Chapter 249 Difficult (Part [-])
Of course Zhao Yu will give Zhao Xing the bottom line.

Besides, there is Gu Huaizhang in front of him.

Gu Huaizhang agreed with this matter with both hands, and even felt that Zhao Xing was really a malleable talent in his heart.

Regarding the issue of changing the military and horse system and the management of the country, in fact, he had talked to Jiang Hu in private as early as three years ago, and also sent a memorial to Jin Hedi.

It's just that he is sitting in this position after all, and there are always more issues to consider. It is impossible for Zhao Xing to be like Zhao Xing, who is young and vigorous, and has a strong blood, and he can directly raise it at the court meeting in the Tai Chi Hall.

After he entered the playbook three years ago, the matter was settled.

Gu Huaizhang's attitude towards Jin Hedi is roughly clear.

Changing to the military and horse system is a thankless thing. During the reign of Emperor Jinhe, I don't want to do it now.

Regarding the management of subordinate officials, the rest of the Fanbang tribes have never been feared. They all voluntarily surrendered and surrendered. Only Nanyuan was suppressed and subdued by the imperial court 20 years ago. But in the eyes of Emperor Jinhe, the Nanyuan tribe is now No climate.

Because I don't pay attention to it, I don't think about these things.

"I really don't know that Mr. Gu wrote a memorial to his father three years ago."

Zhao Yu's face became tense, and he stroked the gold inscription on the edge of the small white porcelain cup, smacking his tongue for a moment: "It seems that Father has never thought about it, so he didn't mention it to anyone."

Gu Huaizhang said yes, looked at Zhao Xing again, pursed his lips, followed Zhao Yu's words and continued: "The main reason is the lack of generals.

It is a very real problem that military generals in the DPRK and China will not be accepted.

It was Duke Pei who led the army to conquer Nanyuan back then.

Nanyuan has been a vassal of Daye for 20 years, and the hatred is still there. The current king of Nanyuan is the direct son of the old king of Nanyuan. It is said that he fought in battle when he was a teenager.

He had seen with his own eyes how Nanyuan soldiers fought bloody battles and died under the Daye iron cavalry led by Pei Guogong.

Nanyuan always surrenders, to Duke Pei—"

He prolonged the ending a little bit, Zhao Yu and Zhao Xing both brothers knew what the unfinished words meant.

Gu Huaizhang's voice stopped abruptly. Seeing that the two brothers had a clear look on their faces, he didn't mention it again. After uncovering it, he said directly: "Pei Guogong cannot be stationed in Nanyuan. The imperial court must manage Nanyuan in a serious manner. To take over all the important military and government affairs of Nanyuan, it is necessary to set up the Protectorate.

Duke Pei Guo couldn't go, so he had to choose another important minister from the court to guard him.

It can't be a civil servant, otherwise the literati will be angry, and they probably won't be able to restrain the barbarians in Nanyuan.

But among these generals, how many can be selected for use?

So three years ago, the government didn't approve my memorandum, and they didn't even mention it afterward. I vaguely understood the government's attitude in my heart.

One is because of this reason, and the other is that the officials think that Nanyuan is not a climate, and they don’t need to pay attention to it. If nearly 20 years later, the establishment of the Protectorate in Nanyuan with great fanfare, it will appear that the court is stingy and afraid. It looks like Nanyuan. "

When he reached this point, he stopped talking.

Zhao Yu looked at Zhao Xing, and Zhao Xing also took a deep breath: "So today I participated in the Taiji Hall, and asked the court to change the military system and set up the Nanyuan Protectorate. There was a quarrel in the hall, but still did not say a word, let you argue for a while, and hurriedly dispersed."

He also pursed his lips: "After the imperial court was over, no lords were summoned to have an audience in Funing, and even Brother Wang didn't receive a summon from Father."

"Master Gu came to the palace to say these things, because he wanted to tell Erlang and me that in the heart of the emperor, most of them still don't support this matter?"

Zhao Yu's voice has completely sank.

In addition to being gloomy, there is also some gloom.

Gu Huaizhang took a deep breath: "Most likely. If the officials approve in their hearts, the Tai Chi Hall will not be silent.

Since the Second Highness proposed it, and the Privy Council also strongly supported it, the officials should be very clear that behind the Second Highness is His Highness Su Wang, in other words, the Su Wang Palace also supports it.

And Wei Shangshu was arguing with me in the Golden Palace. To put it bluntly, he was just using his status as Minister of the Ministry of War to argue with the Privy Council whether this matter is feasible or not? "

Zhao Yu's face was livid.

of course not.

Wei Cundao knew that Erlang had the support of King Su's mansion behind him, and he still jumped out to oppose it. It seemed that he was just arguing with the Privy Council, but in fact he pointed the finger at King Su's mansion.

He just didn't dare to say it clearly, in the Tai Chi Hall, in front of him, in front of his father, he didn't even dare to insinuate.

But his attitude was very ambiguous. In fact, after thinking about it carefully, he knew what was going on.

Gu Huaizhang saw that he didn't speak for a long time, and his face was so ugly, so he tried to persuade him: "Your Highness, don't worry too much. As for the idea that Wei Cundao has something to do with Nanyuan... I don't think so. think.

He was born in Jingzhao Webster, so he would not do such a thing that humiliated his ancestors.

For him, the lintel of the family is far more important than everything else.

To put it bluntly, he dared not collude with the enemy and treason.

He jumped up to object, in the final analysis, he didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

So he didn't hesitate to offend His Highness and Second Highness, and he is also a shrewd person, probably because he has grasped the official's mind, so he has such an attitude and reaction.

After all, His Highness is still King Su now, and it is more important to please the officials than to please His Highness. "

This is the truth.

Zhao Yu didn't even register as a crown prince yet. Compared with Jin Hedi, it must be Jin Hedi's intentions that are more important.

Wei Cundao is in his early 60s this year. If he wants to sit in the position of Minister of the Ministry of War, he can still sit for more than ten years. When he is [-] or [-] years old, he resigns from office. At that time, Jin and Emperor may still be in good health.

Taking ten thousand steps back, at worst, he would just be a minister of Jin Hedi's dynasty.

When the time comes to take the initiative to resign, it will not be Zhao Yu's turn to deal with him.

Anyway, it was originally the emperor and the courtiers in one dynasty, so there are not many veterans who can really be the elders of the three dynasties, looking at the whole Daye.

He knows the current affairs and is too smart. He knows that even if he pleases Zhao Yu now, he will not be able to reach the level of the Peiguo government or the privy envoy's government in the future. When the new emperor ascends to the throne, he can still hold a high position.

It's not as important as doing errands according to Jin Hedi's wishes and firmly grasping the power in front of him.

Zhao Yu raised his hand and rubbed the center of his eyebrows, smacking his tongue repeatedly.

Zhao Xing also frowned: "If Master Gu said so, wouldn't this matter fail to achieve the result we want?"

After all, if the emperor does not allow it, no matter how much other people say, analyze the pros and cons, and weigh again and again, it will all be a waste of effort.

Gu Huaizhang suddenly smiled.

Zhao Yu frowned and looked at him, Zhao Xing also looked over suspiciously.

Gu Huaizhang's smile was meaningful, and he met Zhao Xing's eyes for a moment, then turned his eyes to look at Zhao Yu, and almost paused every word: "Your Highness forgot a person, Jiang Hu."

 ps The old father is ready to go online!

(End of this chapter)

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