Chapter 315
After Zhao Xing went to Daying in the western suburbs for seven days, Zhao Yu had already investigated everything about Quyang.

It's not his fault alone.

The King of Changping County has mobilized a lot, and he has also moved around to clear up many connections that have not been used very much in the past two or three years. Anyway, he is in a hurry to investigate. He went back and forth to Quyang for seven days and made everything clear.

Zhao Yu saw the news and the evidence brought back to Shengjing by the people sent out, so he first went to discuss with the King of Changping County, and then went to the Palace of Funing to meet Emperor Jinhe.

"So you are telling me now that all of this is planned by the Zheng family behind the scenes, right?"

Zhao Yuzhen's face was tense.

He stood in the hall with his hands folded, without saying a word.

Jin Hedi's eyebrows darkened slightly, and his voice became more serious: "Aside from the close correspondence with Nanyuan over the years, Jiang Erlang captured Yuwen Shichang alive this time, and escorted him back to Beijing. The attack on the river beach, and Yuwen Shichang being poisoned to death in Quyang, these are all done by the Zheng family, right?"

In fact, the facts are right in front of you, so you don't need to ask again and again.

Such a question is more like evasion.

Zhao Yu lowered his eyes, calmed down, and his voice was dull: "Here is the evidence, which is obtained by my son's investigation for many days. In fact, my father already understands very well. You have been asking my son what you want my son to say. Woolen cloth?"

Jin Hedi took a deep breath: "When did you send people to Quyang to investigate?"

"In the beginning, I didn't intervene in these matters."

Anyway, the investigation of the matter was clear, and Zhao Yu got the ironclad evidence, and if he wanted to get Yuqian to answer, then he couldn't hide anything about the previous incident.

Fortunately, there is nothing to deliberately hide.

Except for Uncle Huang.

So Zhao Yu retorted first, not to say that he should leave himself clean, but to make it clear what they did, and not to leave any excuses for others.

"After Jiang Erlang was attacked on the river beach, he sent someone to notify the Quyang garrison to meet him. Later, Yuwen Shichang died on the way to Quyang, and there was a man in the army who committed suicide in fear of crime. This matter depends on the decision." It fell on the Quyang garrison.

At that time, Jiang Erlang inquired about some things, and learned that Liu Quanxin, the garrison of Quyang, was recommended by Duke Cheng at that time, and the Han family was grateful to him for his knowledge.

Later, it was said that the soldier was a descendant of Xu Huaixian, the great general of Dingyuan 14 years ago.

The more Jiang Erlang thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and he didn't want to startle the snake, so he ordered people to hurry back to the capital, and informed the Duke's Mansion and Erlang. "

"Erlang already knew?"

When Emperor Jinhe heard him mention Zhao Xing, he frowned, and asked coldly, "He has never spoken back in front of me!"

"Yes, Erlang didn't report to the imperial court when he learned about this, because from the very beginning, no matter Jiang Erlang or us, there was only one target of suspicion."

It's the Zheng family.

Jin Hedi suddenly had nothing to say.

It was related to Zheng's family, and they would not come to him to say it before there was a mountain of iron and steel evidence.

Zhao Yu continued after seeing that Jin and Emperor's expressions calmed down slightly, "Both Jiang Dalang and Erlang sent people to Quyang to investigate before. It can't be said that nothing was found, but they encountered many obstacles, and the things they found were only comparable. Just a little more fur.

It was only then that I realized that something was really wrong, and I had no choice but to come and tell Erchen, and asked Erchen to send someone to Quyang to investigate. "

"The Jiang family and Erlang teamed up, but it is also difficult to make progress?"

Zhao Yu nodded firmly.

Over the years, he has cultivated a lot of his own power, overtly or secretly.

Some were even acquiesced by Jin Hedi.

So he has nothing to hide in front of the imperial court.

How much ability and strength he has, the father and son have never talked about it in detail, and most of the time it is just tacit understanding.

Zhao Yu investigated some things in private. After the investigation, he took the evidence, wrote a memorial and submitted it to the imperial court, or he went to the palace to answer. Anyway, after all these years, Emperor Jinhe never asked him about those things. Where did he get it, and what kind of manpower was used to investigate.

He will never use the manpower in the court.

"I also heard those words, and felt that this matter was outrageous, so I sent people to Quyang to investigate. It only took about seven days to find out and bring them back to Beijing."

Zhao Yu also took a deep breath, very much like Jin Hedi just now.

He raised his eyes and looked over: "Father, those correspondences cannot be erased by killing Yuwen Shichang, because Jiang Erlang will definitely find those letters and bring them back to the capital when he searched the Nanyuan king's account. , so it doesn't make sense to kill Yuwen Shichang or not.

They can only be..."

Before Zhao Yu could finish his next words, Jin Hedi raised his hand.

The cuffs of the dragon robe were wider, shaking slightly, and then brought a gust of wind.

Zhao Yu pursed his lips and closed his voice. He knew that there was no need to say anything later.

What did Emperor Jinhe not understand?
He didn't even want to take a second look at those things.

"What's going on with the Han family?"

Zhao Yu shook his head and began to sigh: "Speaking of the Han family, my son feels sorry for Xiancheng Duke. He is a hardworking person, but it's a pity that the children in the family are not up to date.

Ever since an accident happened in Duke Cheng's mansion and they were expelled from the capital by Duojue, the members of the Han family had no hope at all.

In the past, he was relying on the Duke's mansion to support him, but now he has no hope, and his life is poor and miserable.

The Zheng family came to the door, and those unsatisfied nephews of his family had sharpened their heads and wanted to rush to do things for the Zheng family.

Anyway, for people like them, there is not much justice, and there will be no family and country.

The eyesight is so little, what I see and think is only one-acre of land in front of my house.

People say that it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. This is probably one of the reasons. "

Although he said this, there was not much regret on his face, probably more like a feeling of emotion: "For the money, maybe for other inexplicable reasons, anyway, at present, I feel that they are just doing it for the money. Yin Zi, in order to make a living, so I rushed to do errands for the Zheng family."

Emperor Jin He suddenly took the case: "You bastard!"

Isn't it an asshole?

They are also people who have inherited court training from a young age, and the Zheng family studies also invited famous scholars to give guidance.

Up to now, I don't even have the concept of right and wrong, and I dare to help people do everything regardless of black and white.

This is called collusion and collusion.

"I don't have to be angry about this. The Zheng family, the Han family, these people are not impossible to deal with. The Han family has long been useless, and now it is even more wrong to be angry with his family's unsatisfactory descendants. "

Zhao Yu's eyes flickered, and after hesitating for a while, he asked again: "It's just the Zheng family, how do you plan to deal with it?"

(End of this chapter)

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