Chapter 282

Jiang Wan didn't know whether Zhao Xing had the ability to make the people of Shengjing agree with each other, but she could see the coldness of the Shu Palace.

It's not that there are no courtiers and clan relatives to congratulate.

After all, he was only crowned king and got a marriage gift, and his birthday was just a few days ago, so it was indeed a three-time blessing.

It was Zhao Xing who closed the gate of Shu Palace and refused to congratulate people.

The reason is also very simple and clear.

The war between the court and the central government is not peaceful, and everything is kept simple. He just celebrated his birthday, was named a king, and got a marriage gift.

Therefore, compared with the time when Zhao Yu became the king, it is really cold and cold. If you don’t know, it’s just that the Second Highness, who has been pampered and favored since childhood, fell out of favor overnight and became a person who no one cares about. of it.

Jiang Wan went there twice, and Jiang Yuanhui accompanied her there.

The Shu Prince's Mansion was rebuilt from the mansion of Duke Xianzhao. The Ministry of Industry thought it out and spent the least amount of money to rebuild the best mansion.

Not to mention regulations.

There are many small details, which can be seen with care.

Because at the beginning of the reconstruction of the Shu Palace, the Minister of the Ministry of Industry thought that he must please Zhao Xing.

He really put a lot of thought into it, and even found Zhao Yu.

Later, he was scolded by Zhao Yu and dared not go.

It turned out that day was also a coincidence.

After receiving the scolding in Su Wang's mansion, he came out of the mansion in disgrace, and happened to meet Yuan Daoxi who came to talk to Zhao Yu at the gate of the mansion.

Yuan Daoxi has such a temper, seeing him looking depressed, he smiled and asked a few more questions.

The minister of the Ministry of Industry is also a quick talker, he really dared to tell Yuan Daoxi.

As soon as Yuan Daoxi heard that this matter was easy to handle, he gave him such an idea.

What he said was very cryptic, and asked the Ministry of Industry to think of a way to dig out a small lotus pond, which can be used for boating and playing, and then set up two swings on the shore. A stone pier, put two sets of fishing equipment, it is best to plant a small piece of dwarf bamboo, it will look good as a scene, and a place near the dwarf bamboo forest will be used for throwing pots, so make a small area Circle it up and give it to others.

After hearing this, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, Monk Zhanger, couldn't figure it out. He was rafting and swinging, and there were other traps. It sounded like something played by little ladies. How could it be like this in the palace of the king of Shu? layout?
Then he smiled mischievously, waved his hands again and again, and told Yuan Daoxi not to trick him, and to leave.

Yuan Daoxi stopped the people, smiled mysteriously, and said that it is only for the little ladies to prefer.

Fortunately, this Lord Shangshu has a good head, and suddenly he understood.

So when Jiang Wan came to Shu Palace for the first time, he fell in love with the specially rebuilt small lotus pond in the Sanjin courtyard.

"His Royal Highness the King of Shu specially asked the Ministry of Industry to remodel it according to your preferences, right?"

Jiang Wan held three rings in her hand, and the ones on the ground were all gold hairpins and jade bracelets. She wasn't interested, but she was still quite persistent about being able to get it.

While turning his wrist, he threw it in a circle, but it fell to the ground vertically, rolled for a long time, and fell sideways, touching a small piece of the hairpin.

She sighed: "No, the second elder brother didn't ask about the reconstruction of the palace, it was all arranged by the Ministry of Industry itself.

But I went to ask, and he said that Minister of the Ministry of Industry changed his ways to please the second elder brother. After all, this is the old mansion of the Duke of Xianzhao, and he didn't rebuild the palace for him. I'm afraid he will feel uncomfortable.

I went to King Su's mansion to ask questions before, but I was scolded. King Su looked down on them for their efforts.

This idea was probably given by Yuan Ziming to the Ministry of Industry. "

Zhou Wanning yelled: "The Ministry of Industry has a bright mind."

"Otherwise?" Jiang Wan threw it in a circle again, but still didn't get caught, "Who is not a smart person when you are an official in Shengjing? You can tell it all, not to mention that Yuan Ziming has said so much to others.

Take a look at this layout, how does it look like the second brother would like it?

Doesn't it sound like the little lady likes it, and arranged it to please the girl's family?

With such a layout in the second brother's palace, if Yuan Ziming opens his mouth, who can he please? "

Jiang Wan sneered and laughed out loud: "He is not afraid that the official sage will make trouble for him."

"That won't happen."

Pei Qingyuan stabilized the swing, and exhorted Zhou Wanning again: "Slow down, it's too dangerous."

Then he turned his head and smiled and said to Jiang Wan: "You say that these grown-ups are all good people. Even if he got a suggestion like Yuan Dalang-jun before his intention was clear, he still couldn't taste it? How dare you talk outside?

Besides, the official saint wants to give you a marriage, and it has been agreed and settled long ago. Even if there are rumors outside, it will only take a few days, and it will be enough to announce the decree to the world.

It's not that he didn't intend to give a marriage at first, but was forced to do so by outsiders.

How could the official sage go to trouble this lord? "

Zhou Wanning was swinging extremely high on the swing, and Jiang Wan threw it in the last circle, but didn't catch any of them.

Seeing that she was playing crazy, she frowned and called her loudly: "Stop playing, come down and teach me."

Zhou Wanning stabilized her swing, got up and went to Jiang Wan, reluctantly said: "Can I teach you? Brother Yuan Zhan and His Royal Highness the King of Shu have been teaching you for many years, and I haven't seen it." You grow up a little bit.

But it will be better in the future, this Shu Palace has specially arranged such a place for you, you can do it in your own home, you can do it as you like, maybe wait until the end of this year, and then go to the street to get a trap, you can catch up with me La! "

Jiang Wan made a gesture to tear her mouth open: "I told you to make fun of people with such words."

Zhou Wanning dodged and dodged: "Now that you are a prospective princess, your temper is really getting worse. If you disagree with me, you will beat someone? Be careful and I will report you to the Duke's wife! The Duke's wife likes me!"

Jiang Wan really wanted to refute her a few words, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Yuan Fu tucked his hands in and hurriedly entered the small courtyard from the moon cave gate.

She closed her voice, her eyebrows moved slightly, and when Yuan Fu approached and met Li, she asked him, "What's wrong?"

Yuan Fu bowed back to her: "There was a message from the palace that the sage suddenly fell ill, and he hasn't woken up yet. The prince has already changed his clothes and is about to enter the palace. He didn't care about taking you home, so he asked his servant to accompany you. When you have enjoyed yourself, I will send you back to the Duke's mansion."

Empress Zheng fell ill?

Falling asleep and not waking up, so serious?
A few days ago, she was in charge of the Shu Palace, wasn't she still doing well?

Jiang Wan also followed her mother into the palace to greet Ann once.

On the second day after the decree granted the marriage, A Niang also led her into the palace to thank her.

At that time, she saw that Queen Zheng was doing well.

How do you say that you are sick?
Jiang Wan's expression was serious: "Does anyone say how the saint is doing?"

Yuan Fu shook his head: "There is an urgent message in the palace, only to ask the prince to accompany him in the Hanzhang Hall, and His Royal Highness Su Wang and the Third Highness have also returned to the palace, nothing else is said.

But the prince said, don't worry too much, the saint has an old disease, and it has been repeated in the past three or two years, and it may not be so severe. "

(End of this chapter)

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