Chapter 322
Pei Qingyuan's words were too cold.

There is no emotion and no temperature.

Jiang Wan has seen the most indifferent people, the most ruthless calculations, and still can't help but feel emotional.

This eldest cousin of hers is usually the most gentle and gentle, Jiang Wan really never thought that she would still be so indifferent.


Pei Qingyuan always held a faint smile, his brows and eyes were slightly curved, and the moment Jiang Wan's lips twitched, he already knew what Jiang Wan wanted to say.

She moved her fingertips and poked lightly on the back of Jiang Wan's hand: "I just don't think it's necessary."

Jiang Wan frowned: "Why?"

Pei Qingyuan just shook his head and said nothing.

For a moment, Jiang Wan didn't know how to persuade her.

No, it cannot be said to be persuasion.

The love between men and women has never been controlled by others, and it is the most difficult to control whether you are tempted or not.

But Pei Qingyuan is so decisive.

She said it wasn't necessary.

She didn't even think about it, even now, the attitude of the elders towards this marriage is all happy to see it happen, she still hasn't thought about thinking about it.

Is there any possibility between her and Zhao Ran?

Jiang Wan had a vague feeling - even if the parents ordered them to get married, Pei Qingyuan might not be affectionate after marriage.

As if she was born this way.

what is this?
Jiang Wan couldn't understand.

She tried hard to recall many things in her previous life.

In those inner houses and boudoirs, the way husband and wife get along, I hope to find out one or two clues.

After a long time, Jiang Wan tentatively asked her in a low voice: "Cousin, is it because of my uncle's taking a concubine seven years ago?"

Pei Qingyuan's face froze as expected.

Jiang Wan clearly saw that it was too late for her to recover.

It's really because of this!

Seven years ago, my little aunt suffered a miscarriage and the doctor said she would never be able to conceive again.

Originally it was nothing.After all, she had already had both sons and daughters at that time, and she had already passed on the incense for the Pei family and descended from the Mianzong, so even if she could no longer conceive, it would have no effect, but her body had to be properly raised, otherwise there would be endless troubles.

But she was only in the second month of confinement, and my uncle brought a stunning beauty back home, and offered mistress tea to my aunt.

The little aunt didn't even have time to cry, but the little uncle acted resolutely, and moved so quickly, he accepted the concubine's room and entered the room.

Aye and his aunt were furious because of this, if it wasn't for Aniang and his uncle's persuasion, let alone go to the east of the river with a sword, even the court would be turned upside down, and the officials would have to be forced to issue an order to punish him.

In the end, it was because of the situation of my little aunt in Hedong.

It's just that this thing is weird.

The little uncle took Qian as his concubine, and he did not hesitate to offend the Peiguo Duke's Mansion and the Changping County Prince's Mansion.

But Qian had no choice but to pamper her for less than half a year before she was dismissed by her little uncle.

No one knew where Qian had gone, and my little aunt never asked.

Half a year later, it seemed like nothing had happened.

From then on, the little uncle completely calmed down, and treated the little aunt in every possible way and obediently.

But in A Niang's words, it's hard to round a broken mirror, and it's hard to get it back when it's overwhelmed.

What has been done cannot be changed, and the heart that has been hurt cannot be truly innocent.

Jiang Wan didn't understand before.

Later she figured it out.

When my little uncle was a concubine, he and my little aunt had been married for almost ten years, and the husband and wife loved each other deeply.

The accident happened suddenly, let alone when the little aunt was just confinement, and the child was hurt fundamentally.

The little aunt's heart was broken, and all kinds of things happened afterwards, but everyone maintained a peaceful face and went on with their lives.

It's not always possible to really make peace.

If it's an aunt, if it's a mother, or an aunt, in the past when the little uncle Na Qian came in, the mistress wouldn't even take a sip of tea, so she had to reconcile.

Little aunt can't do it.

That's just temperament.

However, I'm afraid everyone has never thought about it. It's not just an old thing between the elders, it will also accumulate in the heart of the young Pei Qingyuan.

It has become a shadow that will never be forgotten for a lifetime.

She has seen with her own eyes how her mother and father love each other hand in hand, and she has personally experienced the practice of pampering concubines and destroying wives for half a year.

All the feelings seemed to disappear overnight.

Although some people tried to make up for it and repaired it as much as possible, it was all in vain.

It's not that she doesn't want to admire Mr. Minglang, but she doesn't dare and doesn't believe it.

The word love, to Pei Qingyuan, means deceit and betrayal.

So she never had expectations.

If it was something else, Jiang Wan could still think of a way to persuade him.

Seven years of heart knot, why should she unravel it?
Jiang Wan was speechless, she held Pei Qingyuan's hand tightly, and said nothing more.

"I still think about it sometimes, but I can't figure it out."

Pei Qingyuan suddenly opened his mouth, and his voice was as sweet as ever: "She is beautiful. At my young age, when I don't understand the beauty and ugliness of this world so well, I have to admit that she is an extremely beautiful lady. Years have passed, and at this age, when I think about her, I still feel that among the beauties I have seen in the past ten years, no one can compare to her.

But where is the difference between Auntie? "

She smiled wryly and shook her head: "Didn't Auntie not be beautiful when she was young? It can be seen that the problem does not lie in this.

Is it because Auntie has a bad temper? "

Jiang Wan's face was serious and tense.

Who dares to say that the little aunt in Peiguo's mansion is a bad-tempered girl?

From being a girl at home to marrying to Hedong as the wife of the Pei clan.

The little aunt was famous for her good temper.

and so……

"So Zhuzhu, you see, she is beautiful and has a good temperament, but she may not be able to make you live a whole life with one heart and one mind."

Jiang Wan's heart skipped a beat.

She is talking about herself.

Sure enough, Pei Qingyuan withdrew his hand. Seeing a little depressed, he threw himself into the soft pillow and pointed at himself: "Do I look like another lady?"

"Cousin, aunt and the others..."

"I know."

Pei Qingyuan still knew what she was going to say, and pressed her: "I also accept this marriage, as long as Aye and Auntie let go, I said, the fate of my parents, for me, marriage is nothing worth looking forward to Yes, more like a mission.

This is what I, as the eldest daughter of the Pei family in Hedong, should do.

Marry a noble family, be a clan wife, hold middle class gifts, and establish a virtuous name.

As for anything else, I haven't thought about it, and I don't want to think about it.

You just want to say that if you marry in the county prince's mansion, with your aunt watching over you, your uncle protecting you, and your cousin not daring to mess around, this life will surely pass away in harmony.

But who knows what will happen next.

My uncle and aunt can't protect me forever.

Morning and evening are different.

How do you say that?

Everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door.As I say this, listen, you may feel it is cold, but in fact it is not like that. "

She took a deep breath, and stretched slowly: "I am sixteen years old, and my cousin was shocked to see my beauty.

When I am 46 and my face is getting old, will he still be so careless and gentle, always looking out for me? "

(End of this chapter)

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