The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 305 Honor and Disgrace

Chapter 305 Honor and Disgrace (Part [-])
There was a bloodbath in the imperial court, not to mention the outer Fuzhou County, just those who were officials in Shengjing, arrested more than 30 people in just one night, and all of them were detained in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

Up to the third rank, down to the seventh rank, how many people have suffered.

Even if the common people didn't know what happened, Emperor Jin He had already dealt with it vigorously and dealt with it.

It's only three more days. Those who dismissed from office were dismissed from office, and those who beheaded were beheaded.

Since it was collaborating with the enemy, even if it was just a letter exchange, now that the Nanyuan rebellion has just ended, this is hitting Emperor Jinhe's heart and breaking the taboo of Emperor Jinhe. Whoever is caught will be unlucky, and no one can even try to intercede. No one dared to speak up.

"This is so scary, it sounds so evil. I have been ransacking homes these days, and Aye, Auntie, detained me at home and didn't tell me to move around, because I was afraid that the imperial guards would be indifferent to others and hurt me temporarily. "

Zhou Wanning drank tea to calm himself down, patted his chest and gasped for breath: "I didn't know what was going on at first, but I found out after it spread, why do you think there are people like this?
It is said that eating the king's salary is for the king to share the worries, and the officials are lenient enough to them.

Anyway, as far as I know, the people in the official family treat the courtiers, not to mention the officials in Beijing, even those in the Outer Fu, even the small officials of the ninth grade sesame, and they are never harsh. "

"How do you know it's not because the officials are too lenient?"

Jiang Wan grabbed a handful of melon seeds, peeled the melon seeds and threw them into his mouth: "These are government affairs, and we don't care about them. The officials' thunderous wrists only lasted for three days. Those who ransacked their homes and exiled them, it can be seen that the officials are furious." .

Who is not afraid of the power of the sky? "

"Brother Yuan Zhan, is he alright?"

Pei Qingyuan paused his hand peeling the fruit, and looked at her suspiciously: "It's a mess outside, and the commotion hasn't passed yet, you rushed to the house in a hurry, did you come here to ask this?"

Zhou Wanning was very calm, and said directly: "Didn't he bring those letters back? It was presented to the imperial court, causing a bloodbath. The people outside still don't know what to say about him, let alone how to treat him.

And those people, it doesn't matter if they beheaded, exiled, dismissed from office, who knows if they will come to retaliate against him? "

"You have too much heart."

Jiang Wan handed over a citrus: "Let's not talk about how good the second brother is. Now he lives in Shengjing, who can take revenge on him? As for the fact that the ruling and opposition parties treat him, that's the responsibility of outsiders." Thoughts, it doesn't really matter much.

The second brother just did what was supposed to be done, which is the duty of a minister.

The court is not peaceful, and the second brother is just helping the officials to clear it up. "

Her movements slowed down more and more, but she had other thoughts in her mind.

Zhou Wanning felt a little relieved when she heard her talk like this, then saw her distracted, raised her hand and shook it in front of her: "What are you thinking?"

Jiang Wan also just shook his head: "The second brother is probably reading military books in the study right now, are you going to play with him?"

Zhou Wanning couldn't say it: "Although I'm worried about him, I still want to stay with you and go to the study to find out what he's like. I'll have nothing to do later, I'll go and say hello to my aunt, and then I'll go home."

Pei Qingyuan smiled without saying a word, nor did she expose her small thoughts.

While talking, Chang Ning lifted the curtain and tucked his hands in and slowly walked in the door: "His Royal Highness the King of Shu is here, and I just met Madam, Madam asked someone to come and ask the girl to come over and talk."

Zhou Wanning reacted very quickly at this moment, teasing her repeatedly: "I don't see you in a day, like three autumns? The sage is still sick. I don't think His Royal Highness the King of Shu will stay here for a day."

Pei Qingyuan thought that she had made an old mistake again, and she didn't have a clue. She told her so many times before, and every time she said she remembered it, and she would definitely change it in the future, but it was only a few days to be honest.

Said she once, she spent two days, and within three days, she committed this again.

Pei Qingyuan is indeed tired of talking.

She sighed silently, and Zhou Wanning said that she knew it: "This shouldn't be said, it's not good to spread it, and it's not good for Wan Wan and His Highness King Shu, I know, I know."

As she spoke, she waved her hands, and the whole person began to shrink towards the couch, hugging her knees: "Then you go over quickly, aunt is waiting too."

Zhao Xing was over there in the main hall, but Gu Shi was not there.

Jiang Wan came in with the hem of her skirt and saw that her aunt was not there, he let out a sigh, then understood, curled her lips, and walked to the official hat chair: "Second elder brother is very capable now, so I coaxed my aunt to help You are gone, and you still want to coax me to see you?"

"Then you don't want to see me?"

Jiang Wan shook his head again and again and said no: "What I mean is... Forget it, anyway, you know what I mean."

"I know." Zhao Xing smiled warmly, "That's also how much I paid before. I risked being scolded by my father and brother, and sent so many messages to the Duke's Mansion. I expressed so much in front of the Duke's wife. You are so loyal, Mrs. Guo is now willing to ask me to meet you alone, this is what I cultivated myself."

"Yes, yes, the second elder brother has worked hard, all for me."

Jiang Wan also imitated his appearance, not smiling with crooked eyebrows, but gentle, it was Zhao Xing's usual smile on his face.

Faint, but very warm, making people feel approachable and amiable.

Seeing her expression, Zhao Xing pinched more and more water in his eyes: "Since you know that I am for you, now An Sheng is sitting with me and talking a few words. There is a mess everywhere these days. Talk to you, and I will be happy." Also clean and peaceful."

Jiang Wan's two willow-leaf eyebrows frowned together: "I know that a few days ago, because of those letters, the government and the public were shocked, and even the central capital was in turmoil, let alone Waifu.

But the second elder brother works in the Ministry of Military Affairs, so the arresting and interrogation, as well as the review of the performance evaluation over the years, shouldn't the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of Officials do it?Otherwise, there is the Jingzhao Mansion of Dali Temple, so it wouldn't be necessary for the Ministry of War to arrange these things? "

"It's not about that. There are enough people in the Ministry of Criminal Affairs to deal with it. Although this case is big and has caused a sensation in the government and the public, the rules and regulations of the Ministry are all determined. It is nothing more than working hard for days, sending more people, and closing the case as soon as possible. Besides, There is also evidence that your second brother brought them back from the Nanyuan king's tent, so there is no excuse to deny it."

Zhao Xing took a deep breath and waited for a long time, seeming to be hesitant.

Jiang Wan saw that he was hesitant to speak, and his heart sank slightly: "Is there something else?"

Zhao Xing nodded and said yes: "Among those letters, there are those from the Zheng family."

Jiang Wan's pupils trembled: "Is it their family alone, or is it mixed with other people?"

"That makes no difference."

Zhao Xing followed her words and took over: "Aren't they a body of honor and disgrace?"

(End of this chapter)

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