Chapter 306 Centrifugal Virtue (Part [-])

The Zheng family used to be one with Empress Zheng in honor and disgrace.

Now, Empress Zheng is always ill, and Emperor Jin He went to Tweet the noble concubine's family again. From the obvious point of view, the honor and disgrace between the Zheng family and the empress is obviously not as strong as before.

And now the Zheng family is assisting Zhao Yi wholeheartedly, putting all their hopes on Zhao Yi alone.

In the past, the Zheng family could be said to be attached to Queen Zheng, but now they can only use it.

Jiang Wan's face was ashen.

Because under Jin Hedi's thunderous punishment, there was still no decree about the Zheng family.

"Shengjing was in turmoil for three days. How many people lost their positions overnight, some lost their lives, and those who were exiled for thousands of miles were exiled for thousands of miles. Waifu also sent out orders constantly. None of the officials were spared, that's why it happened Make people panic.

Just after the war subsided, there was such a big case, and there was not even a single day of peace.

But three days have passed, and now it seems that the dust has settled, but there has never been any decree about the Zheng family. "

Jiang Wan's voice was cold, obviously unhappy: "So the second brother is upset and distressed, is it because this matter was suppressed by the officials again?"

Zhao Xing did not hesitate any longer.

When her voice fell, Zhao Xing nodded and said yes: "It was asked by the queen mother."

Empress Zheng again.

Zhao Xing carefully observed her expression, raised his arm slightly, and then endured it. After all, it didn't fall on the back of her hand. He just patted Jiang Wan's cuff twice, and then hurriedly took it back: "You too Don't be angry."

"How can you not be angry?"

Jiang Guan suddenly stood up.

The official hat chair she was sitting on even shook when she stood up, which showed the strength of the chair, and it was because of this that she realized just how angry Jiang Wan was.

Zhao Xing was afraid that she would bump into him, and he would get up nervously with a hey sound, but seeing that she was fine, he relaxed and sat down again.

"Those incriminating evidences were brought back by my second brother's life!"

Jiang Wan raised his voice almost harshly.

She has always spoken softly, especially now when she is talking to Zhao Xing, she loves to speak in a soft tone, even her voice is soft.

Zhao Xing is also used to it.

So the moment she suddenly raised her voice today, Zhao Xing was in a daze: "Zhuzhu..."

"I know what you're trying to say!"

Jiang Wan suddenly had two lines of tears streaming down his cheeks: "But you won't understand! The border mansion reported back to the Ministry of War, saying that my second brother captured King Nanyuan alive, but he was seriously injured. For such a long period of time in the past, My cousin and I accompanied my mother and knelt in the small Buddhist hall every day, praying for the safety of my second brother and asking for the protection of the Buddha.

Yes, my second brother was not injured, it was all a trick, but we only found out now.

When I, Aye, was still leading the army, I was young and never experienced such a state of mind.

Now that I have grown up, my second brother wears armor and defends the family and the country. I have really experienced it.

Second brother, I have never been on the battlefield, but I think it is another kind of danger that is different from the bloody storm in Beijing.

I don't dare to ask A Niang, and I don't want to ask you, because I don't want to worry you.

When the second brother did not return safely, I tossed and turned so many nights that it was really hard to fall asleep.

Now that he's back safe and sound, we don't think about the past days.

But what are you telling me now? "

In fact, she was trying very hard to restrain herself, to calm her emotions as much as possible, and she didn't really want to vent these things to Zhao Xing.

It's just that the more she talked, the more sad she became, and the tears fell down, and she couldn't control it at all.

Zhao Xing wanted to wipe the tears off her face for her, but it was not easy to have too close contact with her, so he could only take a handkerchief and hand it over: "In the Duke's mansion, if you cry like this, call Mrs. Guogong Knowing that, I thought I bullied you. Good Zhuzhu, please think about it for me, I really don't want to go to the Duke's wife to accuse me of this crime.

You are good, I know you are wronged, but it's not that I can't understand that you feel cold for your second brother.

In fact, the soldiers on the front line, fighting bloody battles, should be chilled.

But Zhuzhu, isn't the situation already like this?Could it be that you have cried a lot and made a scene in the Duke's mansion, and now you can let your father deal with the Zheng family and send the Zheng family down? "

That really can't.

Who can weigh more than Queen Zheng?

Jiang Wan was crying, suddenly didn't know what to say, and was speechless when asked by Zhao Xing.

She took the handkerchief Zhao Xing handed over and wiped away the tears on her face, but her eyes were already red and slightly swollen.

This can't help.

Jiang Wan herself was like this, her skin was delicate, every time she shed a tear or cried twice, her eye sockets would immediately turn red and her eyes would become swollen, if she cried for a long time, she would look like swollen walnuts.

She said angrily, "Second brother, what should I do? I feel wronged and sad."

Zhao Xing really wanted to hug her in his arms and coax her.

However, in the Duke's mansion, he really couldn't.

In order to protect the reputation of the little girl, I can't do anything.

He could only raise his hand, landed on Jiang Wan's back, and patted her softly and slowly along her back, for fear that she would choke when she was sobbing: "You cried a lot, and you still have tears in your heart." Is it so wronged?"

Jiang Wan nodded heavily: "Yes, very sad. The Zheng family..."

But at this time, she was still scruples, she must not say anything bad about the Zheng family.

Lest misfortune come out of the mouth, it is not good to spread it.

Zhao Xing's face was as sinking as water: "Yu Wen died in Quyang, and the investigation has not been clear. Once the investigation is clear, it can be confirmed that this matter started because of the Zheng family and was planned by the Zheng family. There is nothing to say.

And you don't have to be so wronged.

I felt distressed, not only because my father suppressed the Zheng family's affairs, but also because my mother persuaded my father to let the Zheng family go. "

When his voice suddenly stopped, Jiang Wan heard something else, frowned, and looked up at him: "Then why is the second brother?"

"Father lost his temper because of this matter, and now there is a rift between the mother and queen. The affairs of the court are busy these days, and father also took advantage of this to never step into Hanzhang Palace."

After Zhao Xing sighed heavily, he went on to say: "The queen mother is ill, and no matter how busy my father was in the dynasty, he never did this to the queen mother. I reckon that the heart is not far away.

I worry about this in my heart. One is that the decades-long relationship between Aye and Aniang is about to fall apart.

The second is for the family, the country and the world. As far as the government is concerned, it is not a good thing for the emperor and empress to be divorced from virtue. "

(End of this chapter)

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