The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 328 Tenderness and Sweetness

Chapter 328 Tenderness and Sweetness
The night is all together, and the willows are on the moon.

From the entrance of the Shu Palace, the jade belt hangs all the way to the entrance of the Changjie Street. The richness and grandeur can be seen. As for the palace, there are lanterns, festoons and red silk hanging everywhere, which is full of joy.

The auspicious time for the big wedding ceremony has passed, the table is opened, and the house is full of guests.

Zhao Xing was dragged to drink, but Zhao Yu ignored him.

Jiang Wan was sitting upright in the main courtyard of the Palace of the Prince of Shu. Chang An and Chang Ning half knelt behind her to rub her shoulders and waist, and the other half knelt on the footrest to beat her legs. She was holding a plate of white jade hibiscus cake in her hand.

Jiang Wan ate another piece, and reached out to pull Chang'an: "Get up and sit on the bed too, I don't feel sore in my legs, it's just that the auspicious clothes are too heavy and my back is so sore."

Chang An got up as promised, brushed the thin dust off his knees, turned over and got on the bed.

Changning moved to the side, seeing that the plate of cakes in Jiang Wan's hand was almost finished, he was afraid that she was still hungry, so he asked her in a low voice: "Why don't you ask someone to prepare some food again? The princess is holding this The dish cakes are almost finished, and the servants will not be able to eat only this."

As she said that, she was about to get out of bed, but she said that the wind is like rain, and she really wanted to ask someone to prepare a meal.

Jiang Wan grabbed her and said, "Who is the bride who wants to eat all the time on the first night? Don't go, I'm not that hungry. It's really not possible. When the second brother comes back from the banquet later, tell him Give me an idea, we don’t want it for ourselves, it’s just a joke.”

Chang An covered his lips and laughed: "Where did the princess care about this before?"

Jiang Guan put on a face and wanted to turn her head to stare at her, but the crown was too heavy, she turned her neck and found that it was not possible, so she simply gave up: "Now that I am married, I am the mistress of the Shu Palace, and I can no longer do as I used to do as a girl at home. I am the princess of Shu now, when people see me, they are seeing the second elder brother and the Prince of Shu's residence, why don't you care about these things?"

While the three masters and servants were chatting and laughing, footsteps came from outside the door, and there were words of persuasion from the mother-in-law: "The prince should also eat less wine. I am very happy tonight. The princess is still waiting for you."

Zhao Xing casually said something perfunctory, and the carved door was pushed open.

Yuan Fu held Zhao Xingjin's door, and Jiang Wan could see clearly through the gauze screen.

He helped Zhao Xing to sit down, Jiang Wan waved his hand and asked Changan Changning to serve him.

She tilted her head, originally wanted to call Zhao Xing, but she took back all the words when she reached her mouth, and put the lotus flower dish in her hand aside, and took the round fan of sweet-scented osmanthus oriole to cover her face again.

Suddenly, the smell of alcohol came very close to her.

She looked under the fan and saw the boots on Zhao Xing's feet.

Zhao Xing handed over a hand and took away the round fan in her hand, then she raised her eyes and met Zhao Xing's eyes.

The face with the familiar mouth, the most familiar eyes, there was a throbbing that she couldn't understand.

In her previous life, when she was married, she never looked carefully at Zhao Xing's expression.

It turned out that all his love was hidden in the corners of his eyes and brows.



The two opened their mouths at the same time, Chang'an and Yuan Fu both lowered their heads and smiled, Jiang Wan and Zhao Xing paused for a moment, then laughed too.

Zhao Xing called Yuan Fu, and Yuan Fu came forward with a cat on his waist, and at some point there was a mahogany tray in his hand.

Jiang Wan only felt that the crown on his head was getting lighter, Zhao Xing's movements were very nimble, and he was very skilled in removing the cumbersome phoenix crown, and all the removed things were placed on the tray.

When Jiang Wan was completely relaxed, she felt that her neck was saved. She raised her hand to touch her head, but before she touched it, Zhao Xing grabbed her wrist: "I left two hairpins, and I will take them off when I sleep. Otherwise, your bun will all fall apart."

He said that while sleeping, Jiang Wan blushed for no reason.

It's clearly not the first time I've experienced it.

But Zhao Xing couldn't see it.

Who told her that her cheeks were already flushed red, even if she blushed from embarrassment, she couldn't see it now.

"Yuanfu, go and ask the small kitchen to prepare a few dishes that the princess likes to eat, just say I'm hungry."

Yuan Fu agreed, handed the tray in his hand to Chang Ning, turned around and walked out.

Zhao Xing took a look at Chang'an and Changning: "You guys also retreat, the princess doesn't need you to serve here. Take these things down and put them away together with the princess's dowry."

The auspicious clothes for big weddings are only worn once in a lifetime, and they are put away carefully, so they may not be taken out to have a look again in this life.

Jiang Wan looked eagerly at the phoenix crown and the removed hairpin. Zhao Xing couldn't help laughing when he saw it: "Like it?"

"Of course I like it."

"It's too heavy, otherwise you can wear it for as long as you like." Zhao Xing coaxed her, "If you like it, I will draw a pattern for you later, and ask someone to make another set for you according to this pattern, but it is lighter than this Many, you can also use it on weekdays."

Chang'an and Changning had already retreated with their hands tucked away.

The gauze screen cuts off everything.

The two maids retreated all the way to the porch outside the house, and then explained to the nuns who were watching the night outside. Jiang Wan heard footsteps, and looked sideways at Zhao Xing.

Zhao Xing smiled: "You two girls are clever."

Jiang Wan's cheeks were red again, and he didn't want to talk to her.

Seeing her sitting upright, Zhao Xing frowned: "This dress..."

He paused for a moment, clicked his tongue, and picked out the wedding gown with his fingertips.

Jiang Wan's eyes flickered and his throat tightened.

She was obviously nervous, but she held on and didn't speak. She folded her two small hands together and pinched her own fingertips.

Zhao Xing saw everything in his eyes, and his heart became more and more sympathetic: "Take off the outer robe first, it is too heavy, and you don't think it is cumbersome. If you still feel uncomfortable without the outer robe, change your clothes first, and eat later , go take a bath again."

He bent slightly, and whispered in Jiang Wan's ear: "Tonight is still long, don't be exhausted by the heavy wedding dress first."

The hot air almost wet Jiang Wan's ears.

Jiang Wan only felt that the earlobes were numb, and that numbness spread all the way to the top of his head, and then quickly traveled around his body.

Her back was tense, and she dared not speak.

Zhao Xing never said such unscrupulous words, nor did he in his previous life.

he's changed.

But Jiang Wan couldn't tell whether such a change was good or bad.

It seems that she likes the always polite Zhao Xing who restrains himself and restores courtesy.

And this... the person in front of her, she likes even more.

Jiang Wan bent his crescent eyes, and Zhao Xing had already taken off his outer robe.

There were five layers of the wedding dress inside and out, and Zhao Xing frowned again after taking off her robe, and started again, trying to get rid of the second or even the third layer for her.

Jiang Wan subconsciously raised his hand to block Zhao Xing's wrist, the tenderness in his eyes could almost drown him: "Call Changan to come in."

Zhao Xing did drink a lot tonight, maybe it was because of the alcohol, maybe it was for other reasons.

He didn't intend to follow Jiang Wan's wishes.

Warm big palm pushed Jiang Wan's little hand away: "I'll serve the princess, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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