers said, and the king of Changping did not notice the clue.

After dinner early in the morning, Mrs. Jiang arranged for helpers to pack all the luggage of Jiang Wan and Jiang Yuanzhan, and then sent Mrs. Gu out of the house.

Jiang Wan has lived in the Prince's Mansion for a long time, so there are only a lot of things left here, and it will be difficult to pack them all out in a short while.

Fortunately, the two families were not too far apart, so I took Jiang Wan's daily use home first, and then slowly sent the rest back to the Duke's Mansion when she was free.

"Although I haven't been back for more than a year, everything at home is exactly the same as when I left."

Mrs. Gu breathed a sigh of relief, stroked the armrest of the official hat chair, and said with a frown, "It can be seen that your aunt is always caring and takes good care of our family."

Jiang Wan echoed and said yes: "And Director Su is also careful, every once in a while, for big and small family matters, those who have paid the bills will come back and report to me.

If I was in doubt, I asked my aunt.

For more than a year, my aunt was really tired.

Give her the palm in the county prince's mansion, and we also need to help take care of it at this end of the house.

Earlier when the second brother came back, I said that when my parents returned to Beijing, I should choose a few things to send to my aunt to thank her for her hard work, and the second brother scolded me. "

Gu's smile grew stronger: "What did he scold you for?"

Jiang Yuanhui smiled warmly and took over the words: "They are all from my own family. Since my aunt is in Beijing and helps out a little, it's nothing. Could it be that uncle and aunt just leave it alone?

My second brother probably scolds you for being ignorant, right? "

Jiang Wan nodded with an aggrieved face: "Yes! But I think, if a family belongs to a family, there should be some etiquette, right? This is not called birthright, but it looks kind."

In fact, it was her words.

Gu's eyes were full of relief: "I still think that no one has ruled over you for more than a year, you will become more mischievous, and your temper will be wilder than before.

I think your aunt and aunt took the trouble to raise you and taught you well.

Now you have a general understanding of these things about people's sophistication and sympathy, so I'll save you the trouble of teaching you. "

Jiang Wan just smiled and stopped talking.

It's not that aunts and aunts teach well.

But Aniang is right to say so.

That's all for thinking about it, it's good.

While talking, Yuan Chun, the eldest girl next to Gu's, tucked her hands and quickly walked in the door, with a calm face, called Ma'am, and replied slowly: "Wei Liu and the others are also back, saying that everything over there is in order. The person who should be investigated has also probably checked it out, the worth is clean, and the background is clean, let's see if you want to ask more carefully, and wait outside the second gate right now."

With those eight words, there is actually nothing to ask in detail.

Instead, Pei Qingyuan asked more: "We haven't seen that lady yet, won't my aunt ask her to come and meet us together?"

Mrs. Gu waved her hand and told Yuan Chun to go: "Tell Wei Liu and the others that there is no need to answer them, and tell them to go to Mr. Su to answer, and each of them will go to get their errands. Then go and ask someone to bring that girl over, and I will ask a few words." .”

Yuan Chun turned around with a cry and walked out again.

Gu Shi just looked at Pei Qingyuan once: "That's a pretty girl. Saburo also said that she looks good when he saw her. I reckon that she might fit your eyes."

Jiang Yuanhui raised his eyebrows slightly: "Aniang, just say what you say, don't get involved with me."

Mrs. Gu has already sat down on the official hat chair.

The official hat chairs lined up on both sides by the brothers and sisters also took their seats.

Brother Jiang Yuanzhan is on the left, Jiang Wan and Pei Qingyuan are on the right.

As soon as he was seated, Jiang Wan pouted and asked first, "You really look so good-looking? Is it worth a Niang's special compliment in front of me and my cousin?"

"Are you so narrow-minded? Don't you want to hear that other little ladies are beautiful?"

Jiang Wan pinched his fingertips and stomped his feet angrily: "What do you think I am doing?"

Mrs. Gu laughed and shook her head: "In that small town, there is no one with vision. Her clear and beautiful face is already very rare. I think she is also thin-skinned and tender-skinned. I think she, Aye, was still alive when she was still alive. Very spoiled.

Although they are not pampered by people like us, they probably haven't suffered much.

After all, she hadn't experienced it before, and she was fooled by others because she was too young to do anything.

For the matter of real money, they open their mouths to borrow money, but they don't even know how to sign a contract. "

When she said this, she sighed: "Since Wei Liu said that her family background is fine and clean, if she really wants to investigate further, they will be useless."

Mrs. Gu paused for a while, then looked sideways at Jiang Yuanzhan: "Be careful, think of a way, spend some time and work, and check again. If there is anything wrong, just call me back."

listen to this...

Jiang Wan and Pei Qingyuan looked at each other, and the eyebrows of the two girls moved.

Then I heard Jiang Wan ask softly: "Aniang, do you mean to keep her in our house temporarily?"

Mrs. Gu said yes: "Is there no shortage of people around Qingyuan?"

Pei Qingyuan said: "Isn't Auntie still not at ease with her?"

"That's why I put it next to you." Mrs. Gu was not afraid of her being suspicious, and finished talking with a smile. After a long pause, she continued, "You are a cousin. You don't know anything about her, if she is by your side, even if she was specially arranged by someone else, you won't be able to dig out anything.

Or she might be more relaxed.You are soft-tempered, and the one who treats people the least harshly, she is by your side all day long, only seeing that you are soft-spoken and easy-talking. If you really have some intentions, it will take ten days and a half months before you become bold and show your feet if you are not sure.

Wouldn't she have done nothing to put her on my side? "

When Pei Qingyuan thought about it carefully, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

When Jiang Wan heard this, she stopped doing it: "What A Niang means is that I have a bad temper, and the servants who serve me are also harsh, and they often beat and scold me, so they are afraid of me, so they don't come by my side. Bar?"

Where is she like that.

It turns out that she is not a domineering master, and she is more willing to tolerate and forgive those who work around her.

It's just that Mrs. Gu thought more about it.

Then he glared at her: "You have any important events after the wedding ceremony next month, and you have completely forgotten about it, right?"

Jiang Wan blushed and fell silent.

Her marriage is about to be put on the agenda.

At that time, you can stay at home and wait for marriage, and you don't need to add new servants to serve you.

Before getting married, Zhao Xing wanted to be crowned king, and there were only a few dowries to marry with her to the palace, nothing more than Chang'an and Changning, and then she chose three or five of those who were used to serving tea and water in her house. Be nice to her, maybe she can presume a little bit, and it's okay to bring three or five more.

But new faces are definitely not enough.

(End of this chapter)

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