Chapter 250 Fighting Horses into the City (Part [-])
On the ninth day of May, Jiang Hu and his eldest son, Jiang Yuanyao, went back to Beijing first.

At dusk that day, the dusk was dark, and the city gates were much deserted as travelers on the street hurried home.

When every household in Nanshi smoked from their kitchens, Jiang Hu and his son rode their horses and rode their whips into the city.

Daye has a decree that horses are not allowed to enter the streets of Shengjing.

Unless there is an emergency military situation.

But Jiang Hu and Jiang Yuanyao, father and son, just ignored the rules like this, didn't even enter the palace to answer, and went straight back to Pei Guogong's mansion.

The main gate of Duke Pei's mansion was wide open, and Mrs. Gu led Jiang Wan and his brother and sister to wait outside the mansion early in the morning.

Jiang Hu's confidants who accompanied him back to Beijing had entered the city one step earlier than the father and son to report back half an hour ago.

On the one hand, Mrs. Gu was surprised that the two of them returned to Beijing so quickly, on the other hand, she ordered people to pack up, opened the middle door wide, and led the children outside to meet them.

The high-spirited general even stood up and dismounted with awe-inspiring majesty.

On the contrary, Jiang Yuanyao looked refined and elegant, quite bookish.

Jiang Wan and his father and brother hadn't seen each other for more than a year, and they missed each other very much. At this time, the two of them got off their horses before handing over the reins to the boy. Trotted down the steps.

"Aye! Brother!"

The little girl's coquettish ending sound was melodious and tactful, bringing a gust of wind, with a graceful figure, she quickly ran towards her father and brother.

Jiang Hu accepted the person firmly, and the joy and smile on his brows and eyes did not have the majesty of a half-life general.

"You've grown taller, so it can be seen that your aunt has raised you well over the past year."

Jiang Hu took Ren Yuege closer to him.

Jiang Yuanyao also looked at her with bent eyes and a smile: "Yes, I have grown taller and become a big girl. In a few days, our Zhuzhu will be ready for the ceremony, and we will truly grow up."

He smiled, followed behind Jiang Hu, and teased Jiang Wan: "Aye, in order to catch up with your Jiji ceremony, on the way back to Shengjing from Youzhou, I exhausted three good horses. I didn't stop day and night. I'm afraid Can't make it in time and missed it.

A Niang and Saburo set out to come back, but Ayena repeatedly told them to drive slowly on the road, so as not to bump and make A Niang and Saburo feel uncomfortable.

Now it was his own turn, and he took me with him. He was not that strong, but he was far inferior to Erlang, and he didn't show any sympathy for me.

I haven't slept well in days! "

Jiang Wan took Jiang Hu's arm, looked at him, then at Jiang Yuanyao.

Both the father and the son do have bruises, which are obvious and can be seen at a glance.

At this time, Mrs. Gu moved from under the gate of the mansion, just in time to listen to Jiang Yuanyao's words, shook her head and smiled helplessly: "You actually don't care about your own body at all, and you want Dalang to follow you to suffer this. Children's crimes."

"I figured Zhuzhu's big day is coming, I'm Aye, why don't I show up?"

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and stared at Jiang Yuanyao with a tigerish face: "Every time you are asked to practice more, you always have a lot of excuses and excuses, and you are determined not to. Now you are complaining about this?"

Jiang Yuanyao shut his mouth embarrassingly.

The two brothers Jiang Yuanzhan and Jiang Yuanhui also went down the steps and greeted Jiang Hu.

Jiang Yuanzhan's face was heavy and solemn, and after a long while, he called Aye: "Why are you riding back to the city with your elder brother?"

Only then did Gu's complexion change slightly: "You are galloping through the streets now, and the news will reach the ears of the officials within half an hour."

Jiang Hu said he knew, and smiled and said it was okay, then his eyes fell on Pei Qingyuan who had been silent all this time.

The little girl is gentle and decent, and he is of course full of joy when he looks at his niece.

So he let go of Jiang Wan and waved at her.

Only then did Pei Qingyuan come forward with his hands tucked in, squatted down to salute, and called him uncle.

"The last time I saw you was a child. You were not as tall as my waist. It's been so many years. Is everything okay with your mother in Hedong?"

Pei Qingyuan lived in Pei Guogong's mansion in Beijing when he was young.

Her uncle is the most serious and dignified person outside.

When I get home, I like to smile the most. There is always a faint smile on my face, asking for warmth, and being considerate to the children at home.

Not at all like a martial artist leading an army in battle.

Therefore, Pei Qingyuan is not afraid of him.

It's okay to say it with a smile, and even joked a few words: "When I go back to Hedong, I will sue you with Aye. Why do you miss my mother and don't even ask Aye?"

Jiang Hu laughed loudly: "You, Aye, could eat three bowls of rice at a meal when you were young. His body is the strongest, so I don't need to ask him? You are really filial as a daughter, and this will protect you too. Yeah, partnering with him to bully my uncle?"

Mrs. Gu was not serious when she heard him joking, so she glared at him: "He is a father and daughter, what kind of jealousy are you rushing to? You hurry to the mansion to clean up, and prepare to go to the palace to ask Ann to answer."

When she said this, she sighed inaudibly: "There is a lot of trouble in the imperial court. When I come back at this time, I have to get involved. I will ask someone to send a letter to brother in a while, and wait for you to leave the palace. He came to talk to you in detail.

You go to the palace to face the saint, don't talk nonsense in front of the official's house, if the official's house asks you, just talk and then rush back, rushing all the way, you haven't slowed down yet, I'm afraid it's not easy to answer, Remember? "

The Jiang Guan brothers and sisters looked at each other in blank dismay, they couldn't answer this question, and it was difficult to interrupt.

Jiang Hu walked side by side with Mrs. Gu, and after hearing these remarks, he only responded and said: "I know what I know, and I don't need to pack anything. It's not good to go into the palace clean and tidy, and it's just right .

Go ask someone to prepare the car, and I will enter the palace right away.

Dalang will not go.

It was my job to be stationed in Youzhou, and it had nothing to do with Dalang.

Of course, he is not needed to go to the official's house to answer. "

It was not a long journey from Duke Pei's Mansion to Miyagi.

After handing over the sign and waiting for the summons, Jiang Hu stood outside the palace gate and waited for about a stick of incense.

When Li Fu came quickly, Jiang Hu was standing outside the palace gate with his arms crossed.

What caught his eye was Jiang Hu's back, still as tall and handsome as he was 20 years ago.

Tall and straight, heroic and extraordinary.

He called Lord Guo, Jiang Hu looked back at him, there was not much smile on his face, he just hummed lightly: "Please trouble the inner officer to come to the gate of the palace."

How could Li Fu dare to accept his politeness, so he hurriedly moved out of the way, and made a gesture of invitation: "When the officials heard that the Duke of Guo returned to Beijing, they seemed so happy, they wanted to run It is a slave's blessing to go to the Duke's mansion to meet the Duke of the State, and it is the slave's blessing to meet the Duke of the State and go to Funing, don't say that, the slave can't afford it."

Jiang Hu stopped talking, and even looked pale, followed Li Fu into the palace, and went all the way to Funing Palace without mentioning it.

(End of this chapter)

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