Chapter 291 Another hidden story (one more)
When Zhao Xing returned to the palace, he wanted to go to Funing Palace to find out more about Jiang Yuanzhan's injury.

As a result, he met Zhao Yu at the gate of the palace.

Seeing his elder brother's complexion was not good, he could even say his face was livid, his heart sank, Dang even felt that the situation was not right.

For a moment, he thought that Jiang Yuanzhan's injury was repeated, so he hurried up two steps: "Brother Fang came out of Funing Palace?"

Zhao Yu hummed heavily: "You entered the palace because Jiang Erlang was injured?"

Zhao Xing did not hide from him, nodded and said yes: "I just came from the Duke's Mansion."

Zhao Yu clicked his tongue, but didn't say anything else for the time being, only lowered his voice: "Go back to the palace first, this matter is a long story."

Zhao Xing thumped in his heart.

He took a deep look in the direction of the palace, after careful consideration, he still listened to Zhao Yu's words, and followed behind him, instead of entering the palace to meet Emperor Jinhe, he passed the Zhijia Bridge all the way, and the two brothers boarded the car one after another, all the way Don't mention going to Su Wang's mansion.

The atmosphere in the study is somewhat depressing and dignified.

Zhao Xing wanted to speak several times, but the words that came to his lips seemed to weigh a thousand catties, as if he didn't know where to start.

It was rare for Zhao Yu to show a bit of irritability on his face, and there was a little rage in it: "You served in the Ministry of War, and you got the border mansion report, and you knew about the great victory. At the same time, you also knew the news of Jiang Erlang's injury, which was not submitted in the mansion report. You dared to report the news to Duke Pei's mansion privately before the imperial court, you are too presumptuous!"

He originally turned his back to Zhao Xing, but suddenly turned around and slapped heavily on the desk.

There was a muffled sound from the mahogany desk, and Zhao Xingguang felt his palms ache when he heard it.

"I didn't think enough about this matter, but when I saw the news that Jiang Yuanzhan was injured, I..."

He has nothing to quibble about.

He did not think about this matter, and he did it improperly.

The matter of Jiang Yuanzhan's injury will not be concealed sooner or later, and the whole of Pei Guogong's family will still know about it.

But he shouldn't be the one to tell in private.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this is a private grant and acceptance, and there is no law for the king. If the censor is caught, he must pour dirty water on him, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is forming a party for personal gain.

When he was younger, he was also arrogant because of his favor, and he didn't pay attention to the court's laws.

No wonder Zhao Yu was angry.

Zhao Xing knew he was in the wrong, so he didn't finish what he said.

His voice gradually weakened, clearly a guilty conscience.

Looking at his appearance, Zhao Yu on the one hand hated that iron could not be made into steel, and on the other hand he didn't know how to lose his temper with him.

So what if he was half-pissed off?
The thing has already been done, just to scold people bloody, isn't that already the case?
"I still dote on you too much and pamper you too much on weekdays. Seeing how stable you are on weekdays, once you encounter something related to Jiang Wan, you forget everything!"

Zhao Yu was still furious, and scolded him a few more times.

Zhao Xing didn't fight back, and he didn't dare to ask about Jiang Yuanzhan's situation right now.

Zhao Yu was angry for a long time. At first, even his chest heaved violently, and his breathing was short.

After slowly calming down, he pulled up the official hat chair, sat down with a big horse and a golden sword, and then gouged out Zhao Xing coldly: "However, don't go to the Duke's mansion to talk about the later things."

Zhao Xing's eyebrows twitched, and his face sank further: "Is his injury really not good?"

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yu suddenly shook his head.

Zhao Xing couldn't understand: "Brother, what does this mean?"

"He wasn't injured at all."

Not injured?

The mansion report sent back from the Ministry of War is fake?

How is this possible? !

Zhao Xing's pupils were shocked, and he couldn't hide his surprise: "What's going on?"

"Jiang Yuanzhan sent another secret letter back to Beijing. He was leading the army and was the commander-in-chief of the three armies. If he sent a secret letter back to the capital, he sent it directly to the imperial court."

Zhao Yu glanced sideways again, and explained a few more words: "In the future, you will know the way to go here. He sent a secret letter back to Beijing, saying that some court officials and Nanyuan officials were found in the king's tent of Nanyuan King. Correspondence of King Yuan.

This time Nanyuan raised troops suddenly, it was strange.The imperial court had been making a fuss for the establishment of the Nanyuan Protectorate's Mansion for a few days, and had just made a decision and sent a decree official to preach the decree, and Nanyuan immediately rebelled.

Even if it had been planned, it would be too coincidental.

Now that Jiang Yuanzhan is holding the evidence in King Nanyuan's tent, he said in a secret letter that he was afraid that some people in the court could not bear it and there would be some movement.

However, he followed the army and escorted King Nanyuan back to the capital. He must be heavily guarded and extremely prepared. Even if those people intend to do something, they may not dare to act rashly because they are afraid of him.

Therefore, in addition to presenting great victories in the mansion report submitted to the Ministry of War, he falsely claimed that King Nanyuan was captured alive and was seriously injured, in order to spread the news so that those in the court who had colluded with King Nanyuan would take it lightly and think that it might be possible. If it can be done, on the way to escort King Nanyuan back to the capital, do some tricks, and then we can catch them all. "

Hearing these words, Zhao Xing couldn't help frowning: "Since he has correspondence, the evidence is already solid, so why bother to risk his troops and lure people to assassinate Nanyuan King?
If he makes this arrangement, I predict that he will not put King Nanyuan in the army formation to escort him.

Eighty percent of the time it is necessary to send another team of troops for escort, to separate from the main army, or to travel faster and walk in front of the main army to prepare for returning to Beijing as soon as possible.

After all, it is to give people an opportunity to take advantage of, and to make people feel that there is a chance to make a move.

Only in this way, the risk he has to bear is even greater. "

If the escort fails, and King Nanyuan really dies on the way to Beijing, his military merits will probably be offset by his merits and demerits.

The king of Nanyuan is a person who surrendered and then rebelled. His crimes are extremely heinous. Since the imperial court has suppressed the rebellion, he must be sent to Beijing to deal with him, so as to demonstrate the prestige of the Great Ye.

How could he be told to die at the hands of Xiao Xiao?
"The correspondence can be said to be forged, what kind of ironclad evidence is it? Using those so-called evidence to punish ordinary officials and officials may make it happen, but if you want to get into the family again, what do you say?"

Zhao Yu awakened the dreamer with one word.

Zhao Xingzhen frowned, his stiff eyes slowly swept away: "That's what he said in the letter?"

Zhao Yu shook his head: "I reckon that he found clues in those letters, but it is related to Zhao Yi and Zheng's family. Even in the secret letter sent back to Beijing, he can't say much, and he's not sure about his father. Emperor's mind.

So he decided to take a slanted sword, although it was a risky move, but if he was cautious, searched for clues, and then traced the clues, it would be the ironclad evidence of a one-hit death, which cannot be denied. ? "

Having said that, Zhao Xing felt faintly uneasy in his heart.

Zhao Yu knew what he was worried about, so he persuaded him a few more words: "He has military merits, and he has made great contributions. Even if there is an accident, the greatness is that the merits and demerits will be offset. After returning to Beijing, he will not be rewarded or punished.

The emperor understands his painstaking efforts, and will not be really angry with him.

He is still young, and when the war resumes in the future, he will always have the opportunity to make contributions.

You just put your heart back in your belly.

But Erlang, this matter is a secret, apart from me and my father, only you know about it, don't go to Pei Guogong's mansion to say it, and it won't do to A Guan, otherwise I will definitely drag you to my father and call my father. The emperor punishes you! "

(End of this chapter)

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