The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 321 Never Considered

Chapter 321 Never Considered
After about two cups of tea, Jiang Wan left and returned.

The inner chamber is incensed, and the aroma of pear blossoms is sweet, but not too greasy, just suppressing the bitterness of the medicine in the room.

Gu's and Wei's are not in the house, only the serving girls.

Pei Qingyuan tilted in a daze, and only opened his eyes when he heard the sound of someone turning over on the bed.

She raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, watching Jiang Wan sleepily crawling onto the bed, smiled silently, and moved her legs so that she could get in.

Then he reached out to touch her little hand, and found that the fingertips were cold, and frowned: "Lie down quickly, it looks like it's freezing."

Jiang Wan shook his head again and again, just sat cross-legged, and did not crawl under the blanket: "I just came in from the outside, I was afraid that there was still cold air on my body that I hadn't dusted off, and if I passed the cold air to you, it would be bad for you.

I'm not cold, it's just that it's too cold outside, and my fingertips are only cool after I've been outside for a long time.

The earth dragon in the house is burning, and it will be warmed up in a while. "

Pei Qingyuan combed her hair and put it behind her ear. Seeing that she couldn't be persuaded, he ordered the little girl to get a hand stove.

After Jiang Wan hugged her, she felt relieved, sent the maids who were serving her to retreat to the outer room, and then asked Jiang Wan: "Auntie pulled you out, what did you tell me to tell me?"

Jiang Wan raised his eyelids, seemingly surprised.

Pei Qingyuan covered her lips and smiled slightly: "In such a cold day, if it wasn't for something to say, these are all members of my own family, and there are no outsiders around. Why would my aunt drag you and send her out? She just told you to bring back the cold, so I'm not afraid." freezing you?

You saw my aunt and didn't go to report to her, and you rolled on my bed when you saw me falling asleep in a daze. I think it's probably because you have something to say to me. "

"My cousin is so smart!"

Jiang Wan's vermilion lips parted, revealing a pair of pointed canine teeth, extremely cute.

Anyway, now she is in good spirits on happy occasions, smiling all day long.

The palace came to reward and smile, and the Shu Palace also smiled when they brought things. Even when the etiquette mother taught her the rules, it was so cumbersome and strict, she didn't feel bitter, and she still laughed.

The main reason is that I am happy in my heart, and I can't hide it on my face.

Pei Qingyuan pinched her cheek: "Then tell me, what did your aunt tell you?"

"Cousin, do you want to guess?"

Pei Qingyuan frowned: "I don't want to guess, you just say it."

Jiang Wan couldn't help but know how much she knew.

A few months passed, and my aunt had snatched her daughter-in-law in front of Queen Zheng, and she had never mentioned it in front of her.

Even if it was her and Ning Ning, they could at most make indirect remarks and say a few innocuous words.

Zhao Ran's temperament... I will give you peach blossom cakes today, and peach blossom powder tomorrow. My cousin likes peach blossoms, so everything he sends is related to peach blossoms.

Last time, there was a peach blossom hairpin carved from mutton fat white jade, which was handed over to my cousin after passing through Aniang's hands.

The carving work is rough and the technique is poor. At first glance, it is not the work of a skilled craftsman. Zhao Ran probably did it by himself.

My cousin didn't use it either, so she kept it in the dowry box.

He hides half of his mind and reveals the other half.

I don't know if my cousin is open or not.

Jiang Wan thought for a long time, but didn't speak.

Only then did Pei Qingyuan push her: "What are you thinking? Why don't you speak?"

Jiang Wan said it's nothing, but then he decided to let it go: "Cousin, do you know what big cousin thinks?"

Pei Qingyuan's face changed slightly, not because it became more rosy, but because it became calm.

She had a serious face, and she really didn't look coquettish and shy.

Jiang Wan's heart sank.

"Did your aunt ask you to ask me?"

Jiang Wan didn't hide it from her: "My aunt said that it's not good for an elder to ask you. I'm a younger sister, so I just asked. My cousin is smart, so I must have guessed that my aunt told me to ask, so there is no need to hide it. What are you?"

Pei Qingyuan's eyes drooped.

Her long and curled eyelashes cast a small shadow under her eyes, Jiang Wan's heart sank more and more as he watched, "Cousin Wuxin?"

"Zhuzhu, it's rare to find a lover in the world."

Pei Qingyuan took a deep breath, and after a while, he responded to Jiang Wan's words: "I never thought about these things."

She raised her eyelids again to look at Jiang Wan: "It's really rare to be like you and His Highness the King of Shu, like Aunt and Uncle, or else, like Uncle and Aunt.

Not to mention the outsiders, didn't the uncle and aunt of the Gu family get better every day after they got married?

Even I, Aye and Aniang, got married because of the order of our parents and the words of the matchmaker.

As you know, my trip to Beijing is for my marriage with the Han family.

What A Niang means is that although I have made a marriage contract verbally, but now I have this condition so that I will not marry blindly like her. I have the opportunity to meet Han Dalang in Beijing. Marriage is only good for me.

But for me, there is no difference. "

Jiang Wan felt uncomfortable hearing this.

How could there be no difference!

She was married to Han Peizhao in her previous life, and she was tortured all her life, not all because of...

There is no need to be angry.

Pei Qingyuan was raised in a high school, and her little aunt had the softest temper, unlike her aunt, so she was taught to have the same temperament.

He only recognizes the fate of his parents, and he has never had a time when a girl's heart is swaying.

This is normal.

Then you have to ask another way.

Jiang Wan threw the small hand stove aside: "Then cousin, you are only willing to obey your parents' orders, the elder cousin may not be a good match in the eyes of my uncle and aunt, as long as they nod, you will marry willingly?

You have been in Beijing for such a long time, we get along on a daily basis, don't you yourself think that your big cousin is good or bad? "

"Cousin is naturally good." Pei Qingyuan replied with a smile, "He is the son of a phoenix, why is he not good? My aunt says she dislikes her, but she is actually very proud of her cousin. Do you think he is not good?"

Jiang Wan was a little discouraged: "You know that's not what I asked!"

Pei Qingyuan went to hold her hand.

At this moment, it was warm, she pinched Jiang Guan's light white fingertips, the fingertips were small and round, she looked at it twice, and even wanted to take a bite.

He squeezed twice, laughed and shook his head: "I know what you are asking. If the elders think this marriage is good, I will naturally agree. My cousin likes me and treats me well, and I also see it. Yes Such a gentleman is also a good thing for me.

But Zhuzhu, if you want to ask me if I have any other intentions for my cousin, then you don't have to ask. "

As she said, she shook her head a little more heavily: "I said it just now, I never thought about these things."

If Zhao Ran heard these words, he would probably feel sad.

After such a long time, even a rock should be covered with heat.

Pei Qingyuan's temperament...

Jiang Wan felt helpless, and sighed softly: "Then cousin now knows what the elders want, and my aunt is very interested in asking you to marry into the county prince's mansion, so don't you think about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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