Chapter 331
The gate of Hanzhang Palace is closed.

Zhao Xing and his wife waited at the gate of the palace for a long time before Hanzhang's female officer came out slowly with her hands tucked in.

Jiang Wan's complexion tightened, but Zhao Xing seemed even more indifferent.

The female officer knelt down and saluted, but shook her head without saying a word.

Zhao Xing took a slow breath: "Is the queen mother still in good health?"

"The sage is in good spirits. The prince got married yesterday, and the sage was actually happy. He even ate more for lunch. He also had two pieces of mung bean cake in the next afternoon. The doctor Qin came to check his pulse and said that the sage's pulse has improved a lot."

The female officer's big round face didn't change her expression, she was just replying to Zhao Xing's question: "Today I know that the prince brought the princess to the palace to pay his respects, and he actually wanted to see her, but he got up early and took the medicine. Feeling sleepy right now, I didn't wait for the prince and concubine, and fell into a drowsy sleep."

She seemed to explain a few sentences, which probably meant that Empress Zheng didn't miss the couple on purpose, but Zhao Xing and Jiang Wan heard something else after hearing it.

If he really wanted to wait, even if he took the medicine, he wouldn't have fallen asleep in such a short time.

Jiang Wan knew when Empress Zheng took the medicine.

It's been less than half an hour now.

Besides, Empress Zheng also knew when the couple entered the palace to greet Xie En.

After all, I still don't want to see you.

Marriage itself is a happy thing, and Empress Zheng should be the most happy. Among her three sons, only Zhao Xing is the one she loves the most, and he was brought up by her side since childhood.

It's hard to hope that this son will grow up, get married and start a business, and then it's time to marry a wife and have children, and she should be the happiest in the whole world.

In the end, she didn't even want to see him.

Jiang Wan's throat tightened, and he put his hand into Zhao Xing's.

Zhao Xing held it, and said a few words to the female officer: "My aunt has worked hard, just take care of her with peace of mind. When the queen wakes up, the aunt will report back and say that I have been here with the princess. After two days, I will wait for the queen to wake up. When the time comes, our husband and wife will enter the palace again to greet the queen mother."

The female officer agreed and watched the couple go away.

A little maid came up to her aunt when she was closing the door, and called her aunt, "Why doesn't the sage see the king and his wife of Shu?"

The female officer turned back and stared at her with a dark face: "What nonsense are you talking about? Talking nonsense in the palace, if you are careful, someday someone will pull out your tongue!"

Little Gong'e was so frightened that she covered her mouth and didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Zhao Xing on the other end led Jiang Wan away gradually, and a silhouette was dragged out on the palace road.

Jiang Wan suddenly remembered the day when he went to the palace to persuade Zhao Yi.

The two of them walked side by side like this, Zhao Xing was afraid that she would feel wronged, so he slowly advised her.

The only difference is that at that time Zhao Xing couldn't hold her hand in such a grand manner.

Jiang Wan suddenly laughed.

Zhao Xing looked back at her: "What are you laughing at?"

Jiang Wan shook his head again: "I remember the last time we went to see Zhao Yi, think about it, does it look like now?"

After hearing this, Zhao Xing immediately let go of her hand.

Just as she was about to ask, Zhao Xing smiled and said, "It's like this."

After Jiang Wan was stunned for a moment, he burst out laughing: "It's really you!"

Concubine Zhen has seen a lot of people recently, and those people from the harem come to Zhaoyang Palace every day to say hello, and now that she is in this position, she can't drive people out, like before.

But if you want to talk about meeting Zhao Yu's brothers, including a noble girl like Jiang Wan, it's really not.

She didn't really want to see either.

It doesn't feel good to be on the cusp, she's always trembling.

The more these people came to Zhaoyang Hall, the more afraid she felt.

What would Empress Zheng think of her, and what people outside would say about her.

Even with Jin Hedi's promise, she couldn't feel completely at ease.

Concubine Zhen was sitting on the throne, but she was actually the most uncomfortable.

Jiang Wan was better, Zhao Xing was sitting there, Concubine Zhen was not sitting or standing, smiling or not smiling.

Zhao Xing could see that she was uncomfortable, and he didn't plan to stay with her any longer, so he replied with a smile: "My father said that you have been busy with me for more than a month, and now our couple's two big weddings are over. Now, it's time to come to Zhaoyang Hall to say hello together.

I know that before the wedding, the concubine saw you the day she entered the palace to thank you, but I haven't come here to thank you for your hard work.

Today I just entered the palace to pay my respects, so I came to sit with me. "

Jiang Wan also echoed and said: "I woke up this morning and talked to the prince, wait a few days, let's say a year ago, otherwise I will take Ah Yue to live in the palace for two days.

In the past, she was a princess, and I always had to be polite. Even when she called me sister Awan, I was so flustered.

So I thought, now that I am a sister-in-law, I will show off my prestige when I take her out, and then I will discipline her.

Anyway, Brother Wang is not married yet, and there is no eldest sister-in-law, and I am the only sister-in-law, and she has to obey me if I discipline her. "

Zhao Xing knew that she was joking, and Concubine Zhen also knew that she was teasing, but Zhao Xing knew that Concubine Zhen was the most sensitive person, so he was afraid that Concubine Zhen was paranoid, or that her heart would not be used.

So she covered her lips and coughed twice: "If you want to talk like this, the noble concubine dare not send Ah Yue to live in the palace. You have to coax the noble concubine well before you can trick Ah Yue out. Then how will you discipline her?" , the noble concubine lives in the palace, she can still manage it?"

Concubine Zhen waved her hands again and again: "That won't happen, there is no reason to be reluctant, she is willing to go by herself, how can I control her.

You just take her to live, because she is afraid that she is the most mischievous and naughty character, and if she makes troubles, you will not be at peace, and the Shu Palace will be thrown up and down.

It would be impossible for the prince to send her back to the palace in a hurry. Isn't it said that it is easy to invite the Buddha and difficult to send the Buddha?

She was bored in the palace all day long, but now she just chirps in my ear, making me so noisy that I can't be free.

You took her to take care of discipline, but I don't feel bad at all. "

"Mother, why did you say that to me!"

Zhao Xiyue came in from the outside with her skirts on her shoulders, with the brightest smile on her face, she let go of Zhao Xing and Jiang Wan after seeing Zhao Xing and Jiang Wan, and bowed to each other, "Brother Wang, Sister Wang!"

She raised her voice at the end and leaned closer to Jiang Wan on her own: "When will sister-in-law pick me up to live in Shu Palace? I heard that brother Wang bought a lot of interesting things in the palace, all for sister-in-law , I have always been very enthusiastic, but Brother Wang didn't ask me to go. Now that my sister-in-law is married and married to Brother Wang, she can always take me over. Tell me to follow suit. See if it's all right What fun."

Zhao Xing's face darkened: "Your sister-in-law and I just got married, and you are going to the palace to disturb the two of us?"

(End of this chapter)

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