Chapter 287 Promise (Part [-])
Even Concubine Zhen didn't know how she felt after hearing those words.

Because the queen wants to give her niece a princess status, in a sense, she is asking the officials for a stable future for the Zheng family.

The Zheng family has been criticized one after another recently, and has been reviled again and again. The queen asked for this guarantee and pushed her and the Sun family forward.

Push it all the way to the cusp.

Concubine Zhen couldn't laugh when she wanted to, she seemed to have such energy, she had enough energy, she wanted to scold others, but she couldn't.

Does she fit?
To the official family, whether she is good or the Sun family, they are just small things.

As long as you can make Empress Zheng happy, what does it matter if you live or die?
She had to bear the verbal criticism from the official censor, and so did the Sun family.

Her family background is not good, she is just a servant girl, becoming a second-rank concubine is already a great blessing.

Now she is also a first-rank imperial concubine, holding the authority of the middle palace and taking care of the affairs of the six palaces.

Why is she?
Why did the Sun family——

"The Sun family is a small family. Although I didn't sell it to the palace, I was also selected into the palace by the [-] people back then. I went to serve in the palace of the first queen mother, but my background is so basic that I can't get on the stage. For the adults in the previous dynasty , there can be many nobles, beauties, and even concubines in this palace, but nothing else."

Concubine Zhen's expression finally turned bitter: "I gave birth to you, and the official family loves you. I have been doing my duty for decades, never competing for favor, and never delusional, so I survived this year and was promoted to the concubine. say what.

I really..."

She couldn't go on, her voice was choked with sobs.

She raised her hand again, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye.

Zhao Xiyue also felt uncomfortable: "Aniang."

Concubine Zhen never heard these two words.

Because it is presumptuous, so dare not.

Today, when she heard Zhao Xiyue call him that, she felt a sense of joy in her heart.

She looked sideways, and Zhao Xiyue handed out a hand, covering the back of Concubine Zhengui's hand, closed her palms, and held Concubine Zhen's hand: "I remember all the principles that A Niang always taught me, so don't be angry, A Niang ,Do not be sad.

The censor's official words and pens can't punish A Niang, let alone the Sun family.

I am the eldest princess of Daye, the jewel in the palm of my father.

With me protecting A Niang and Sun's family, no one will try to harm you, not even a saint! "

When Emperor Jin He came, Zhao Xiyue had already persuaded Concubine Zhen Gui.

It was near dusk that he appeared in Concubine Zhen's Palace.

In the second half of the day, Imperial Concubine Zhen opened the gate of the palace to accept congratulations from various palaces, and it was only at this moment that she relaxed.

Fei Cui said that when the official family came, she didn't dare to put on any obvious smile on her face, because she knew that the master didn't like the official family to come.

Concubine Zhen went to meet her, Jin and Di Xu gave her a hand, and her body stiffened slightly.

When she returned to the palace, she went to the couch in front of Emperor Jinhe, as before, instead of sitting there, she served tea and water, and was very considerate.

Emperor Jinhe sighed inaudibly: "It's different now than before, these things will be left to the servants to do in the future."

He said that afterwards, Concubine Zhen's heart tightened, and she suddenly became vigilant: "Officials don't come here often, and I only sit here twice a year. It is the concubine's duty to serve the official. If you dare to take Giotto as a big deal and ask them to do the job of serving the officials' tea, then the concubine has really forgotten her roots."

"You don't want me to come here often."

Concubine Zhen's hands froze, and the teacup that had just been placed on the small black lacquered case visibly shook, because the tea soup in the cup was still swaying.

She withdrew her hand embarrassingly, and even smiled stiffly: "How could that be?"

"You are not happy when I promote your position and favor the Sun family."

Jin Hedi must have looked at her: "In the past few decades, you have been by my side, and you have not had a happy day, have you?"

Concubine Zhen's pupils trembled, and she subconsciously wanted to kneel.

Emperor Jinhe had expected her to be like this a long time ago. When she just started to move, he stopped her and naturally stopped her next move: "I don't want to ask for guilt, I... I'm just a little tired and a little tired. Tired, I want to come and sit with you and talk to you."

"The official family..." Concubine Zhen pursed her lips slightly, "The official family gave this concubine a face, and they talked to this concubine again, I was very moved."

"You sit." Jin Hedi let go of her, pointed to the seat on the opposite couch, "sit and talk. It seems that every time I come to you these years, you always stand so stiffly, stand aside, waiting Serving me, I couldn't even sit down and chat with me properly."

For so many years by Jin Hedi's side, I can't say that I accompany him, but I can only persuade him.

But even if she was serving, Concubine Zhen was used to observing words and demeanor, seeing Jin Hedi like this now, she probably knew it in her heart.

So he sat down on the couch according to what Jin Hedi said, and his whole body relaxed a lot, the previous restraint looked a lot lighter, and there was a gentle smile on his face.

Her smile is warm, not the kind of stiff and alienated smile, only respectful but not sincere.

The eyebrows of Jin and Emperor also softened a lot: "When my mother called you to my side, it must have been my mother's insightful eyes, and I have taken a fancy to you for this advantage."

"It's just the empress dowager who favors the concubine."

But she didn't dare to be too humble on this, because Jin Hedi also put on a sentence that the empress dowager knows people first. It was choreographing and slandering, she dared not and couldn't do it.

The Empress Dowager was always good to her when she was here, and no matter what kind of life she lived in these years, at least she was well-clothed and well-fed, and she was honorable in the eyes of outsiders, there is no doubt about it.

Therefore, this is regarded as the grace of knowledge and encounter, and it is appreciation and flattery.

She needs to know gratitude.

"The concubine used to do the job of serving others. You can't say that the concubine is a clever and exquisite heart. This should be regarded as a perennial observation of words and demeanor, which is what I used to do."

It was rare for her to make a few jokes, and Jin Hedi also laughed: "It's rare to hear you say a few witty words."

After finishing speaking, she stopped talking.

Emperor Jinhe looked down at the tea soup, and then looked up at her: "Ah Yue went to see Erlang, I know. You have accepted the order and closed the door to see no one. Ah Yue probably persuaded you after returning to the palace, and Erlang also made it clear to her , You either thought about it yourself, or you felt that you could only accept your fate, so you received congratulations from various palaces, I know all of these."

It was still going well before, and the atmosphere was not bad, but when he suddenly mentioned these things, Concubine Zhen was suddenly worried.

She became more and more nervous: "Official family, my concubine is not..."

"You are not wrong." Jin Hedi waved his hand, but still interrupted her, "You don't have to worry too much. Your position and the favor of the Sun family are all given by me. What does the censor want to say? Naturally, you and the Sun clan will not be asked to bear the consequences.

I know what you are worried about, so I came to see you. I am afraid that you may not believe me if I tell you directly, but if I tell you a few words, you will feel relieved, and then you will believe me.

You have been wronged all these years, I see in my eyes, there is not much I can do to make up for you, and I can still do this little promise to you. "

(End of this chapter)

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