The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 256 Not a person inside or outside

Chapter 256 Is not a human inside and outside (one more)
How could the things in Zhao Yi's hands be bad?
Most of the emerald raw materials of this color are tributed from various places.

Emperor Jinhe either used it to reward honorable ministers, or kept it in the treasury of the inner government.

For example, the Zhao Yu brothers occasionally get a dollar or two, but not much.

Zhao Xiyue has more than the three brothers.

What Zhao Yi got, he specially got Jiang Wan and Ji Li to present the treasure. This piece of raw material must be the best of the best, most of it was obtained from Queen Zheng, and it is even possible that he specially asked Queen Zheng to get it. Such a piece is specially prepared for Jiang Wan.

But Jiang Yuanzhan and Zhou Wanning were so excited that the material turned into a hot potato.

Sending is not, not sending is even more wrong.

Actually ask yourself.

No matter how good Mrs. Wang's dowry box is, it can't compare with the ones in the palace.

What's more, Zhao Yi carefully selected it from the palace?
Zhao Yi's face was more or less uneasy, and of course his face was not very good-looking.

Jiang Wan and the others naturally noticed it.

Even Jiang Yuanhui doesn't have a good impression of Zhao Yi now, and he is not very willing to smooth things over for him.

That's why his tone was also light: "Aniang saw that you and Aning hadn't come forward for a long time, so she asked me and my second brother to come and greet you. I was afraid that you would play around and delay the business. I didn't expect to call the third highness." Got stuck."

Zhou Wanning didn't want to talk to Zhao Yi at all, and didn't really want to give Zhao Yi a chance to speak. Hearing Jiang Yuanhui's words, he took it immediately: "Who is playing around? We are all such big people, don't keep thinking We don't do business all day long.

Wan Wan and Ji today are grown-ups! "

Jiang Yuanhui smiled lightly, but didn't continue.

Jiang Wan smiled and pressed Zhou Wanning's wrist, pulling him back: "Brothers, take Ningning to the front first, I have a few words and I want to chat with His Highness the Third Highness alone."

Jiang Yuanzhan frowned: "You have..."

"Second brother."

Jiang Yuanhui stopped him, smiled, and shook his head calmly, signaling him to stop talking.

Then he turned to look at Jiang Wan: "You make up your own mind, just don't make the guests wait too long. Today is your big day, although the guests come and go to look at the face of your parents, but it is to congratulate you on your birthday come.

You are a jerk, it is shameful not to show your face all the time. "

Jiang Wan said yes, seeing Zhou Wanning's reluctance out of the corner of his eye, he gently shoved her: "Go quickly, you just snatched my new clothes, don't you go to show off your treasures at your cousin?"

Zhou Wanning had no choice but to pouted, followed Jiang Yuanzhan and his brothers to the front table without mentioning it.

There are side halls and wing rooms beside the corridor.

Jiang Wan led Zhao Yi into the house, and sent Chang An and Chang Ning to guard the door.

The carved door is open, and it will not be out of courtesy.

At this time, Zhao Yi became cautious: "Awan, this material... I was afraid that what I said was too blunt and over-the-top, causing trouble for you.

I begged for this from my queen mother, and my mother has kept it for several years. I originally wanted to use it to embed it on a hairpin, but felt that it was a pity that such a large piece of material was so big. I never thought about what to do with it, so I kept it in Han. In the warehouse of Zhangdian.

I thought that although you don’t lack these things, since they are good things, I’ll keep them for you, and you can make whatever you want later, as you like, so I went to ask my mother for them.

I have never been to the concierge office of your house, and it is also because of this material.

I don't know how good the material Mrs. Wang gave me is, but it's not something I can't afford.

That's not good, how could I send it to you? "

Jiang Wan frowned and said he knew: "Your Highness's things must be good, not to mention giving them away, how could there be any not expensive ones?
The previous safety button is already so precious, His Highness has never been a stingy person, I know it in my heart.

Ning Ning has such an outspoken and quick temper. Where are my two brothers... Although the third brother has always been good-tempered, but he just came back from Youzhou, and he probably took a gamble in his heart. He cares about it, I will compensate His Highness for my brothers. "

On the one hand, she said that she really wanted to stand up as a gesture, which meant that she wanted to apologize to Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi saw through it, and said with a busy voice, he waved his hands again and again: "It's too natural for us to say such things."

After I finished speaking, I felt inappropriate.

Pursing his lips, he restrained his words.

The emerald material that has not been given away is still held in the palm of Zhao Yi's hand.

Jiang Wan looked at it for a long while, then smiled and shook his head: "I still don't want to take this material, His Highness will take it back and return it to the saint."

"Awan, don't..."

"I'm not angry with His Highness." Jiang Wan always had the faintest smile on his face, alienated and polite, "Since Your Highness has already given the gift, you won't be rewarded for nothing. It is true that these things should not be taken away by His Highness alone.

To put it bluntly, I'll take it today, and tomorrow I'll use it to make hairpins, or ask a skilled craftsman to carve it into a decoration, and then what?

Later, the second elder brother asked, where did I get such a good emerald raw material, how should I explain to him? "

What she said was brought out lightly, and she said it so naturally and confidently.

Zhao Yi's breathing was stagnant, and he couldn't find any words to refute for a while.

He could only lower his eyes, keep pressing down his eyelids, and clenched the things in his hand more and more tightly. After a long time, he smiled wryly and said: "I forgot, it's not suitable now."

However, Zhao Yi's conversation changed very quickly, and he stopped talking about whether to give gifts or not. After Jiang Wan's words, he started to talk about Zhao Xing's affairs: "Second brother caused an uproar in the court. Although I am young, I understand the truth. .

I'm afraid that he just joined the military department and was too eager to prove it to his father and elder brother, rashly speaking, regardless of the consequences.

The eldest brother has always been conniving, but the mother and the queen don't care about the affairs of the previous court. Now the father is suffering from a headache and refuses to summon him in private. As for me... my words have always been weightless, and neither the eldest brother nor the second brother may be willing to listen to me.

But you, might as well persuade some.

Mr. Gu took a tough attitude and insisted on supporting the two matters of the second brother's transition to the military system and the establishment of the Nanyuan Protectorate. In the eyes of the courtiers, it was more or less suspected of forming a clique.

After a few months, when your marriage with your second brother is settled, everyone in the court will think back on what happened now, and they may feel that Master Gu is partial to your second brother because of you.

Now that the Duke of the State has also returned to Beijing, it is inevitable that he will speak to the Privy Council.

I'm soft-spoken, so I can only tell you, it's best to persuade you, this matter is too big, it's not good for anyone, especially for the second brother, don't let it get you down in the end, he is originally After a lot of painstaking work and even more loyalty, it makes me feel like a human being inside and out, which is boring, don't you think? "

(End of this chapter)

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