The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 270 The dark tide is surging

Chapter 270 The Rising Undercurrent (Part [-])
Between Jiang Wan and Zheng Shuangxue, there was actually not much to say.

Because of Zheng Shuangyi, it seems that they can make friends, but in fact, we have always been friends.

The so-called different ways do not seek each other, how can it be possible to really be friends?
Zheng Shuangxue's idea is very simple.

Even if you die, you still have to hold the wealth and power of the sky.

It is an insult to her to marry a peasant.

The eyes are higher than the top, and the heart is higher than the sky.

Jiang Wan was relieved for a moment.

The Zheng family is really good.

Jiang Wan laughed, shook his head and stood up, glanced at Zheng Shuangxue hastily, and started to walk out.

When she approached the door, she suddenly remembered, stopped, and looked back at her: "The saint always sent you here specially, the outside is messy, I guess you don't want to be with those people.

Ah Yue has a straight temper, and Ning Ning is also a talker who doesn't care about others.

If you want to stay here, you might as well follow my cousin.

If it is really unbearable, or take a few maids and go outside for a couple of laps. "

Zheng Shuangxue narrowed her eyes and looked back: "Are you going out now?"

After asking, she laughed herself: "Look at me, I'm also confused. I'm going back to Beijing suddenly, are you going to look for the Second Highness?"

Zheng Shuangxue may not necessarily be the smartest person when speaking smart words to smart people, but she can tell.

So Jiang Wan was also willing to say a few words to her.

At this moment, he was not in a hurry to go out, with his arms folded around his chest, he took the time to stare at Zheng Shuangxue for a while: "Can't I go find my second brother?"

Zheng Shuangxue raised her eyebrows high, noncommittal, but asked her back after a while: "About my business?"

The corners of Jiang Wan's lips rose: "You seem to be very scared."

Her tone was flat, more like a statement, not a question.

Zheng Shuangxue clicked her tongue: "What do I have to be afraid of? Anyway, with the support of saints, what can the Second Highness do?"

Actually she was right.

Among the girls of the Zheng family, Zheng Shuangxue is the last hope. Empress Zheng is facing the Zheng family, so she must support her.

Even if Zhao Yi doesn't succeed here, he will point her to the best marriage and find the best in-laws for the Zheng family.

But I am afraid of such things in my heart, and it is not good to say it out of my mouth.

Jiang Wan shook his head: "You're right, the second elder brother can't do anything, even His Royal Highness King Su can't do anything, so you don't have to be afraid."

She turned around with her hands behind her back, leaving only a side profile to Zheng Shuangxue: "With the support of a saint, the officials will also look up to you, and we can't do anything.

So I can go to my second brother now, right? "

Jiang Wan just talked about it, without waiting for Zheng Shuangxue's next words, and went straight out the door.

Where to listen to Zheng Shuangxue to say yes or no.

In the courtyard, Zhou Wanning and the others saw her coming out alone, and trotted to meet her.

Before he could speak, Jiang Wan pressed Zhou Wanning's wrist and shook his head at her.

Zhou Wanning was also willing to listen to her, so she really shut up and didn't ask.

Zhao Xiyue's pace was slow, and it was a bit late to follow her.

Jiang Wan has already dragged Zhou Wanning to the courtyard for a few steps: "I'm going to talk to my second brother, you guys sit here and talk for a while."

Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced towards the direction of the room: "Just say a few words if you want to talk, if you really don't want to talk to her, just ignore her. She is a sensible person, and she won't rush to come over."

The corner of Pei Qingyuan's mouth twitched, and Jiang Wan also saw it: "I told her, if you really feel bored, you can come and talk to my cousin for a while.

Cousin has a good temper and a soft temper, and is the most caring. Ah Yue and Ning Ning have been like this since they were young. They are outspoken and don't like to talk too much about others.

I was thinking, she has come here, and there is a saint standing there, so it is impossible for us to drive her back to Xingyang.

Isn't that all?
There is no need to make the relationship so rigid if you don't see what you see when you look up.

After all, she and Zheng Shuangyi are different.

At the very least, she knows current affairs and interesting things, and she is always considerate in dealing with people and things, so that she won't cause trouble for us. Isn't she much better than when Zheng Shuangyi was here a few months ago? "

"Exactly what you said."

Pei Qingyuan answered the words with a smile: "I persuaded them both just now. I was afraid that you would feel uncomfortable seeing her always thinking of her sister, which made everyone feel uncomfortable.

You say it's fine for me to persuade the two of them, but if you really want me to persuade you, I can't open my mouth.

Fortunately, you can figure it out.

Then you go, there are many people in front, don't stand there while talking to the Second Highness, I asked someone to get the pastries, I heard that there are many kinds of pastries prepared on the kitchen stove at the back today, all of them are exquisite Keke, you're coming back late, we won't keep it for you. "

Jiang Wan pursed her lips to make a face at her, and said nothing else. Anyway, with Pei Qingyuan around, she has nothing to worry about. It might not be that these two can still fight with Zheng Shuangxue.

So he led Chang'an and Changning out of the small courtyard, and went all the way to the front second courtyard located in the southeast direction of the cross courtyard.

There are many gentlemen who are arty and elegant.

Like Zhao Yu, Zhao Xing and Jiang Yuanyao, they don't play with those.

Instead, I hid for a while, drinking tea and playing chess in the side hall.

The boy talked back and forth, saying that Jiang Wan was looking for him, and Jiang Yuanzhan was about to get up when he heard the words.

In the end, Jiang Yuanyao pressed it back, and asked the servant who came to pass the message with a smile: "Who is she looking for?"

The little servant bowed his back and did not look up, and replied, His Highness the Second.

Zhao Xing raised his eyebrows and stood up.

Jiang Yuanzhan's face was not very good-looking, so he didn't bother to talk to him.

Zhao Yi's eyes also darkened.

On the contrary, Zhao Yu laughed and joked a few words: "Why don't you go soon? Tell her to wait, she will make trouble soon."

Zhao Xingcai said hello and hurried out the door.

On the other end, Yuan Daoxi dropped a son: "I think Ah Wan is fine, I went back to Beijing this year, I met her a few times, she speaks and acts like an adult.

Sure enough, the ancients said that scholars should look at each other with admiration for three days, which is true.

She has also experienced several incidents, and she has indeed grown up. "

He clearly meant something.

Zhao Yi's face became more gloomy.

The white stones on Jiang Yuanhui's fingertips fell with his voice, and he ate a large piece of black stones. He said with a faint smile, "You don't concentrate on playing chess, you still care about whether our Yaoyao has grown up, and you lose."

The defeat is set.

Yuan Daoxi asked himself that he didn't have the ability to bring Jiang Yuanhui back to life.

So he simply put down the chess pieces and poked Jiang Yuanyao: "Are you coming?"

Jiang Yuanyao shook his head and couldn't stop saying: "Let the prince come, the prince is honorable, San Lang has to save face for you, don't make San Lang too proud, this morning, there is no one in the room who can beat him."

Zhao Yu clicked his tongue: "I'm the host, so don't drag me for whatever you do, I won't end."

Jiang Yuanhui smiled without saying a word.

Zhao Yi suddenly opened his mouth, and looked sideways at the direction where Shen Congzhen was sitting: "Why don't you come?"

(End of this chapter)

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