Chapter 316 Scapegoat

The Zheng family is a problem.

It's Jin Hedi's ugly.

It was never Zhao Yu's.

Zhao Yu was cautious and cautious, but it was because of well-known reasons.

Jin Hedi also fell silent for a long time.

Letters are not enough to make the Zheng family try their best to kill the killer, and Yuwen Shichang was escorted back to Beijing, which made the Zheng family anxious, and used all means and connections to kill him.

What is that?

Collaboration with the enemy and treason.

These four words flashed through Zhao Yu's mind.

And he firmly believed that, as holy as his father, he would definitely be able to guess it.

But he still remained silent.

Zhao Yu thought for a while: "Royal Father."

He just yelled, and then he heard a sigh from the couch.

Zhao Yu looked up, and Jin Hedi just rolled his eyelids and looked down.

The father and son looked at each other, and Zhao Yu suddenly remembered what he said a few days ago.

He frowned: "Did the father agree to the queen mother that he will never touch the Zheng family in this matter?"

Emperor Jinhe sighed again: "Your mother said, it's just this one thing. Dalang, I'm bored too, indeed."

He had never said such a thing in front of the children, especially when talking about the queen.

Tired, tired, really tired.

When Zhao Yu heard such words for the first time, what he felt was not novelty, but helplessness.

That sense of powerlessness arises spontaneously, spreading from the soles of the feet all the way to the top of the head, sweeping the whole body.

"Is the father tired of the Zheng family, or the queen mother?"

Emperor Jinhe had already spoken: "To the Zheng family, and to your mother."

He has said everything, and he will not hide it.

Zhao Yu's heart was shocked: "Because of what the mother said and did this time?"

Jin Hedi hummed, and after a long while, he stood up and walked down the couch.

He was pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back, looking anxious.

"The queen mother..."

"She was sick and sick, and I couldn't bear to criticize her all the time. Even if I found out that something happened to the Zheng family this time, I never thought of implicating the Queen in the slightest, summoning your brothers to the palace to discuss matters, even though I dismissed Saburo, But I never thought of hiding these things from the queen from the beginning to the end."

Jin Hedi's face was as deep as water, his eyes were dim, and there was no light at all: "At that time, I thought that I would discuss this matter with you and Erlang first, and then go and talk to your mother slowly, and ask Erlang to talk about it." It's okay, take it easy, or tell her all at once, I'm afraid her current physical condition can't bear it.

As a result, she was so smart that she keenly sensed that something was weird, and sent Saburo to Funing Hall to ask.

Then it went like this.

I always think that she is married to me, she is the wife of heaven, the mother of the world in Zhonggong, she knows what she should bear on her body.

In the past few decades, everything has followed her, what else is she not satisfied with?

The Zheng family provoked troubles several times, causing trouble for the court and making me unhappy. The queen never thought of appeasing me, nor did she think of solving problems for the court.

She has written letters to the Zheng family and family letters to your grandfather and uncle, but what is the use?
Every time the Zheng family made mistakes, there was always a queen to protect them.

The Zheng family is used to it, and everyone in the world has long been used to it.

The Zheng family is never wrong, as long as there is a queen around for a day, even murder and arson are also right. "

He put his hand between his brows, pinched the center of his brows and rubbed it twice: "But this time it's different! We communicated with Nanyuan, and so many letters were placed on my royal case. How timely is Nanyuan's rebellion? Well prepared in advance, why don't I suspect that there are traitors in the court?

The Zheng family bumped into each other at this moment.So many courtiers ransacked their homes and exiled them, but the queen still tried her best to protect the Zheng family.

Da Lang, your mother and queen are hopeless. "

Zhao Yu didn't know what to say.

It was hard for him to say that his father had changed his mind and stopped loving her.

Love is full of responsibility.

Decades of feelings are not meant to be let go.

But all the nostalgia, no matter how much affection and affection, were exhausted by the queen mother.

The father is the lord of Daye, the king of a country, and shoulders the burden of responsibility and the common people in the world.

He no longer expects his wife and mother to share the burden with him. He has carefully maintained the pure land in front of his mother for decades, but in the end he still can't change his mother's partiality.

Among the royal father and the Zheng family, the queen mother still chose the latter.

Zhao Yu suddenly felt relieved.

If the father is like this, let alone him?
Ten years of resentment, once dissipated.

Zhao Yu let out a long sigh of relief: "Even at this point, father doesn't plan to touch the Zheng family?"

"I promised the Queen."

When this matter was brought up, Emperor Jin He remained steadfast: "I have never broken my trust with the Queen for decades, and I have never lied to her. That day she asked that no matter what kind of development this matter will follow, what kind of consequences will be involved?" No matter what the grievances and grievances are, no matter what the crime is, don't pursue the Zheng family's crimes, and drown the case for the Zheng family.

If I don't have the heart, I won't agree. Once I have promised her, I will do it. "

Zhao Yu fell into the ice cellar heartbroken.

"But father..."

He didn't wait for Jin Hedi to interrupt him, he stopped himself, and his voice stopped abruptly.

Emperor Jinhe looked sideways, and Zhao Yu shook his head self-consciously: "Forget it, the emperor is the emperor, and the emperor speaks well, and there is absolutely no reason to change what he said."

"So Dalang, these things, you can clean them up yourself. As for those people outside—"

Emperor Jinhe prolonged the ending: "Your uncle looks confused, but in fact he is the most sensible person. I don't want to see him, and I don't bother to explain these things. Go and tell him when you leave the palace.

After you clean up all the things on hand, find an excuse, and just push the blame to the Han family.

The Han family was involved in this matter, and it is not wrong to blame the blame on his family. "

He turned around and went back to the couch, and when he sat down, he remembered Pei Guogong's mansion, and asked Zhao Yu with his tongue, "Does the Jiang family know?"

Zhao Yu said no: "The matter is of great importance, and my son got these things, and he only told the emperor's uncle, and he didn't dare to let others know.

But if you want to hide it from the Peiguo government, the minister finds it a bit difficult.

Originally, the Zheng family was the target of everyone's suspicion, but now that the Han family was introduced, everyone saw it as a scapegoat. "

Emperor Jinhe also had no choice but to ask Erlang to talk about it. When these things are over, I will find an opportunity to give Jiang Erlang an official position, give him a false rank in the army, and set the date of Erlang's marriage with the little girl of Jiang's family. Set it down for appeasement.

As for other people, don't worry about it. "

The other people he said in his mouth can be related to this incident, it seems that Zhao Yi is the only one left.

Because the Han family was pushed out as a scapegoat, who told Zhao Yi to have such a close relationship with the Han family.

What kind of speculations will the ruling and opposition parties make? Now the emperor obviously does not intend to protect Zhao Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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