The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 323 More Trouble

Chapter 323 More Trouble

Jiang Wan has been in a bad mood recently.

As the wedding day approached, she couldn't even see a smile on her face.

I don't know who sent the news to the Shu Palace.

Zhao Xing thought that she was staying at home all day, so nothing should happen to her, but she really couldn't think of what she was depressed about, so she sent someone to ask, but she just refused to admit it.

The two have said before that they are honest with each other.

She is lying now, Zhao Xing knows it in his heart.

Mostly it's the little daughter's concern, so I can't tell him.

Otherwise, they can't go out and walk around when they are about to get married, and they are bored at home.

So I don't know how many novel and rare gadgets were collected, and all of them were sent to Pei Guogong's mansion, and they were named for Jiang Wan.

His battle was so big that he alarmed Gu Shi.

It so happened that Wei Shi was also at home that day.

When Jiang Wan entered, Gu Shi and Wei Shi were playing chess.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, she turned her head to see her coming, Gu's Luozi's hand stopped, and the black jade made of black jade was thrown back into the chess box, beckoning to her, and asking: "Even the Prince of Shu knows about it?" You are depressed and depressed all day long. The king of Shu has spent so much time collecting so many things and sending them to the mansion for your entertainment.

Those of us who are at home all day don’t even know it. "

Wei Shi carefully scrutinized Jiang Wan's expression, he could indeed see a gloomy look from between her brows.

Then he let out a sigh: "Didn't you be fine when you came here a few days ago? Hugging me to act like a baby, pulling your aunt to play tricks, what's wrong?"

Jiang Wan walked over, and before she could sit down beside her mother, Wei Shi pulled her over.

Wei held Jiang Wan and did not let go, and stroked the back of her hand one after another: "People say that people who are about to go out like to think wildly, I think you were happy a few days ago, you can't just suddenly think that you are going to get married Are you sentimental?"

Jiang Wan shook his head and didn't speak.

Gu frowned.

She is at home these days, and no one outside can see her. Apart from her brothers and sisters, Zhou Wanning is the only one she can see. Who would mess with her?

"Did you quarrel with Wanning?"

"No, it has nothing to do with her."

Jiang Wan didn't want to say it at first.

She really didn't know what to say, what was the use of saying it.

Inexplicably opening this mouth, it seems to be pulling out the old things of the elders to add trouble to others.

Moreover, Pei Qingyuan has had a heart knot for seven years, and she stubbornly believes that it is not worth looking forward to, and there is no need to look forward to it.

This idea is deeply ingrained, and it will not be changed overnight.

Even if you tell the elders, it won't help.

But now it's the elders who are asking, and it's meaningless for her to lie and cover up.

So she lowered her head like that, sat obediently beside Wei Shi, and after thinking about it, she told the two elders everything about Pei Qingyuan.

After listening to her words, Mrs. Gu couldn't help but gasp.

Even Wei's lively temperament fell silent for a moment.

If the child hadn't mentioned it suddenly today, she would have almost forgotten it.

It turns out that in the blink of an eye, seven years have passed.

How much trouble there was then.

A sister persuaded her brother-in-law, but the county prince wanted to stop Jiang again.

These two siblings are about to kill each other.

Even their home is not peaceful.

Persuade this to persuade that, but it's still not at odds.

For a long time afterward, Mrs. Jiang deeply thought that she was nothing to do with her, and she was so proud of her. The reason why she was able to calmly persuade her to make peace was nothing to do with her. .

It lasted for about three to five months, and they didn't like to talk to her.

The incident in the east of the river caused the confusion of several companies.

"This thing..."

Wei Shi hesitated, and frowned: "What should we say?"

Now that she mentions it, her teeth itch with hatred: "We won't talk about what happened back then. Anyway, it's been so many years, and we can't get involved in the affairs of their husband and wife! But look, sister, now the Even Qing Yuan got involved..."

Speaking of it, she did not give up: "A good child, how can he not be outstanding? Not to mention in their Hedong, even in Shengjing, there are so many noble families, Qingyuan is not as good as anyone's little lady ?
When I heard Zhuzhu say this, I felt really uncomfortable! "

Gu Shi is an aunt, so of course it will only make her feel more uncomfortable.

She likes Pei Qingyuan.

That child was raised so well.

When she first married into the Duke's Mansion, she told Jiang Hu in private that she didn't want to have a son, so she had to ask him to protect her, lest her father-in-law and mother-in-law didn't like it.

Jiang Hu asked her why, she was young at that time, and she told him with a charming smile, because she got an eldest daughter first, and raised her as a model among the boudoirs, in the future, there will be hundreds of daughters in the family, and she will also be honored by her daughter, Have a good prestige.

Let her choose those young gentlemen outside.

She thinks it's good to have two more sons under the care of her elder sister.

If it's possible, Yaoyao will get a girl, and it's okay to be more pampered.

After all, there is a model eldest sister, who will not worry about getting married in the future.

At that time, Jiang Hu laughed at her for being childish.

It is said that girls from the Jiang family never worry about getting married.

But in fact, Gu's selfishness failed to come true.

She failed to have an eldest daughter.

So meeting Pei Qingyuan really satisfied all the hopes and expectations she had for her eldest daughter when she was young.

"I just thought of her as dignified and prudent, a little girl who hides all her thoughts in her heart and never reveals them in front of others. Who knew she would be like this."

With a cold face, Gu turned to look at Jiang Wan: "Are you saddened by this these days, and feel sorry for your cousin?"

Jiang Wancai nodded and said yes: "My cousin has a knot in her heart, and I don't know how to persuade her. I heard her say these words that day, and my heart ached so much.

Aniang, do you have a way to persuade my cousin? "


Gu Shi and Wei Shi looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.

How do you advise?

No one has the ability to turn back the time to seven years ago, before the estrangement between her parents.

Don't ask Qian's family to enter the mansion as a concubine, what's more, don't ask Xiao Jiang's to lose that child.

Since it can't be done, why persuade the children?
In the past seven years, no one cared what kind of harm that incident had caused her.

"I look at Brother Ran really sincerely."

"That won't work."

Gu Shi sighed: "Qingyuan just has a knot in his heart, and he is not a hard-hearted man. But brother is treating her well now, you pretend she can't see it? Otherwise, how can you say that to Zhuzhu?"

What is old and fading, what is old and yellow.

It sounds so bleak.

It's really not something that a 16-year-old girl should think about.

Mrs. Gu had some calculations in her heart, and called Jiang Wan: "Don't put on a sour face all day long, your cousin will only feel worse when she sees her. You can spend more time with her, even if it's just to relieve her, I'll go Go to the county palace, let your aunt know about this."

After all, Zhao Ran was her firstborn son.

No matter how nice and close the niece is, sooner or later it will not be as good as kissing the son.

Don't keep her in the dark, the marriage will come true in the future, with such a knot in her heart, that girl Qing Yuan will never show her heart to Zhao Ran for the rest of her life, and it will be even more troublesome if Jiang Shi finds out.

(End of this chapter)

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