The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 318 Not a Good Place

Chapter 318 Not a Good Place

Zhao Yi spent the whole day drinking to relieve his worries, but no one cared about him.

Empress Zheng has been under house arrest for more than ten days, and the courtiers have no way of knowing.

The turmoil in the court seems to have passed.

Only then did Emperor Jinhe withdraw half of the guards outside Hanzhang Hall, and summoned Zheng Shuangxue to accompany him in the palace.

In fact, the aunt and nephew are not temperamental people.

Empress Zheng liked Zheng Shuangyi more. Even Zheng Shuangrong, who was younger and separated from the front of the house, was more likable because of her liveliness and wit.

Among the three sisters of the Zheng family, only Zheng Shuangxue was the one who disliked Empress Zheng the most.

Now it's only her.

There is an imperial concubine's couch under the corridor, and it rained after getting up early. At this time, the rain stopped, but there were still raindrops hanging under the eaves, dripping down along the eaves.

Empress Zheng was covered with a thick blanket of white rabbit fur.

She was not in good health and could not bear the cold, and the maids and maids were newly replaced, which did not suit her wishes, and no one dared to come up to persuade her. After a few words of persuasion, she refused to go back to the palace and lie down, so she stopped persuading her up.

Zheng Shuangxue entered the palace and walked all the way to the corridor, seeing her complexion was not good, after greeting her, she sat down beside the imperial concubine's couch.

She went to shake Queen Zheng's hand and found that even her fingertips were cold.

So his heart sank slightly: "Auntie, the weather is getting colder after the rain, shall I accompany you back to the inner room to rest?"

Empress Zheng shook her head and pulled her hand out: "I haven't been out of the palace for a few days, and I haven't seen Dalang and the others, so I don't know what's going on outside. Erniang, is everything alright with the Zheng family?"

Zheng Shuangxue pursed her lips and said, "Auntie, is it worth it?"

Empress Zheng frowned: "That's also your mother clan."

"But if it becomes a drag, is it really worth it?"

Empress Zheng didn't like her.

Because she is too selfish.

She only thought of herself, not the whole Zheng family.

But in a trance, he seemed to see his former self again.

Empress Zheng's complexion became paler.

Perhaps what she hated was never Zheng Shuangxue, but her past self.

The most selfish, despicable, self.

They can only hide in a dark place, and they will never be able to see people for eternity.

Empress Zheng raised her hand, as if she wanted to stroke Zheng Shuangxue's hair, but she didn't have the strength to support it.

Sensing what she meant, Zheng Shuangxue lowered her head and rubbed her hair against her palm: "Auntie, everything will be fine."

"Not anymore."

It was rare for Empress Zheng to be sympathetic, caressing Zheng Shuangxue, and handing it over: "I missed something 15 years ago, so I have to spend the rest of my life to pay it back. Erniang, you ask me if it's worth it - in fact, there's nothing worth it of.

The road is chosen by people, and there is no room for regret.

You have made a choice, you can only go on unswervingly.

There is no regret medicine in this world, and there is no turning back.

It's not going to get better.

The official's heart was broken by me, and he was completely disappointed, and he will never look back.

Decades of love, all called my own practice. "


Zheng Shuangxue's heart was shocked, but she didn't dare to move.

Empress Zheng sighed softly: "I regret it, but I don't have a chance to regret it. Er Niang, you are still young, and your life will be long in the future.

Whether the future of the Zheng family is good or not, there is only so much I can do.

The officials have never broken their promises to me.

Your marriage is also set, wait until Erlang and Jiang Wan get married this year, at most two years old, and the government will give you a marriage before the spring of next year.

Sanlang is young, and before he can become king, you can be your third concubine at ease, and no one dares to underestimate you.

Although one of the titles of the Zheng family has been taken away, but as long as you, Aunt, are still alive, the title of the Duke of the Kingdom can be preserved for one day.

As long as you, A Weng, are in good health, you will still be the prostitute of the Duke's Mansion.

Saburo will also treat you kindly.

Wait until the future—"

Empress Zheng didn't say anything about the future.

Zheng Shuangxue suddenly felt very sad.

She also has no affection for the queen's aunt.

At first, it was just a matter of intentional use.

Because her surname is Zheng, the queen has to take care of her future.

Zheng Shuangyi is useless, her future is the future of the Zheng family.

Now the mentality has suddenly changed.

Zheng Shuangxue snuggled into Empress Zheng's arms: "Auntie, you will recover from your illness, and the officials will not be angry with you for too long, even—even as you said, you will recover in the future.

His Highness Su Wang and Shu Wang are both filial, as for me and the third highness, we will also be good.

You may think that I am selfish, but the Zheng family has come to this day, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the last sentence is to blame.

You have done enough, what you can do and what you can't do. Over the past few decades, you have maintained favoritism, and you have paid enough for the Zheng family. "

That's enough.

But this sentence is to blame, so why should it not be on her body?
Empress Zheng patted Zheng Shuangxue on the back of the head twice: "The officials are relieved now, and they won't lock me up in the Hanzhang Palace forever, and occasionally you can come into the palace to accompany me when you are free.

But Erniang, the imperial palace is the most right and wrong place, if you can stop coming, don't come again.

I'm good or bad, it doesn't matter.

Whether the Zheng family is good or not, as you said, I have done enough, and there is nothing I can do in the future. "

She took a deep breath: "When I get out of the palace, I will write a letter from home and tell you, Ah Weng and Aye, I am not in good health. The imperial doctor said that I should rest and rest. I can't worry about it for three to five years, otherwise Daluo Jinxian will also suffer. save.

In the future, everything about the Zheng family will make them respect themselves, and let them take care of themselves.

If there is anything more, there is nothing I can do.

Dalang, Erlang and the Zheng family have never been of the same mind. Sanlang has his heart towards the Zheng family, but after all, he is too young to speak.

The officials are angry again, I am afraid that Sanlang will not be able to help even a little bit in front of the officials. "


Zheng Shuangxue felt faintly bad in her heart, it was really Empress Zheng's words that made people frightened.

It doesn't seem like a gossip, but more like an account of the aftermath.

She has been in the capital these days, and she has always known that Zhonggong is not in good health, and the people in Manshengjing are all aware of it, but she has never thought about how sick she will be.

When I first came to Hanzhang to greet Ann, my aunt was still ruddy and full of energy, and everything was as usual.

It's only a few months in the blink of an eye, so how good can it be?
What's more, there are so many good imperial doctors and so many precious medicinal materials in the imperial hospital.

As a result, Zheng Shuangxue found that everything seemed to be her wishful thinking.

Empress Zheng still rubbed her head: "Go, Er Niang, go out of the palace."

Zheng Shuangxue's eye sockets heated up: "I want to stay with my aunt again."

Empress Zheng shook her head, and slowly closed her eyes: "How long can you stay with me? Today is over, and tomorrow's Hanzhang Palace will still be deserted.

You stay so long that even you will be trapped.

This is not a good place, don't stay in the palace. "

Just like back then, if she had the choice, she would not fall into the royal family of heaven again.

It's never been a good place.

(End of this chapter)

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