Chapter 269 Ridiculous (Part Two)
Zheng Shuangxue is wearing a rouge-colored narrow-sleeved jacket with a pair of ripped skirts with lotus root and lotus flowers. The embroidered patterns are all the favorites of young ladies nowadays. The flowers, birds, grapes, and cloud patterns are ruyi, which also complements this midsummer season.

When she was in the capital, she actually seldom wore such delicate and playful colors. Apart from being playful, she also showed a bit of gentleness, which made her look very temperamental.

Jiang Wan thought about it carefully. At that time, Zheng Shuangxue was always very simple and elegant. When she came to Beijing in March, the harsh winter had not completely faded away. The color of the class is, in short, very light and plain.

Thinking about it now, it was probably to avoid Zheng Shuangyi's edge, and he didn't want to steal Zheng Shuangyi's limelight.

I have been used to it since I was a child.

It's different now.

No matter in Shengjing or Xingyang, Zheng Shuangyi is no longer useful.

Something bad happened to the sister-in-law who was pressing on top of her head, wouldn't she just show it?

This color is really hard to imagine. As early as one or two months ago, there were accidents in her family, and she was frequently punished by the imperial court.

Her grandfather's title was downgraded, and her Aye's title was simply lost. Her eldest brother was fined, and the two sisters were punished so heavily, and the rest of the brothers were not able to stay in Beijing.

She seemed all right.

The girl led Zheng Shuangxue all the way to the corridor, Jiang Wan and the others didn't even have the intention to get up.

Zheng Shuangxue didn't feel embarrassed, and smiled to herself: "I thought we'd see each other again, but I didn't expect to be able to laugh and laugh with you so soon."

It is indeed different.

Whether it is the tone of speech or the attitude of dealing with people, they are much calmer and more generous than last time.

Her gestures are not like Zheng Shuangyi's aloof and conceited, but she shows a kind of intimacy, not too close, that kind of energy is really just right for her.

Jiang Wan secretly clicked his tongue.

In the past, she really underestimated the unobtrusive Mrs. Zheng Er.

Only then did she stand up slowly: "I thought so too, who knew that we would meet again so soon, it shows that we are indeed destined."

He said there was fate on his lips, but the expression on his face was really a smile.

Zheng Shuangxue was indeed much more frank.

He moved his eyes away from Jiang Wan, and glanced at Zhao Xiyue and the others one by one, only to see a real smile on Pei Qingyuan's face, but what was hidden behind that smile was still the defense and the others. fear.

No one really welcomed her.

She stood there without moving: "It's hard to say whether it is destined or not. You don't welcome me to the capital, but I can see it."

As she spoke, she breathed a sigh of relief, stretching her arms, more like stretching her body and stretching her waist: "But what should I do? I probably won't return to Xingyang so soon this time, and it's very likely—— I'm going back."

Zhao Xiyue's expression changed: "You..."

"A few words, let's talk alone?"

Jiang Wan didn't even look at her, and just interjected a word to stop her from talking.

She turned sideways to get out of the way again, raised her curved willow eyebrows slightly, and looked at Zheng Shuangxue.

Zheng Shuangxue looked at her, then at the direction of the room, tilted her head, said hello, and walked into the room first.

Jiang Wan gave Zhou Wanning a soothing look before following.

Zhou Wanning pursed her lips and lowered her voice: "What is this for?"

Pei Qingyuan shook his head and said he didn't know, but he stood up and gave Zhou Wanning a hand: "Zhuzhu always has her intentions, let's stay in the courtyard for a while, instead of sticking around in the porch, tell the two of them to talk again." Come over here."

As she spoke, she lowered her belt and stomped on it.

Zhao Xinuan was very willing to pester her, and before Zhao Xiyue could speak, she ran after her with two short legs.

Pei Qingyuan smiled and stopped, picked him up and brought him into his arms, and walked all the way to the peony flower garden in the southeast corner: "Your sister is hiding, and if she picks half of it, she won't make a wreath for us. I'll give it to you." Are you doing well?"

Zhao Xi said yes in a warm and childish voice: "Then sister Awan will make it for me?"

"She has something to do, tell her to do it, and when she's done, go pester her for it, and if she doesn't do it for you, just cry for her."

Zhao Xiyue caught up from behind, angrily trying to run on him.

Pei Qingyuan shook his head: "Seeing that she is not feeling well, how can you vent your anger on my sister?"

Fortunately, Zhao Xinuan was too young to understand those things, so she responded with a smile.

Seeing this, Zhou Wanning had no choice but to keep up with their figures, turning her head three times a step to look in the direction of the room, obviously extremely worried.

But Jiang Wan followed Zheng Shuangxue into the house, so she wasn't too defensive.

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, each found an official hat chair in the room and sat down, relatively silent.

I don't know how long it took, but Zheng Shuangxue smiled first and said, "I don't think you are very surprised."

Jiang Wan said yes: "You will come back sooner or later. Although I didn't expect to come back so soon, the result is the same, so there is no surprise."

Zheng Shuangxue clicked her tongue: "Before coming to the capital, Zheng Shuangyi always mentioned you at home, saying that you are stupid, that you are easy to deceive, and that you are the most unreasonable and thoughtless little lady. It is not difficult for you to play with the applause.

Now it seems that she is too arrogant and arrogant, and she really underestimated the enemy. "


Jiang Wan sneered when he heard the words: "You mean rival in love?"

Zheng Shuangxue narrowed her eyes: "At least it used to be."

Jiang Wan was noncommittal.

How could the deep enmity between her and Zheng Shuangyi be summed up by the word rival in love?

But it doesn't matter anymore.

"Whatever you think, I don't care anymore, even the officials and saints are unwilling to settle the old scores. Didn't you come back to Beijing to settle the old scores with us?"

Zheng Shuangxue said of course not: "Why did I go back to Beijing, and why did the sage forget me so quickly that 'eating inside and outside' helped you make Zheng Shuangyi helpless and accepted me. You are so smart, you must have guessed it."

"It doesn't take anyone to guess."

Jiang Wan smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes: "So when you helped me that day, it was because of your own thoughts, is that what you mean?"

This time it was Zheng Shuangxue's turn to stop talking.

In fact, Jiang Wan asked the question knowingly.

She didn't have that kind of thought, and she wouldn't be so targeting Zheng Shuangyi.

But marrying Zhao Yi may not end well.

Jiang Wan just didn't understand——

Even after living two lifetimes, she still finds it hard to understand sometimes.

"The future is unknown. Even if you really marry him as you wish, and you will be honored as a princess in the future, will you be able to sit back and relax and enjoy the glory for the rest of your life? What kind of life is honorable and dignified in front of you, and what kind of life you will live in the future, these are not in your consideration within range?"

There was indeed a flash of confusion in Jiang Wan's eyes: "Based on your family background, you can find a stable husband. Even if you marry, at least you can live a peaceful life, can't you?"

Zheng Shuangxue just laughed.

Laughed very thoroughly.

The corners of the eyes and the brows were stained with mockery, and the eyebrows were crooked: "Married to a countryman and ended up hastily for a lifetime? Who knows the future from birth? The future is the way of the future, and you have to work it out by yourself.

What you said is too childish, and it really doesn't sound like what a girl raised in the Duke's mansion should say.

That's ridiculous. "

 Female goose: A ghost who is hard to persuade and is about to die
  Zheng Shuangxue: If I die, I will be a rich ghost
  Female Goose: All
(End of this chapter)

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