Chapter 335
"How could it be? Even if the queen mother is seriously ill, even if she is in a daze, she shouldn't treat Zhao Yi like this..."

Pei Qingyuan subconsciously shook Jiang Wan's hand and gave her a look.

Jiang Wan patted the back of her hand with his backhand, saying that he knew it, but he didn't mean to change his words at all: "Zhao Yi's favor is different from that of the second brother, it is with guilt, not only the queen mother, but even the emperor father, Well done, this New Year's Eve hasn't passed yet, why did you make him kneel outside Funing Hall for an entire hour?"

Pei Qingyuan still wants to grab her hand.

Just in time, the little girl opened the thick felt curtain to welcome Zhao Xing into the door.

He actually heard Jiang Wan's words when he was in the corridor, and saw Pei Qingyuan trying to pull Jiang Wan as soon as he entered the door.

As he took off his cloak, he said with a smile: "Don't worry about her, she can say whatever she likes at home, and it's boring to hide her words at home.

When she married me, she didn't want her to be restrained, so let her talk. "

The black cloak on Zhao Xing's body had been handed over to the maid to hang it up. He patted his shoulder again, and brushed off the cold air. After taking off the jade pendant sachet around his waist, he got loose all over, and then stepped on his shoes and sat down beside Jiang Wan.

Zhao Xiyue pursed her lips, eyes full of sourness: "I know, I know, sister-in-law will enjoy a lifetime of happiness when she marries into the Shu Palace, let alone in this palace, even if she goes outside or enters the palace, she doesn't have to tie her hands and feet. Anyway, even if there is really something now, there is no need for the emperor and the Duke to protect her, the second brother must protect sister-in-law."

She teased and teased, Jiang Wan just rolled his eyes at her, ignored her nonsense, and handed the warm tea in front of Zhao Xing: "It's freezing outside, you just came out of the palace, how is the situation?"

In fact, Zhao Xing did not enter the palace because of Zhao Yi's affairs.

He is going to Hanzhang Palace today to say hello and then leave the palace.

As a result, when he was still in the palace, he heard that Zhao Yi was fined to kneel outside Funing Palace.

When Empress Zheng heard this, she was anxious and worried, and sent someone to find out what happened.

She became anxious for a while, and her illness worsened, Zhao Xingbian couldn't go out of the palace in a hurry, so she could only stay with him in Hanzhang Hall.

Later he found out that it was for his marriage.

Thinking of those things, Zhao Xing snorted, and didn't eat the cup of tea: "He has a big heart and a very wild heart, the situation is not good, the father made him kneel for an hour, and sent him out of the palace."

Zhou Wanning frowned, and asked after chasing, "Sent out of the palace?"

Zhao Xing glanced at her, then nodded and said yes: "I sent it to Brother Brother's Mansion. The emperor said that he would not be allowed to leave the palace until the Shangyuan Festival, and told him to stay in the palace and think about it behind closed doors. , let my elder brother discipline and restrain him well."

Asking Zhao Yu to discipline and restrain him, and to discipline him well, means...

Jiang Wan's breath stagnated slightly: "What is it because of, why is it so violent? Does the queen mother not care?"

Zhao Xiyue kicked her skirt with waving toes.

She is wearing a newly made silver-red woven gold horse-face skirt today. The skirt is sprinkled with gold and embroidered with auspicious and wishful patterns, and the bottom is lined with Haibo's Chaoxian pattern, which is bordered by Haibo's silver thread. Tapping the hem of the skirt, layers of sparkling light appeared, which was extremely beautiful.

The magnitude of the shaking is obviously proud.

Zhou Wanning didn't wait for Zhao Xing to speak, so she went to pull Zhao Xiyue's wrist: "You know everything, don't say anything, deliberately whet our appetite, why are you so bad!"

Zhao Xiyue was about to speak when the corner of her mouth moved, Jiang Wan covered her lips and coughed, without giving Zhao Xiyue a chance, she turned to Zhao Xing and asked, "Say it quickly."

Zhao Xing knew what she meant, so of course he followed her, so he didn't ask Zhao Xiyue to continue, and told them about the affairs in the palace: "The mother originally appointed Zheng Erniang to be the concubine with him, but he didn't want to. , the New Year's Eve went to Funing Hall to ask Father and Emperor to allow him to choose a concubine himself in Japan, he didn't want to marry Zheng Erniang."

Zhao Yi went crazy.

This was the first thought that flashed through Jiang Wan's mind.

In the past, Zhao Yi treasured the Zheng family, but now he despises him like this.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, without discussing with anyone, he openly ran to Funing Hall to beg him not to marry Zheng Shuangxue.

The news of this matter must be suppressed, otherwise, once it spreads to the outside world, Zheng Shuangxue's reputation will be ruined, and the Zheng family will also lose face.

The Zheng family had accidents one after another, and the empress's status in the palace was not as good as before. After thinking about it, this incident really had a great impact.

If it wasn't for Zhao Xiyue's eagerness to see the Zheng family's jokes, and she has never been so close to Zhao Yi, she probably wouldn't be able to go outside the palace to talk about it.

Or the palace is already a mess.

Concubine Zhen was busy taking care of the troubles in the palace, so she didn't care about detaining Zhao Xiyue in Zhaoyang Palace and not letting her run outside, lest she talk too much.

"How could he..."

Even Zhou Wanning was shocked when he heard this.

Their impression of Zhao Yi was always tied to the Zheng family.

Since when did Zhao Yi start to find fault with the Zheng family and despise the Zheng family?

What's more, according to Zhao Xing, this marriage was decided by the empress. Although there is a rift between the officials and the sage now, in Zhou Wanning's view, there are no husbands and wives who do not quarrel. It's an unpleasant affair, but it usually clears up within a few days.

Decades of relationship did not just break up.

Officials have saints in their hearts.

No matter how cold the face is, the heart is still hot.

Has the official family ever violated the will of the saint?

Zhao Yi blatantly wanted to reject this marriage, not only against the wishes of the saint, but also slapped the saint severely.

He looked down on Zheng Shuangxue.

That was enough to chill the heart of a saint.

That is the niece of the saint's direct relative.

Zhou Wanning swallowed subconsciously, her throat rolled, and she forgot to say anything later.

Jiang Wan went to see Zhao Xing nervously: "Is the queen mother in good health?"

If this matter spreads in the palace, it must not be hidden from Empress Zheng.

If she heard Zhao Yi's behavior like this, she would probably get sicker and sicker.

Sure enough, Zhao Xinghan shook his head with a frowning face: "I just heard about it and passed out once. The imperial doctors took the pulse and gave a prescription, administered the needle, and woke up once, but I was still not fully awake. I was thinking about asking someone to report to the emperor. After blocking the news, he fell into a drowsy sleep again."

Then why did he leave the palace?
Jiang Wan's intuition was wrong: "Why didn't you stay guard in the palace? Did you plan to go home and tell me, and let me go into the palace to serve the sick? If the mother is not well..."

She trailed off at the end, squinted at Zhao Xiyue again: "Don't stay outside the palace, I'll go to Hanzhang to serve you, and you can go back to the palace together!"

(End of this chapter)

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