The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 329 Psychological Stress

Chapter 329 Psychological Stress
As soon as the sun was shining on the second day, Zhao Xing woke up first.

His right arm was numb, but his heart was warm.

Jiang Wan's sleeping face was peaceful, nestled in his arms obediently, her hair was disheveled, and one strand was pressed by his arm.

She was so exhausted last night that she fell into a drowsy sleep for the rest of the time, and Zhao Xing carried her to the bath, cleaned her up, and carried her back to the bed before she settled down.

She woke up in a daze halfway, and told him how tired she was in a soft voice.

Zhao Xing has always been a light sleeper, but last night he was worried that she would not sleep soundly, or that she was not feeling well. He would wake up if she made any movement. Hearing her soft tone and coquettish words, his heart softened completely.

If it weren't for the great self-control, I'm afraid there will be another toss.

At this moment, Jiang Wan's eyelids trembled twice, and Zhao Xing stopped tucking her quilt for her.

But she woke up anyway.

Jiang Wan fell into a deep sleep, and was a little dazed when he woke up.

After she was reborn and lived alone for so long, she suddenly returned to the days of sharing the same bed with Zhao Xing, and she was not used to it.

What's more, there has never been such an intimate time before.

She doesn't like Zhao Xing holding her.

Zhao Xing is willing to respect her because he loves her. Every time afterward, they take a bath separately, sleep in their own bed, and later even divide the bedding into two sets.

After she had a miscarriage, her body was always cold and her body was always cold. If so, she huddled in the bed by herself and never went to Zhao Xing's side.

Jiang Wan rubbed his eyes, feeling shy again.

Zhao Xing fished her out of his arms, and didn't let her shoulders be exposed, for fear that she would catch the cold, even if the earth dragon in this room was burning hot, it was as warm as spring: "What are you hiding?"

"I'm thirsty."

Jiang Wan's voice was a little hoarse, and she frowned as soon as she spoke.

Then he felt that Zhao Xing was all to blame, so he gave him a light thump: "You ask Chang An and Chang Ning to come in and serve me."

Zhao Xing said no, he pulled out his arm, let go of him, turned over and got out of bed.

Jiang Wan watched as he rubbed his left shoulder, turned over, lay on the bed, and looked at Zhao Xing's busy back with his chin resting.

He poured the tea and came back, without asking Jiang Wan to reach out his hand, he handed it to her mouth, and told Jiang Wan to drink water with his hand: "Just woke up, although the room is warm, you should also cover the quilt, Be careful about catching a cold. I fell ill on the first day of marriage, making people think I bullied you."

"Didn't you just bully me?"

Jiang Wan drank the water to moisten his throat, and his voice became sweet, soft and waxy again.

Zhao Xing had nothing to do with her, the small teacup was not put back to its original place, it was only placed on the round pier at the head of the bed, and then asked Jiang Wan: "It's still early, do you want to sleep a little longer?"

Jiang Wan did feel tired, but he wasn't that sleepy, but his body was a little sore and limp, which couldn't be healed after a long sleep.

So she shook her head: "Don't you still have to go to the palace today to pay respects to your father, the queen, and the queen to thank you? Pack up and prepare to get up."

She made a gesture to get up, Zhao Xing pushed her back.

He knelt down on the bed, sat beside Jiang Wan, and took him into his arms: "It's still early, don't worry."

Jiang Wan felt that his body was hot, even a little hot.

She struggled to figure it out, and was held in Zhao Xing's arms: "Still moving around?"

It's not that Jiang Wan is a virgin, and she doesn't talk about her past life. After last night, how could she not understand the implication of Zhao Xing's three words?

Then he thumped Zhao Xing again: "It's not serious early in the morning, I haven't seen you like this before!"

"We got married yesterday. How can we be the same couple as before?"

In fact, Zhao Xing couldn't restrain himself so much, he just wanted to tease her.

He has restrained himself for so many years, and now he still feels hot in his lower abdomen when he thinks of the kiss that the little girl offered in the teahouse that day.

"Or if you are not sleepy, we can still..."

"Don't come!"

Jiang Guan sat up straight and abruptly withdrew from his arms: "I still have to practice boxing, so I won't mess around with you!"

Zhao Xing laughed brightly, and then he simply laughed out loud.

Jiang Wan blushed, only then realized that he was teasing himself, and pursed his lips: "Bullying people."

She looked so delicate, the neckline was not closed yet, it was snow white, Zhao Xing felt hot when he saw it, but he didn't want to touch her again, he felt that what happened early in the morning was just asking for trouble for himself.

He took two deep breaths, took a moment to relax, shook his head and stretched out his hand.

When Jiang Wan saw his hand reaching towards her chest, she ducked back vigilantly.

Zhao Xing couldn't laugh or cry: "Why did I become a scourge?"

He leaned forward and helped her tie the neckline: "Put on your clothes and get some food, shall we? I didn't eat a few bites last night. You must say that the bride eats too much to make people laugh. You like to eat a table." I didn’t take two bites of the dishes, are you hungry now?”

He had just finished asking if he was hungry, but Jiang Wan didn't have time to say a word, her stomach was already rumbling.

Embarrassed, she clutched her belly: "It answered you for me."

Zhao Xing laughed loudly, and called Chang'an and Changning outside the door.

When the girl entered the door, he first ordered: "Tell someone to go to the small kitchen to prepare some food. You come to wait for the princess to get up. After eating the court food, it is almost time to enter the palace to pay her respects."

Seeing him get off the bed, Jiang Wan called him to stop.

Zhao Xing looked back.

She got up coquettishly, hugging the quilt and leaning on the soft pillow: "His Royal Highness the King of Shu is so precious, why can't the prince come to serve me when I get up and change clothes for the morning meal?"

Chang An and Chang Ning looked at each other, neither of them dared to move.

Zhao Xing shook his head helplessly, bent down to pinch Jiang Wan's cheek, and then told Chang An and Chang Ning to go: "Go pass the rice and get hot water, I don't need you to wait on me."

The two girls agreed, and stepped back with their hands tucked in.

Jiang Wan was happy, and sat cross-legged on the bed, waiting for Zhao Xing to get the clothes for her to change.

Her clothes were newly made by Zhao Xing.

More than half of the cabinets under the east wall were filled with Jiang Wan's clothes.

Zhao Xing chose a Qianhong jacket with an indigo woven gold horse-face skirt, and put it aside first, then took the middle coat: "There is no outsider in the house, so let's wear this first?"

Jiang Wan said no with a bitter face: "Find me a Ru skirt, wear that and then change into this little jacket after dinner, or it will be hot to death."

Zhao Xing looked back at her: "I'm so sorry?"

"It's time to get up, who's princess is walking around the house in middle clothes? And the girls are watching! If Yuan Fu comes back to talk later, won't you laugh at me to death? Don't hurt me."

Zhao Xing couldn't resist her, so he picked out another set of thin skirts and held them in his hands. After dressing her up, he dragged her out of the bed and shook his head: "I'll change it later, isn't this a waste of time? In my own family, who dares to laugh at you? I have never seen you like this before, why do you put so much pressure on yourself now that you are the princess of Shu? You are not too tired."

(End of this chapter)

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