Chapter 317 Make Up
Less than a month after the collusion case that shocked the government and the public, the court issued a new decree.

The Han family of Chengguo Duke's Mansion, who had been expelled from Shengjing long ago, was severely punished again.

The Han family was all arrested and imprisoned, including the head of the Han family who had been the Duke of the country for decades, and was not spared.

There is no other reason.

It is said that the rebellious King Nanyuan was poisoned and killed near Quyang County on the way back to Beijing. It was planned by the Han family and bought off members of the Quyang army, so that King Nanyuan failed to return to Beijing to accept court trial.

The people all clapped their hands and applauded.

The imperial court was probably afraid of causing commotion, so they did not escort the Han family to the capital for interrogation. They were repatriated to their original places, so the imperial court's decree was to execute them on the spot, without having to wait until the end of the autumn.

The people in Beijing stopped talking about the enemy case, and all eyes were on the Han family.

It is said that the Han family was restless, and after being deprived of the title, they hated the court and the official family.

It is also said that the Han family is desperate, because after losing the title, they will lose all their honor and decency in the past, and they can't live a life of love, so I don't know who was bought by someone to assassinate Nanyuan King. The whole family was taken in.

As for the latter, Zhao Yi must be involved.

Who asked Han Peizhao to be his companion, better than a brother, if the Han family has any relationship with Shengjing, and the imperial court, it seems that Zhao Yi is the only one.

Zhao Xingzhi hadn't drank from the cup yet, and there was a slight arc on the corner of his lips.

Of course, Jiang Wan also listened to those words, squeezed a piece of mung bean cake, chewed a small mouthful, and asked him with a hush: "Why are such words spread in the city now?"

Zhao Xing took a sip of tea, took a shallow sip, and sipped it: "How do you think it spread?"

Regarding the Tian family royal family, in fact, if Jiang Wan thinks about it carefully over the years, it seems that there is really no imperial court that controls the spread of rumors that are not allowed to spread in the city.

Whether it's the official saint, the Zhao Yu brothers, or the Changping County Prince's Mansion.

Now that it has spread, no one cares.


Jiang Wan's eyelids twitched, and his eyes suddenly sparkled: "The officials don't care about him anymore?"

"This incident broke my father's heart." Zhao Xing blew on the small cup, and the floating tea leaves fluttered again, making shallow ripples in the tea soup. "The empress and him don't care about it."

Jiang Wan suddenly let out a long breath of relief.

This is probably self-inflicted.

Empress Zheng and Zhao Yi, the mother and son were carved out of the same mold.

For the sake of the Zheng family, Empress Zheng exhausted Jin Hedi's affection for her.

Zhao Yi attached himself to the Zheng family, and made full use of the Zheng family.

Now something bad happened, Empress Zheng stood up to resist all this, and preserved the Zheng family in front of Emperor Jinhe, and then what?

In fact, Jiang Wan was originally angry.

Zhao Yu didn't dare to go to the Duke's mansion to say it in person when he said that he wanted to use the Han family to take the blame, and he had to wait for Zhao Xing to come back from Daying in the western suburbs.

A Niang now loves Zhao Xing more and more, even though A Niang was upset when he said these words, she didn't say a word to Zhao Xing, on the contrary, she made the second brother very angry.

A few days have passed since this incident, and Jiang Wan's mood is still not going well.

She had cried in front of Zhao Xing earlier and was comforted, but it didn't mean she could accept it calmly.

No matter how nice the words are, the heart is always awkward and wronged.

It is clear that the crime of the Zheng family may be real treason and collaborating with the enemy, and they can get through it safely in the end.

But it's all good now.

The grievances I had suffered in the past, and those places where I was depressed and unhappy, I was relieved all at once.

Seeing her happy face, Zhao Xing raised his eyebrows: "So happy? What I told you last time, it seems that you don't really take it to heart at all."

It's just that the emperor and empress disagree with those words.

It's just that for Yu Jiang Wan, Jin Hedi made a decision and can always take care of these things.

Anything is better than a mess.

As for what Zhao Xing told her specifically that the discord between the emperor and empress was a major national event, which might cause panic in the court and unstable people's hearts, and so on, why didn't Jiang Wan know about it?

She didn't need to be taught that at all.

"The matter is already like this. The officials have their own intentions in doing things, and they must be able to deal with them properly. If they can't even deal with the aftermath, it probably won't be the current situation."

This is true.

The royal father has been sitting on the high platform all these years, and he has never experienced any kind of storm.

Now that the imperial court has quelled the chaos in Nanyuan, the morale of the army has been greatly boosted, and they have won a general like Jiang Yuanzhan, so they are not afraid of causing any disturbances.

What's more, the house arrest of the empress dowager in the hall of Hanzhang did not cause trouble to the previous dynasty.

The courtiers only knew that Zhong Gong was seriously ill, so naturally no one would know that there was such an inside story.

The emperor blocked all news at the beginning, probably because of this.

The small white porcelain cup that Zhao Xing had been holding all the time was put back on the table, the tea cup was only half empty, and he didn't take a few sips of tea at all.

Jiang Wan was in high spirits and in a good mood, but he ate cakes one after another.

She had a big appetite, Zhao Xing looked helplessly, and shook his head again and again: "Skipping lunch?"

"I'm happy today, and I can eat more at noon."

"You are really outspoken." Zhao Xing was annoyed by her words, "Why don't you think about how uncomfortable I am now? The one on the left is happy, and the one on the right is happy."

Jiang Wan paused the hand holding the cake, and tilted his head to look at him: "Even if I don't say it, can't the second elder brother see my happiness?
I can't hide it from you, so it's better for me to admit it openly.

Besides, on this matter, we can only say that we have different positions.

You are not happy in your heart, and you will worry about the official saints. I also sympathize with you and love you even more.

But I am happy for this, the second elder brother can actually understand my heart.

So I won't help you share, and don't want you to share with me.

I am happy about mine, you are sad about yours.

If I stay with you, you may feel better. If not, I will think of another way to make you happy. "

What she said was logical and seemed to make sense.

At first glance, it sounds like that is really the case, but if you look at it carefully, it is just nonsensical.

That is her.

Zhao Xingping responded with a good voice: "Anyway, I told you to go home and talk to the Duke and Madam.

I saw it at the Ministry of War two days ago, and the Duke will arrive in Beijing in three to five days at most. When the Duke returns, the family can just live happily and don't think about it anymore.

Eldest brother specifically told me that the emperor deeply feels that he owes your family a lot in this matter. Apart from the previous promises, at least within one or two years, he will always try to make up for the Duke's mansion. "

(End of this chapter)

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