Chapter 255 Forget it (Part [-])

Jiang Wan, who had changed his clothes, never expected that he would meet Zhao Yi on the corridor leading to the front yard.

He should never have appeared on an occasion like today.

It was officials and saints who stuffed him here.

Aye and Auntie absolutely refused to show mercy to him, she didn't send him an invitation, but she only accepted one from Su Wang's Mansion, and when he saw it, it seemed that she went to Queen Zheng to ask for it. Empress Zheng opened her mouth and insisted that Zhao Yu take him along with her.

It is said that both brothers come and he is left alone. One is strange and boring, and the other is that people outside look down on him.

Now that he is not even involved in such a serious and serious matter as Duke Pei's mansion, who will pay attention to these people in the capital in the future?
Brothers Zhao Yu and Zhao Xing were very dissatisfied with this.

In fact, Jin Hedi also felt that something was wrong.

It has only been a few months since the incident, Jiang Hu returned to Beijing, because the current court is in a mess, he can't spare to settle accounts with Zhao Yi, and this is still in a hurry to send people to the Duke's Mansion to disgust others, others Isn't the girl's ceremony of reaching the Jiji purely a gesture of sympathy?

But Empress Zheng couldn't stand it and wanted to act like this.

Zhao Yi himself begged again and again.

Over the past few days, the relationship between Emperor Jinhe and Empress Zheng has stiffened a lot. In the end, Emperor Jinhe gave in first and acquiesced in this matter.

Zhao Yu and Zhao Xing had no choice but to follow suit.

Anyway, Jiang Hu's face darkened the first time he saw Zhao Yi.

Even if the house was full of guests, on this day of great joy, his complexion was still pale and gloomy visible to the naked eye.

After only a moment, it calmed down again.

Jiang Wan felt that the atmosphere was very solemn at that moment.

As long as Zhao Yi is interested in snacks, he shouldn't do something reckless in the Duke's mansion today.

Otherwise, if he really angered Aye, he might be kicked out of the house.

In the end, he still dared to stop people in the back like this.

Jiang Wan lowered his eyes, suppressing the disgust in his eyes.

Zhou Wan would rather not care about that.

She stepped in front of Jiang Wan, and looked coldly: "Why did the Third Highness come to the back? The banquet is in the front yard. Your Highness must have gone to the wrong place, right?"

She looked haughty, and there was disdain in her tone.

The corners of Jiang Wan's lips raised slightly, and he pulled Zhou Wanning a little: "Ningning, talk to Your Highness carefully."

Zhou Wanning snorted.

Zhao Yi's dark eyes flashed past, but he was used to restraining himself, and quickly suppressed it: "I have a gift..."

Jiang Wan bit her lower lip: "Your Highness' gift, didn't you hand it over to the gift receiving place with His Highness King Su?"

Zhao Yi said: "This is a separate copy, I want to give it to you in private."

"I have received His Majesty's wishes, but I will not accept the gift." Jiang Wan pursed her lips, raised her head with a smile, and met Zhao Yi's burning gaze.

She pursed her lips slightly, and after a moment of hesitation, she hesitated to speak: "The safety button His Highness gave me caused so much trouble before.

His Highness had kindly given that thing to me in order to protect my safety and prosperity, but now it seems that it was not according to His Highness's wishes, so I returned it to the saint.

Today I will go to Jiji ceremony, and I will be an adult in the future. In a few months, His Highness may say that I should change my name to sister-in-law.

If there is anything else, if you want to send it, it is best to go through the Ming Road of the Duke's Mansion.

For example, today - there is a concierge at the front, if His Highness really has something, just hand it over to the concierge. "

Zhao Yi lowered his eyelids, his complexion actually sank by three points.

Seeing this, Zhou Wanning sneered even more.

She was going to sarcastically and ridiculed, but she didn't have time to utter those words when she was on her lips. Across Zhao Yi, she saw Jiang Yuanzhan and Jiang Yuanhui walking slowly from the Chaoshou corridor not far away.

Apparently he was looking for the two of them.

As soon as he saw Zhao Yi was there, his face immediately changed, and he even moved a little faster. When he approached, he even brought a gust of wind.

Zhou Wanning knew that she was not needed anymore.

With a snort, she retreated to Jiang Wan's side, took Jiang Wan's hand, and stood there, extremely obedient.

With a dark face, Jiang Yuanzhan passed Zhao Yi and stood beside the two little girls.

Jiang Yuanhui moved slower, but spoke quickly. He rushed ahead of Jiang Yuanzhan and called out to His Highness, "I saw His Highness King Su was looking for you when I came here just now. Why are you here?"

Zhao Yi's expression has returned to normal, and when he looked up at the two brothers, there was even a little smile on his brows: "I got a piece of high-quality topaz raw material a few days ago. The color is transparent and crystal clear. …Ah Wan gave the gift, and I thought that the material would be a good gift for her, and I asked her to make a crown and inlay it on the crown, it was just right."

something rare.

Zhou Wanning clicked his tongue and ignored Zhao Yi, as if he suddenly remembered it after hearing him say it, and poked Jiang Wan: "Did Mrs. Wang bring you two pieces of gem material? One piece A ruby ​​one, and an emerald one, right? The green color is light, and I just glanced at it from a distance, and it looks like a green grape, which makes people appetite."

"You know how to eat!"

Jiang Wan covered her lips and smiled, and dodged to avoid her, not letting her touch her: "That's a good thing, even if Aunt and aunt and aunt met, they pushed it away for a long time.

It seems to be something that the old lady gave as a dowry in the early years. After so many years, I have never been willing to use it. When her aunt and grandma went out, each of them got three yuan, and she kept five or six yuan for herself, isn't it? I want to be the guest of honor for me, so I specially chose two pieces.

The color of the ruby ​​is the most correct, and it is said that it will be kept in the future, even when I get married, it can be used as a small crown, which is just right.

The green one is rare in color, and it suits our little girl's house. "

After she finished speaking, she said again: "Don't worry about me, I won't share this with you, it's only two dollars in total."

Zhao Yi's face was completely unreadable.

Blue and white intertwined, very complicated.

Jiang Yuanzhan wanted to laugh when he saw it, and added fuel to the fire: "You like that? My aunt still has a few bucks. What color do you like? I'll get it for you later, or go out for a walk. In [-], I also knew a few people who were doing business with Hu people, and the gems over there are different from those in Daye Central Plains, so I will find some good ones for you."

Zhou Wanning waved her hands again and again: "I don't like gems, and it's not like you don't know. It's just that after seeing His Highness the Third Highness, I suddenly remembered the two gems Mrs. Wang gave today, so I just asked."

She smiled and went to look at Zhao Yi: "Look, the one in the hands of the Third Highness is not as rare as the two pieces of Mrs. Wang's. It is also a top-notch product, rare in the world, but the topaz is too common. The inlaid crown is not very thick, it is not as good as the ruby, and the emerald of no one’s house has less color, so why don’t you forget it?”

(End of this chapter)

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