Chapter 283
Empress Zheng did have an old illness, but what Yuan Fu said was wrong.

She has been well maintained in these years, and because Jin Hedi knew that she had an old disease, he had ordered the imperial hospital to take good care of her many times, and was afraid that taking medicine all the year round would not be beneficial to her health, so she asked the imperial dining room to discuss with the imperial hospital and reformed the medicinal diet Come, warm up and take care of it.

Therefore, in all these years, has Empress Zheng ever been sick for three days?

The number of cases in the past two years is really not much.

If it must be counted, it must be counted from Zhao Yi's accident last year.

Before and after, I fell ill several times.

And among these few episodes, more than half of them were caused by Zheng's family, who were so anxious that they relapsed.

In the hall of Hanzhang, the smell of medicine was fragrant, and Empress Zheng was still in a deep sleep and did not wake up.

Zhao Yi was by the hospital bed, and there was also a kind of maid in the room serving with 12 points of spirit.

Emperor Jin He sent the imperial doctor to the outer hall, and the two brothers Zhao Yu and Zhao Xing accompanied him.

Doctor Hu bowed his waist slightly, and when Emperor Jinhe asked how the queen was, he sighed inaudibly, and then replied: "The sage has been ill several times in the past year. So powerful, not because it is difficult to eradicate, as long as it is well maintained and carefully maintained, there will be no serious problems, but it is afraid of recurrence one after another.

The saint's physical foundation was good before, but he couldn't stand it and fell to the root of his disease.

The root of the disease is like a small piece of rotten flesh, which will only rot more and more over time.

So every time there is a relapse, the saint's physical condition gets worse.

So many times down..."

His voice stopped in time.

The faces of the three of Jin and Di, father and son, were already grim.

Doctor Hu raised his head for a glance, then hurriedly lowered his head again, not daring to look again.

But it really can't blame him, and it can't blame the Imperial Hospital either.

It's not that they don't do their job well.

In fact, during the past year, the sage himself refused to cherish it, and often got angry, or caused old diseases due to other reasons.

No matter how hard they are and how hard they try, they can't stop the saint from not taking his body seriously, can he?

They are courtiers, not to mention their duties, but also the hearts of doctors and parents.

Although this statement is presumptuous, it is true.

No matter how you look at it, it cannot be said that they are unwilling to serve with all their heart, so the saint's body is getting worse day by day.

Jin Hedi's face sank like water, and his voice became colder: "Is there any serious problem now?"

"The sage worked hard for days, coupled with worry and depression, there is always something in his heart, and he fell ill because of depression."

Physician Hu thought about it for a while: "There is nothing serious right now, take a few doses of medicine, wait until the saint wakes up, and then take a few warming medicines to strengthen one or two, don't bother your mind and heart these days, take good care of it for a month or two, Also brought back.

It's just that from now on... Wei Chen is bold, the saint's old illness relapses frequently, if it happens again one or two times, not to mention Wei Chen, even the entire imperial hospital, it may be difficult to take care of the saint's body. "

What he said was still cryptic.

After all, I dare not directly say that if I do this one or two more times, people will be hopeless.

That's disrespectful.

If Emperor Jinhe got angry and said that he cursed Zhonggong, pushed him out and chopped him up, how wronged would he be?

But he dared not tell the truth.

Because Empress Zheng's body is there, that's a fact.

He said today that everything is fine, and it will be recuperated in a few days. Who knows what the saint is like now, and what will happen in the future?

In case it happens twice in three days, come again like this once or twice.

At that time, he will become the crime of deceiving the emperor again.

Better to tell the truth.

Fortunately, Jin Hedi was not such a cruel and violent person.

Hearing Hu Yuyi's words, he breathed a sigh of relief at first, and then asked: "According to what you said, the queen should not be burdened or angry. It is best to be calm and don't hide your thoughts, so that she can take care of herself properly." , is it safe?"

That's pretty much what it means.

But it didn't seem that the queen really did it, and she would definitely enjoy her life.

But this is very embarrassing, how can I say it?
Zhao Xing stood there watching, frowned, pondered for a long time, and then asked him in a low voice: "Doctor Hu, is the queen mother's health really not good? Even if you take care of her as you said, she may not be safe. Yu, right?"

Doctor Hu hesitated for a long time before nodding.

After he finished nodding, he was flustered and fell to his knees with a plop: "Wei Chen is incompetent. Wei Chen has been nursed by a saint for five years, but now... Wei Chen is guilty, please punish the officials!"

Doctors, there is no right or wrong punishment.

There are disobedient patients and powerless diseases.

Emperor Jin He didn't think that there were people in the imperial hospital who were expecting something to happen to the queen.

Isn't it just for the health and well-being of the nobles in the palace that they guard the imperial hospital all day long?

The better the nobles' health, the smoother their errands will be.

Whether it's the queen or the concubine Zhen, it's all the same.

Emperor Jin He waved his hand to wake him up: "I understand what you mean. You..."

Before he finished speaking, he seemed to be about to explain something later, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw the little Gong'e who was guarding the inner room rushing out.

Jin Hedi's eyelids twitched, and the little maid had already stood still with her hands tucked in, knelt down to salute, and her voice was full of joy: "The sage is awake, looking for an official right now!"

Empress Zheng's complexion was not very good, and her breath was also weak.

Seeing Jin Hedi come in, Zhao Yi gave up his seat.

Doctor Hu went forward to ask for a pulse, then stepped back, still giving up his position to Emperor Jinhe, and then replied: "The sage has awakened, and there is no serious problem at the moment. Weichen will open a new prescription." Son, take a few doses of medicine, take care of it for a while, and take care of it quietly for ten days and a half months, and you will be fine."

The things that were said in the outer palace earlier, really cannot be known by Empress Zheng.

Emperor Jin He also knew it in his heart, and waved him away: "Go and prescribe the prescription, and come back at the time to ask the queen for the peace pulse."

Hu Yuyi said yes, resigned and followed the little Gong'e back out without mentioning it.

Emperor Jinhe sat on the edge of the bed, holding Empress Zheng's hand, pinching it again and again: "You are really going to scare me."

Empress Zheng smiled, also weakly: "The imperial doctor has already said, nothing to do, just tired."

She looked at the two brothers Zhao Yu and Zhao Xing again: "Aren't you also frightened? You have been guarding the palace for a long time."

Zhao Yu pursed his lips, with mixed feelings in his heart: "Mother's health is more important than anything else. Doctor Hu said that it's just that I have worked too hard these days. I think it is for the reconstruction of Prince Erlang's mansion. It has been settled properly for a while. Take a good rest and recuperate for a month or two, so we can rest assured."

Zhao Xing echoed and said yes: "My son is eighteen, he opened his house and built his teeth, and has grown up. If the queen mother is always so worried about my son, if she comes back twice, won't my son feel guilty and blame himself to death? "

Empress Zheng said it was all right: "My own body, I know in my heart, why is it so powerful, isn't it good now? Why do you want to blame yourself?"

But she knew something was wrong.

Instead, he shook Emperor Jinhe's hand, and said in a calm tone, "Tell the children to go, Dalang and Erlang have errands in the palace, and Sanlang should not stick around here, because he will delay his studies. I have something to say to the officials. , let them go."

(End of this chapter)

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