The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 292 Fake Attack

Chapter 292 Feint attack (second update)
Chang'an County · Light Rain

A team of five or 60 people set up camp outside Chang'an County. Among the camps were prison cars and cages. Of course, Wang Yuwen Shichang of Nanyuan, who had just turned [-], was detained.

Nanyuan Wangsheng is tall and majestic, and he likes to wear a beard, so people can't really see his facial features.

In addition, since he was defeated and captured, he was escorted all the way back to Beijing for so many days. The formerly high and mighty Nanyuan King is now unkempt and disheveled, and he is really worse than a beggar on the street.

It's not that Jiang Yuanzhan is not kind and refuses to give him face.

It was he himself who didn't want to have that decency.

On the way, he had to take a bath and change clothes several times, but he himself refused.

Just nestled in that little prison car, not saying a word.

The soldiers below were afraid that there would be an accident, so they told Jiang Yuanzhan once.

Jiang Yuanzhan also went to see it.

Yuwen was Chang Ye who only said one word about dying, Jiang Yuanzhan sneered and walked away, never caring about him again.

When night fell, a bonfire was lit in the camp.

The soldiers sat in a circle, not daring to drink, not even two cups, so they grilled fish and meat and drank water, and when the night got darker, they started talking dirty.

Jiang Yuanzhan couldn't listen to that, so he got up and went back to the commander's tent.

When the soldiers sitting in a group saw him get up, they were silent and dared not speak.

It wasn't until he walked away that a man in his early thirties with a long scar on his face slapped the square-faced man next to him hard on the head: "You always like to talk nonsense with your mouth like this. Unobstructed, you are drunk before you drink! Who is our general, listen to your dirty words, look, let's get angry!"

The square-faced man stuck out his tongue, holding half a roast leg of lamb in his hand, bit off a piece of meat, and muttered in his mouth: "The general is young. After a few years, we will get married and marry a wife. If you have the opportunity to follow the general, let's see if he can listen to this."

Everyone shook their heads.

A gentry gentleman, the most important thing is self-cultivation.

Their mud-legged backgrounds are incomparable.

The general's fight in front of the battle is more brave than any of them, but the general is still a gentleman from a high family background.

"If I had to say—"


The man with the scar face suddenly made a silent gesture.

His expression froze, his brows were tinged with a three-point chill, and he probed the ground with his palm, and he really felt the shock.

Seeing his gesture, everyone looked to the ground.

There are countless gravels on the river beach, which are shaking faintly at this moment.

It's the cavalry.

Jiang Yuanzhan went and returned, wearing armor and holding a sword.

The soldiers had already got up from the campfire and surrounded them.

The man with the scarred face was the leader, and called the general with a serious face: "There is a cavalry team coming."

At this time, the cavalry came in a mighty manner, obviously the visitors were not good.

Because escorting Yuwen alone was Chang's return to Beijing, Jiang Yuanzhan didn't hide the inside story from the soldiers, and everyone knew that this was a risky matter of life and death, but everyone was willing to follow Jiang Yuanzhan, and they didn't feel afraid when they did it.

Of course, those who survived the dangerous battles on the battlefield are not afraid of blood.

Jiang Yuanzhan put his hand on the saber, and said he knew, the cool voice quickly disappeared into the endless night.

The attack came suddenly and ended quickly.

Eight people in the team of five and 60 people were injured, and only two were seriously injured.

The other party seemed to be only interested in probing. Although the soldiers they sent were dead soldiers, they would inevitably lose out when they fought against the bloody soldiers on the battlefield.

A battle from the darkness of night to the dawn of light in the east.

Everyone was already exhausted.

Jiang Yuanzhan actually suffered two sword strikes, but it was not serious.

When Scar's face came closer, he could see the blood on his arm: "Let me clean the wound for the general."

Jiang Yuanzhan hummed before asking him, "Are you all okay, brothers?"

Scarface said: "The injured are not serious, I have sent them to the local garrison in Chang'an County to recuperate the two most serious ones.

The horse team last night seemed aggressive, but in fact it was mostly a test.

It seems that those people in the court did not fully believe that the general was seriously injured.

It is necessary to send people to assassinate Yuwen Shichang, and I am afraid that the general will set up a suspicious formation and set up a trap for them to take the bait.

Sure enough, he was scheming. "

Jiang Yuanzhan pursed his lips and remained silent.

If the Zheng family is planning and Zhao Yi is in the lead, how can they not be scheming?
He also hoped that he was overthinking.

Those correspondences were also deliberately framed and forged.

But judging from the battle and posture last night, I'm afraid it may not be the case.

Jiang Yuanzhan raised his hand and pressed the center of his eyebrows: "Liang Guang, go and tell the brothers in a while, repair in place until it is bright, and continue on your way."

"Isn't the general just trying to get them hooked? Why are you leaving so soon?"

Jiang Yuanzhan shook his head shallowly: "After the battle last night, they knew that my injury was fake. But they have already shown signs of it, and they will either resign themselves to their fate or put all their eggs in one basket."

He glanced sideways and fixed his eyes on Liang Guang's face: "If it were you, what would happen?"

Liang Guang's complexion darkened, and he thought about it: "Of course, it's a desperate attempt. Either way, it's death. If you gamble, there may be a chance of survival."

Jiang Yuanzhan smiled: "So it's useless to stay here, this terrain is not conducive to our cover, we should set off as soon as possible and take precautions.

This journey back to Kyoto will not be peaceful, and they know that I am not injured, and escorted along with me, if I want to come again, the attack will be more ferocious than last night. "

This is game.

He released false news to lure the enemy to attack, and the enemy hiding in the dark was also tempted and only made a feint.

He did underestimate Zhao Yi and the Zheng family.

Now the Zheng family will take Yuwen Shichang's life even if they risk their lives.

As long as Yuwen Shichang dies, his military merits will no longer exist, and his merits and demerits will be balanced, at least the Duke of Peiguo will not be able to add glory.

These people have good intentions.

Fighting bloody battles and fighting hard, it has nothing to do with them.

They sit behind the town and enjoy the wealth and glory.

Their Jiang family sold out their lives, and they had to suffer from these villains' schemes.

Liang Guang probably saw the sinister and fierceness in Jiang Yuanzhan's eyes, his throat tightened, and the action of bandaging his hands was just finished: "General, the journey back to Beijing is dangerous. Although dozens of us are elites in the army, I'm also afraid of any accidents, why not notify the local garrison along the way, just in case?"

Jiang Yuanzhan said: "Send people along the way to inform, and there is no need to dismantle our team into pieces. The current situation is not suitable for breaking into pieces. When we set off, put Yuwen Shichang's prison car in the In the formation, if there is an enemy attack, the priority is to protect the prison car.

Secondly, the garrisons in various places may not all be reliable people. You tell them to bring my warrant when you send a message, so that the generals of the local garrison will lead their troops to meet them in person, so as to avoid any mistakes, remember? "

Liang Guang is a person who walks in the army all year round. Jiang Yuanzhan said a word, and his heart was like a mirror. He nodded again and again, nodding his head to explain, and hurried to arrange the departure, so we will not talk about it for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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