Chapter 251 Confession (Second Update)
In the East Nuan Pavilion of Funing Hall, Emperor Jin He sat cross-legged on the Arhat bed.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Li Fu leading Jiang Hu into the door, turned his head, with a smile in his eyes, and beckoned to excuse Jiang Hu, saying, "We haven't met each other these days, so don't be too polite, come quickly Sit down and talk with me, the chess game is all set for you."

There was a smile on Jiang Hu's face.

He also followed Jin Hedi's words and looked at the black lacquer Sifang small case.

The Moyu chessboard was placed there, and he remembered many things from the past.

When Emperor Jinhe was still the prince of the East Palace, he was often dragged to the East Palace to play chess with Emperor Jinhe.

Obviously his chess skills are average, but he insists on playing.

The reason why he was chosen is because when he was young, most of his thoughts were on practicing martial arts and studying the art of war, and his chess skills became less and less sophisticated, even worse than when he was young.

This is considered to be a chess match, evenly matched.

Jiang Hu's thoughts stopped abruptly, instead of sitting on the other side of the Arhat's bed, he was serious and bowed to Jin and Emperor first.

Jin and Emperor frowned slightly: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Huduan's courtesy is not only asking for peace, but also asking for sin.

But he didn't kneel.

He tucked his hands in, and after seeing the official ceremony, he straightened up: "I'm reckless today. When I returned to the city, I rode my horse through the streets. It violated the rules. I also ask the officials to punish me."

This kind of thing can be big or small, it just depends on Jin Hedi's wishes.

To put it bluntly, this is the rule set by the ancestors, and it has always been like this. With so many noble families in Shengjing, who doesn't follow it?

That is to say, last time because of the urgent need to follow the authority and the approval of Emperor Jinhe, the Imperial Army was dispatched to escort Xu Zhaoxing and Jiang Wan out of the city and went to Daxiangguo Temple to meet the abbot.

Anyway, besides this, Jin Hedi has been in power for so many years, and such a thing has indeed never happened a few times.

In the early years, only when Jiang Hu led the army to go out, or when there was an urgent military situation and rushed back to Beijing, did this kind of situation happen.

But to put it mildly, Jiang Hu would never hurt anyone anyway, even if he lost his sense of propriety, hurt someone, or smashed someone's street shop, he wouldn't be unable to pay for it.

Emperor Jinhe thought for a while, then sighed: "What should I do? It's worth your seriousness to make me feel nervous. Sit down."

Again and again, not again and again.

Emperor Jin He opened his mouth, and Jiang Hu let go of his strength and sat on the other side, but his waist was still straight and respectful.

"Are you in a hurry to go back to Beijing to see your daughter?"

Jiang Hu admitted generously, even a little embarrassed: "That's why the minister said he was guilty. For this little selfishness, he violated the custom, so he went to the palace to plead guilty in front of the official.

What's more, when I came back from Youzhou, I was supposed to go to the palace immediately to answer the question, but I went home first, and after seeing the child, I prepared a car and came to the palace.

The minister is indeed guilty. "

Emperor Jin He just waved his hands: "It's too preposterous to say that, could it be that after a trip to Youzhou, there are only two words left between us monarchs and ministers?

Your girl is a baby bump, Jin Zhuzhu, I also have a daughter, why don't you understand your father's heart?

If there are only a few boys in the family, they are all gentlemen, who cares about their good and bad, let them fight wildly, and do whatever they want.

But with such a bright pearl under her knee, I don't feel at ease no matter what.

This is human nature, how can I be an unreasonable person?
What's more, in a few months, you will be my son and daughter's in-laws, so don't say anything about pleading guilty or not.

Now that I'm back, I'm not in a hurry.

You just settle down, rest for two days, and then go to the Ministry of War to hand in a job, that's all. "

He paused again, let out a long sigh, and raised his eyes to look at Jiang Hu: "It's just right, the military department has been in trouble these days, and everyone in the Taiji Hall has turned their backs.

You just rest for two days, and when the military department is not so chaotic, you can go to the post, and then you can stand on the golden palace and stand for me.

Now that you are not here, the people below will be turned upside down.

Didn't you see that the former son Gu Qing and Er Lang couldn't control them. "

Jin Hedi shook his head again and again: "I have a headache because of the noise."

Jiang Hu knew about the change to the army and horse system and the establishment of the Nanyuan Protectorate.

For such a big matter, don’t say that Changping County Prince’s Mansion will fly pigeons to send letters to tell, even if there is no such layer, he is a general in the court, a high-ranking person who is in charge of military and political power in Youzhou, this kind of thing will never happen. will go past him.

But as for those people in the imperial court who had their own ulterior motives and what their plans were, when Jiang Hu was still in Youzhou, he was too lazy to talk to him.

Jin Hedi's intentions are also very intriguing.

But now he's back—

He was confessed as soon as he got home, and he just pretended not to know when he got to the palace, and it would be better to talk about it after discussing it with everyone.

That's not Jiang Hu's temperament.

Jiang Hu looked back, met Jin Hedi's eyes, and lowered his voice slightly: "Is it because of two things, the change to the military system and the establishment of the Nanyuan Protectorate, that the Ministry of War makes such a fuss?"

Emperor Jinhe squinted his eyes: "I only thought that you were far away in Youzhou and didn't know about these things in the capital, and I was thinking of asking you to rest for a few days before I tell you slowly, or asking Dalang Erlang to come Go to your home and tell you in detail."

Jiang Hu didn't hide from him, and replied straightforwardly: "Although the minister is far away in Youzhou, the Ministry of War will also send a routine report to the residence, and the princess of the county is quick-tempered, and often sends letters to the minister Feige, saying Talk about a lot of things in Beijing.

She was pampered by her family since she was a child, and the county king blindly spoiled her. She would also write letters to tell my ministers about these things in the court.

So although the officials say they don't ask the ministers to always plead guilty, but now that the minister is back in Beijing, how can he not make a good confession in front of the officials?
The princess of the county is like this, the children of the minister's family are not up to date, and they have caused a lot of trouble for the official saint.

All these things, as a brother and a father, no matter what you say, you should..."

"Is it the first day I know the temper of the princess of the county? When the late emperor was around, he didn't bother with her. Instead, he praised her for being straightforward and decisive, so I wouldn't say anything."

Jin Hedi's tone was quite dull: "If you continue to plead guilty on the left and beg for mercy on the right, I will only think that you have been in Youzhou for more than a year, and you are really born.

As for your family, what's wrong?Why not live up to it?
Your family's Erlang will inherit your mantle in the future, and I still count on him to guard this great Ye mountain and river for me.

You are the one who is Aye, but the one who defeats the child first. "

Jiang Hu knows better than anyone else that birth is not birth.

Emperor Jinhe is the Holy Lord of the Ming Dynasty, so he has no fear of the Duke of Peiguo.

He did have a childhood relationship with Jin Hedi.

It's just that Jin Hedi walked on the high platform once, and sat on the throne for decades. He no longer needs close friends by his side, and can only accommodate respectful courtiers.

Jiang Hu calmed down a little, and also withdrew the most real emotion in his eyes, followed the words of Emperor Jinhe and said: "Then listen to the officials, since you say that I am innocent, I am not afraid that outsiders will take these things. Let's talk, pointing at Chen's nose and cursing."

(End of this chapter)

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