Chapter 290 Injured
Until the beginning of August, the Ministry of War received the news of the great victory sent back to Beijing by the border.

Jiang Yuanzhan, a young and brave commander, defeated the enemy army in Nanyuan and captured the king of Nanyuan alive. He will be able to return to the dynasty soon.

No matter for the imperial court or for the people of the world, the news of the complete victory of the army ahead is undoubtedly exciting.

But along with the good news, they were sent back to the capital, and there was news that Jiang Yuanzhan was seriously injured.

Pei Guogong's mansion was gloomy, because Zhao Xing got the news first, and came to the Guogong's mansion to tell it in private.

The good news spread to the palace, and Emperor Jinhe read it before he knew about Jiang Yuanzhan's injury.

He was badly injured and nearly lost half of his life. He was the one who captured King Nanyuan with his own hands.

Zhou Wanning got the news and hurried to the Duke's Mansion, her face was pale and bloodless.

Zhao Xing has not left yet.

She didn't even care about greetings and courtesies, and asked Zhao Xing: "My lord must have seen the victory report when he was in the military department. Did it clearly say how brother Yuan Zhan was injured and how serious the injury was?"

Mrs. Gu had led the children to listen to the specific situation written in Zhao Xingshuo's victory report.

Before Zhou Wanning came, Zhao Xing also gave a rough idea.

At this moment, Mrs. Gu looked worried, pulled Zhou Wanning, and brought him to sit down beside her: "His Royal Highness the King of Shu was saying before you came that Erlang is no longer in danger of his life, but he is seriously injured, and he still has to stay over there." Only after recuperating from the wounded can we lead the army back to the court and show victory."


"In order to quell the flames of war and settle the war as soon as possible, he never took command of the camp, but used himself as a bait to lure the enemy into deep, and escaped with a clever plan. After he escaped, he took three thousand elite cavalry and went to the king's tent of Nanyuan. Captured King Nanyuan alive."

Zhao Xing didn't ask her to speak: "You are a person who has read military books, and you probably understand the danger and power of it."

She understands.

Of course she understands.

Zhou Wanning's tears fell down.

Gu's heart ached after hearing those words.

It was the flesh that fell from her body.

Even if Hu Dahai fell and grew up, she was really hurt, as a mother, why doesn't she feel sorry for the child?
But Mrs. Gu was able to hold on: "The battlefield is dangerous, and this is an unavoidable thing. The Duke has been injured many times since he was young. At this age, all the injuries he got were all left by him when he was young. .

Erlang is to protect the family and the country. This is his duty and his honor.

She squeezed Zhou Wanning's palm: "Since there is no fear of life, it is just an injury, and when I return to Beijing, I just need to take care of it.

Thank you, Your Highness, for being so worried, and coming here specially, to talk to us first. "

She said thank you over there, how could Zhao Xing dare to agree.

He hurriedly moved a small half step to the side, as a courtesy, he did not dare to accept Gu's word of thanks.

Then he looked sideways at Jiang Wan.

Jiang Wan's face was also full of worry.

He knew there was no way to persuade him.

If Jiang Yuanzhan didn't return to Shengjing for a day, everyone in Peiguo's mansion was worried, and it was impossible to really let go.

He and Jiang Yuanzhan are not blood relatives, but they grew up together, and because of the little girl, he is an outsider, so he is worried, let alone the people of the Duke's mansion.

The words that came to my lips were really unspeakable.

Advise the Duke and Duchess to open something?
Or is it okay?

The victory report indeed stated that Jiang Yuanzhan was no longer in danger of his life, but it was a victory report after all, not to let the court know that the commander-in-chief of the three armies was seriously injured.

Therefore, Jiang Yuanzhan did not specify exactly how and where he was injured.

Zhao Xing lowered his eyes: "The good news came back to the capital, there are still many things in the palace, I came to the Duke's mansion to send a message, and I have to go back to the palace, it's not good to stay in the Duke's mansion for a long time."

Gu Shi said yes and stood up, but she didn't mean to see him off.

Instead, she called Jiang Wan.

Jiang Wan understood, and stood up with no expression on his face, and his whole body was a little listless.

After Zhao Xing and Gu Shi said goodbye again, they stepped out, and Jiang Wan followed naturally, intending to send him out.

Out of the main hall and on the verandah, Zhao Xing's pace slowed down more and more within a stone's throw away.

Jiang Wan was obviously absent-minded.

He saw it, felt distressed, and didn't know how to relieve it, so he called her in a tight voice: "Zhuzhu."

Jiang Wan pursed her lips: "When will my second brother come back? Is it not possible to send a letter or send it by flying pigeons now? Ask the second brother where the injury is and what is the specific situation?"

Zhao Xing thought about it for a while: "It took time for the victory report to be sent to the Ministry of War. He should have been recovering from his injuries for a while, and he was sure that he was not in danger of his life, so he got this victory report.

It is not impossible for the army to exchange letters during the march.

But this is a big taboo in the military, and you know it too. "

Yes, of course she does.

The Jiang family has established their family with military force for generations, and Jiang Wan has learned the rules of the military since childhood.

Even though she was a girl, Jiang Hu taught her hand in hand.

Even though the army is triumphant now, it is a big taboo to communicate with each other through letters.

Jiang Wan became more and more dejected.

Zhao Xing couldn't see her like this, and frowned: "I'll talk to my elder brother later and ask him to think of a way."

"do not……"

Jiang Wan hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "It's a great joy to present a victory, so don't say this suddenly to embarrass His Highness King Su, and make trouble in front of the officials later.

I understand the rules in the military. If the officials are lenient, ask questions first. That is my family's blessing.

If Aye was at home, he would definitely not ask me to do this. "

She is too sensible sometimes.

Zhao Xing raised his hand and rubbed the top of her head: "Okay, listen, I will think of a way for you to find out for you.

But you don't have to worry too much, since it is said that there is no fear of life, I think he was just seriously injured, a little bit of his vitality, if there are other problems, one is that he has made great achievements this time, and the other is that his background is different. Put it there, the army knows it, and they dare not hide it. If there is anything, it should be sent to the Ministry of War, in addition to the victory report, there should be a detailed statement, stating how your second brother was injured, and how bad it is now such as.

There is no such thing now, and you should not always think of the bad, but scare yourself instead. "

As he said, he couldn't help sighing: "You may not be able to listen to my advice, I have time to see you.

Mrs. Duke, please stay with me more.

Grandpa Guo is not in Beijing, you are the only girl at home, and your cousin is separated by a floor, Zhou Wanning... I think she is the first to panic, and there is no hope.

Mrs. Guogong has experienced a lot. When she was young, she watched the Duke of the country going out to fight and fight. Now it is her son's turn. ? "

(End of this chapter)

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