Chapter 330
The cost of food and clothing in the Shu Palace is compared with that of the Su Palace, and Zhao Yu went to take care of it specially.

The morning food delivered to the room is extremely delicate.

Zhao Xing has helped Jiang Wan get dressed and washed her, but has not put on makeup yet.

A small case made of wenge wood is placed on the bed.

There were five or six kinds of porridge, eight dishes of exquisite side dishes, and a bowl of steamed eggs for Jiang Wan.

Zhao Xing himself didn't care about eating, so he gave her cloth vegetables.

Jiang Wan ate more than half of the bowl of porridge with cloud legs and spring bamboo shoots, and the side dishes went into his stomach, and he still felt that it was not enough: "I don't know if those pastry shops in Nanshi are open at this time."

At this moment, Dongfang is becoming more and more confused. In fact, some shops are not open, especially those with excellent business. Even if it is far away, people have to go to buy, so they are more confident, so they will not open early for business.

Zhao Xing gave her the hand that picked up the food, and looked at her suspiciously: "Are you really so hungry? Or are you just thinking about the cakes outside?"

"I want to eat flower cakes."

Jiang Wan stretched, and put down the silver chopsticks: "I'm tired of eating these dishes."

Zhao Xing frowned: "Then ask the back kitchen to study some new dishes, and then find a few new cooks? Can Huaiyang cuisine work? The dishes over there are very delicate, so ask someone to find someone who cooks Huaiyang dishes. The chef of the dishes is coming in to serve you, can you change the taste?"

Jiang Wan just said it casually, it was nothing more than she was greedy this morning and wanted to eat cakes, how could she have thought that Zhao Xing was so concerned about these matters.

So she shook her head again and again and said no: "It's such a hard work, I just got married on the first day, and you made a big fanfare to ask someone to find some new cooks to work in the palace. Don't they all know that they are for me?"

She pursed her lips: "I'm not such a greedy person, I just want to eat two pieces of cake today, I just said it casually, don't ask someone to find a new cook.

I don't want to eat these either. "

Zhao Xing rubbed the top of her hair helplessly, said good, and took two hasty bites, and called the maid to come in to tidy up and leave, and then asked Chang An and Chang Ning to come in to wait on Jiang Wan before going to freshen up: "It's almost time, I won't practice today, it doesn't matter if I rest for a day, if I feel tired and slack, I will get up early and practice with you for half an hour in two days to make up for it.

I'm going to practice again today, I feel more and more uncomfortable, I will go to the palace later to ask An Xie'en and bow down, don't bother. "

Chang Ning was putting on makeup for her, and seeing Jiang Wan's cheeks covered with a thin layer of pink, she snickered, and was gently pushed back by Jiang Wan.

Zhao Xing followed her all the time, so he saw it naturally, and shook his head with a smile and didn't speak again.

Going from Shu Palace to the palace, originally according to the rules, on the first day after the wedding, he went back to the palace to say hello, Jin Hedi was going to accompany Empress Zheng to meet Zhao Xing and his wife in the Hanzhang Palace.

But this time is extra special.

Zhao Xing and Jiang Wan paid homage to Emperor Jin and Emperor in Funing Hall.

It has been several months, and there is no intention of easing up between the emperor and empress.

Emperor Jinhe didn't even ask the couple to go to Hanzhang to meet Empress Zheng after they left the Palace of Funing.

After staying in the Funing Palace for less than a moment, Emperor Jinhe sent the couple to retreat: "The imperial concubine has been busy with your wedding affairs for more than a month. An, you take your daughter-in-law to your former bedroom for a walk, and stay in the palace for lunch.

Later, I will ask someone to visit your mother. If she is in good spirits and can hold on, I will go to Hanzhang for lunch.

If she is not in good spirits, put the food in the Palace of Funing, you couple..."

"I won't stay in the palace for lunch."

Zhao Xing called out to his father, and then interrupted Emperor Jinhe: "My son led the princess to pay respects outside the Hanzhang Hall, and then went to the Zhaoyang Hall to greet the noble concubine, and then went out of the palace and went back to the palace. up.

Getting up early, Erchen was thinking about the cakes from a pastry shop in Nanshi, thinking that he hadn't eaten them for a few days, so he sent someone to buy freshly made ones, if they left the palace too late, it wouldn't taste good if they let it cool down. "

Emperor Jin He frowned, and his eyes fell on Jiang Wan.

Jiang Wan felt uncomfortable all over.

On the contrary, Zhao Xing was generous.

Emperor Jinhe scoffed: "Go, you just got married, and it doesn't matter if you lose your job in the Ministry of War for three to five days. It just happens to be the end of the new year. Anyway, the imperial court has to take annual leave, so you might as well spend your time at home." In small days, you don’t need to go to the Ministry of War to make a call, I will send someone to the Ministry of War to tell you, you can wait until the next year to make a photocopy before going back to do errands.”

Zhao Xing just agreed and said yes without mentioning anything else. After receiving Jiang Wan and paying homage to Emperor Jin and Emperor, he left the hall.

After leaving the jade steps, Jiang Wan patted his chest and let out a long sigh of relief.

Zhao Xing took her hand, and teased her with a smile: "It's not the first time you've come to visit Emperor Father, what are you afraid of?"

"That must be different."

Jiang Wan muttered a few words: "I used to be called an official, but now I want to be called my father, the status is so different, I must be thinking differently.

And you, what kind of flower cake is not flower cake, it must be what I want to eat, where is it that you want to eat!
You also used it to deceive the emperor.

Didn't you see that as soon as Father heard what you said, he just came to see me?
It seems like I'm instigating you not to stay in the palace for lunch, so you're going to rush home.

The things about the mother and the queen made my father feel that there was a estrangement in my heart, so I couldn't speak clearly? "

She really has a lot of worries now, especially when she enters the palace and is in front of her father.

Zhao Xing mentioned it yesterday, and said it to her again this morning, but obviously the little girl didn't take it to heart at all.

Zhao Xing thought to himself, I'm afraid I have to talk to her about this matter, otherwise it will be even more difficult for her to change it if she develops this habit in the long run.

It is best to stop it in time when you find signs of it now.

But there is no need for that in the palace.

Zhao Xing only squeezed her palm: "People say that the queen teaches his wife, and I have realized it now. When I return to the palace, I will tell you again."

Jiang Wan raised her eyebrows: "It's only the first day of marriage, and His Royal Highness the King of Shu is coming to pick on me, isn't he?"

Zhao Xing squeezed her harder: "Why don't you know a good heart? I am kind for you, thinking that you have such a sign now, I will help you correct it, so as not to suffer in the future. You have wronged yourself, how can you tell me the other way around?"

Jiang Wan probably knew what he wanted to say.

She smiled: "Then I know! You don't need to teach me, I just got married. I used to be a girl at home, but now I am married to a woman. This is not just a change of status, I am not used to it, How do you know that I've been like this all the time? If you want to worry about it for nothing, why are you talking about a man who teaches his wife!
The prince used to be diligent and earnest, so why did he marry me home now, so he always teaches, disciplines and restrains me, it's really chilling! "

(End of this chapter)

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