Chapter 319 Marriage
The wedding date of Zhao Xing and Jiang Wan was set on the thirteenth day of the twelfth lunar month.

The imperial decree was issued on the fifth day when the army returned to court.

It can be regarded as double happiness.

It completely broke up the depressive atmosphere in Shengjing some time ago.

The black clouds that shrouded everyone's heads were swept away.

Looking up, it is the clearest blue sky and white clouds.

Even the congratulations from the Peiguo government could not stop them.

Jiang Hu has also returned to Beijing from Liaodong.

He has a quick temper and is the most impatient about dealing with people, but Mrs. Gu stopped him, saying that it was a gift from the heavenly family and it shouldn't be like this.

It was lively for seven or eight days, and the number of people coming to congratulate gradually decreased.

A few days ago, Zhou Wanning didn't even bother to come, she waited until there were fewer people before coming to Jiang Wan.

A lot of things were rewarded in the palace, ready for the big wedding.

Everything is exquisite and luxurious.

Rao Zhou Wanning saw a lot of good things on weekdays, but now seeing those hairpins and rings jewelry in Jiang Wan's dowry, she couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Sure enough, the things in the palace are the best. I thought about it, The wedding date is a little urgent, and it will be less than two months. I am afraid that the planning will not be too meticulous, and it will not be wronged for you.

After seeing these things in your dowry, I realized that I was thinking too much. "

She caressed the gemstone on the hairpin head of a small phoenix hairpin, and said.

Pei Qingyuan went to pull her with crooked eyebrows: "She's a baby, don't look at her mouth, no one wants to touch her these two days, for fear of being touched by her, don't touch it quickly, if something goes wrong, she will rely on it." Ni, I want to talk to you endlessly.

I don't know anymore, I've seen this good thing a lot, and there is also a good thing called our Zhuzhuding Baby. "

The two just laughed and joked, but Jiang Wan didn't get angry: "Although the wedding is coming soon, things in the palace are never in a hurry, no matter how rushed, they can still make preparations.

Second brother's Shu Palace, hurry up, isn't it pretty?

I asked my mother, I don't even need to make the wedding dress myself, and I don't need to worry about the needlework.

Because it is a marriage bestowed by the royal family, and I will marry to the palace to be a princess. The auspicious clothes for the big wedding and the clothes to wear should be prepared by the palace. I heard that there are more than 30 embroiderers in the palace for me. I rushed to work overnight for the big wedding with my second brother, and these things were ordered by the inner government to rush to make them. They were all new, and they were not found in the warehouse. "

"That's natural."

Zhou Wanning has already sat down beside her: "This is the prince welcoming the concubine, it is a great gift, and when the army returns to the court after a great victory, brother Yuan Zhan has made new achievements in the military, no matter how you look at it, you can't neglect it. How can you find old things from the warehouse?" Come to give you reason?
Besides, His Royal Highness King Su still doesn't know when he will marry his concubine. It is likely that in a few years he will appoint a prince, and he will choose a concubine for him seriously.

The wedding of His Royal Highness the King of Shu is the top priority of the imperial court, so it cannot be neglected.

She is marrying the daughter of the concubine of Duke Pei's mansion, so why not be grand?
I really want to see your auspicious clothes now, it must be very beautiful! "

Jiang Wan pinched her mouth: "I think you want to marry yourself?"

Pei Qingyuan also covered her lips and smiled.

Zhou Wanning pouted her mouth and bumped her elbow: "Just say a few words about you and choke others with your words, so I won't be with you.

But I thought, when you get married, we won't be able to do what we used to. After all, we are not girls at home, we are all married, we need to be more mature and stable, and we should look like a princess. "

"We can still play around together in private." Jiang Wan whispered, "Second Brother said, it doesn't matter to me. But it's definitely not possible outside.

You come to see me at the Shu Palace, we are still the same as before.Don't drag me around outside, so as not to lose the face of the Shu Palace and embarrass the second brother's face. "

Pei Qingyuan walked over and rubbed the top of her hair twice: "How could it be? Our Zhuzhu is a well-known model of ladies in Shengjing, the most dignified and polite, how can we embarrass His Highness the King of Shu?"

That is true.

No one in the previous life could do better than her.

She has even been the mother of the Central Palace for nearly ten years. There is nothing wrong with being a little princess of Shu.

Zhou Wanning stroked the hibiscus flower on Jiang Wan's cuff, and suddenly asked her in a low voice: "The wedding is so urgent, is there another way to say it?"

"It's just for the sake of double happiness, what can I say?"

In fact, it was another kind of compensation from Emperor Jinhe to the Peiguo government.

But there is no need to tell Zhou Wanning.

Regarding the matter of the Zheng family, everyone chose not to mention it. Now that the turmoil has calmed down and everything is over, there is really no need to add further complications.

Zhou Wanning was embarrassed, and said twice: "I overheard my aunt and Aye telling me that day, I am afraid that the saint is really not good, so the wedding date between you and His Royal Highness the King of Shu is so urgent, don't the officials want to give it to you?" The saint is overjoyed, do you know about this?"

Jiang Wan didn't have any idea about whether to be happy or not, but if she wanted to say happy for Queen Zheng, then she was very reluctant in her heart.

It was precisely because Zhou Wanning knew her so well that she asked so much. Otherwise, wouldn't Master Zhou and Mrs. Fan have closed the door to say something like this in private?Who dares to bring it up on the stage.

Jiang Wan shook his head.

Zhou Wanning frowned: "No? Still don't know?"


"will not."

Jiang Wan answered her question lightly.

Zhou Wanning could clearly feel that her emotions were not as high as before, and realized that she might have said something wrong, but she couldn't figure out what was wrong.

So he raised his eyes to look at Pei Qingyuan.

Pei Qingyuan also sighed: "She can't listen to the saint's affairs recently, and she is probably worried about His Royal Highness the King of Shu. The saint is indeed in poor health all the time. I heard that there are regulations for this big wedding, and the inner government will handle it as usual. , the rest of the details need to be finalized by someone, and the official family is also handed over to the imperial concubine.

For such an important matter as the wedding of His Royal Highness the King of Shu, the sages can't fuck with their own children, so it's not good.

Several His Royal Highnesses were worried, and His Highness the King of Shu had the best relationship with the saint, so he was the most worried.

After the wedding date is set, Zhuzhu will stay at home and wait for her marriage. In a few days, there will be an etiquette nun in the palace living at home to teach the wedding etiquette. All rely on three cousins.

When you mention the saint to her, she will inevitably think of the king of Shu, so she is not happy. "

Zhou Wanning didn't doubt that there was him, so naturally he believed all these words, and said ah: "Sages and auspicious people have their own appearances, and they will get better if they are protected by real Buddhas, so don't worry too much about the prince.


She originally wanted to say that birth, old age, sickness and death are human nature, which cannot be controlled by human beings.

When the words came to his lips, he changed his words: "You are worrying like this at home, and you have exhausted your mind. People who are about to get married should think more about happy things. It is serious. I am also to blame. You should not mention this. Stubble isn't it?

If you frown again, it's all my fault! "

(End of this chapter)

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