Chapter 320
Pei Qingyuan was ill.

Although she is not a weak and beautiful woman, Shengjing is extremely cold in winter, and even the wind hurts people's faces. She is cold, and the climate in Hedong is really different.

The first snow fell in early November, and that's when she fell ill.

Jiang Hu took his name card and hurriedly called to the imperial hospital to invite the imperial doctor to come home.

Emperor Jinhe is now very concerned about the Jiang family's affairs, and some big and small things, not so overstepping, follow the wishes of the Peiguo government.

So when he heard that Pei Qingyuan was ill, he personally ordered Qin Yuyi to come over to check his pulse.

In fact, it's just a cold.

She is not weak in body, but she grew up in Hedong and got used to the climate and seasons in Hedong. She couldn't get used to the dry and cold of Shengjing, so as soon as winter came, she was taken to play in the snow and fell ill. up.

It will be fine to raise it for three to five days after prescribing the prescription, but if you want to strengthen it for one or two days, it will take ten days and a half months.

It is said that if you want to stay in Shengjing for a long time, it is best to keep fit and get up early to practice two sets of boxing.

Otherwise, in the twelfth lunar month of winter, I am afraid that I will get sick again, and I will take medicine in advance to prevent it. Well, taking too much of this medicine is not a good thing after all.

Then there is the early spring in March, when it turns warm and then cold, Shengjing sometimes has a late spring cold in April, and the weather in March is also very strange, and people who are not in Shengjing probably can't bear it.

She is the one who suffers back and forth.

She came to Beijing for a short stay, and in less than a year, she got sick again and again, and taking too much medicine was really bad for her health.

The Duke's Mansion listened to all these words, and the Prince's Mansion of Changping County also sent an unknown amount of supplements. If the basics are not enough, Erlang Dalang started practicing at the age of six or seven at home, and replaced them with new ones when he was ten years old, so these are no longer needed.

Now she thinks it's just right to use it for Pei Qingyuan.

She has a shallow foundation and can't practice those complicated ones. Let alone Jiang Wan, she can't even match Zhou Wanning's progress, so I gave these to her, and after making her feel refreshed, she gets up early every day to practice with Jiang Wan .

Everyone sat around the room, and the fire of the earth dragon was not so prosperous, fearing that Pei Qingyuan would be overwhelmed by the heat again.

She embraced the books brought by Wei Shi like a treasure: "I found these specially, and they are just right for you. I also asked your uncle about your current progress. Practicing these books can improve your health." body, and will not overwork and hurt yourself.

Coincidentally, Zhuzhu also goes to practice kung fu every day, and so does your second cousin. You don't matter who you are with, ask your second cousin or Zhuzhu to teach you, lest you really hurt yourself if you don't practice kung fu for a long time.

After a few days, when you feel better, I'll take you to make two new clothes, so that you can wear them when you practice. "

After explaining all these words, she thought of something else and didn't ask others to talk, so she started chattering endlessly: "Why don't you go to practice with Erlang. Zhuzhu won't be able to stay at home for a month. She will be born next month. If she gets married, she will move to the Shu Palace, and you sisters will not be able to stay together all day long.

She instructed you to get used to it, and if you ask Erlang to take over to teach you, two people may not practice in the same way, and it will be bad for you. "

This made Pei Qingyuan dumbfounded.

Even Jiang Wan called her aunt with curled lips.

Wei Shihu looked at Jiang Wan with a serious face: "People who are about to go out, are you embarrassed to ask me to say a few words? What's wrong with telling people, isn't it the truth?"

Gu pulled her helplessly: "Okay, okay, you'll call her impatient later, and I won't care if you get into a fight with you carefully."

Wei Shi said yes, even though he stopped talking, there was still a smile on his face.

Mrs. Jiang had other plans, eyes flashed across her eyes, and she made a sound, and said to Mrs. Gu, "Sister-in-law, tell me to take Qing Yuan home to live with you? Yuan Zhan still has to work in the yamen, and there is no such thing as getting up early." Free time.

However, my brother is idle at home all day long, so I told him to follow his two cousins ​​to learn some skills, even if he is helping out in Su Wang's mansion or Shu Wang's mansion, he is not in a hurry to go to the yamen to do errands. They don't want to go, just idle around.

It's better to ask Qing Yuan to live there, anyway, he has nothing to do, so just point Qing Yuan to practice kung fu, and it can be regarded as finding something for him.

If he didn't teach well, he wouldn't dare to be careful if he asked brother to beat him! "

In fact, both Gu and Wei knew about Jiang's thoughts.

It mainly depends on what the child wants.

Pei Qingyuan was always indifferent, neither pandering nor refusing.

The elders were unwilling to force anything, and Jiang Shi never mentioned it in the past few months.

Now she is also thinking about waiting for the beginning of spring next year, and she will probably go back to Hedong. The matter of the two children is still not mentioned, so she started to get anxious.

Gu Shi and Wei Shi looked at each other, smiled without saying a word.

Pei Qingyuan himself is not a fool.

I know more or less.

But she never thought about this kind of thing.

I don't know what to say right now.

Jiang Wan was the most winking, holding Jiang's arm and not letting go, shaking and acting coquettishly: "Auntie, please do me a favor, I'm going out next month to be a family member, just for this month, you can leave your cousin behind Let's stay with me at home.

Didn't you see Ning Ning running to our house all day long, wishing she could live in our house.

Why are you still stealing people from me? "

Her final voice was raised, her voice was melodious, and she was the most charming: "When I move to the Shu Palace, my cousin will be fine, and you can pick her up to live in the County Palace.

Anyway, it was only the middle of the twelfth lunar month at that time, and there would be a few days of excitement after the big wedding, at most until the twelfth lunar month.

Wouldn't it be easy to ask my cousin to spend New Year's Eve at the county prince's mansion, and she should be settled? "

Mrs. Jiang knew what she meant, but she smoothed things over, shook her head, and scratched lightly on the tip of her nose: "Okay, it's up to you, don't say that I bullied you and snatched people away from you."

As she spoke, she rubbed her hands together, stood up, gathered the fur at her neckline, and then looked at Pei Qingyuan on the bed: "You are still sick, and making noise is not good for you to recuperate, I will go home first , I will come to see you tomorrow and ask your aunts to talk with you for a while, and you can rest after taking the medicine."

Pei Qingyuan's porcelain white cheeks were slightly reddish from the smoke, and she responded well, and didn't force herself to get up, so she just watched her go out.

Jiang Shi easily pulled Jiang Wan up: "You can give me a ride for your cousin, don't stay lazy in the house."

Jiang Wan took the opportunity to act coquettishly, saying, "It's so cold, why did you drag me on?"

"That's impossible. You want to snatch your cousin from me, and you won't send me out of the house right now? You're so beautiful."

Mrs. Jiang grabbed her and didn't let go, and called someone to bring Jiang Wan's cloak, and pulled her to dress neatly together, Jiang Wan couldn't help it, and went out together with her arms around her.

(End of this chapter)

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