Chapter 336
Jiang Wan was already getting up in a hurry, but Zhao Xiyue didn't respond in a daze.

When Zhao Xing saw this, he pulled him back: "Even I have left the palace, and I didn't stay in Hanzhang to serve the sick, so where do I want you to go? You are also confused.

If you just want you to enter the palace to serve the sick, just send someone out of the palace to tell you, tell you to pack up and go back to the palace as soon as possible, why do I have to come out of the palace to tell you in person? "

This is true.

Jiang Wan slapped his forehead, followed Zhao Xing's strength, and sat back again: "Yes, I was so confused."

Pei Qingyuan actually wanted to leave.

She didn't know whether these things should be counted as secrets.

After all, there are already many people who know it.

But according to what Zhao Xing said, the palace must block the news and not leak any news to the outside world. From this point of view, it is a secret.

Since it's a secret, they really shouldn't listen.

However, Zhou Wanning didn't seem to have thought about it at all. She seemed to be fine, but her face was anxious, but she was sitting firmly on the official hat chair, looking at Zhuzhu eagerly.

It made it difficult for her to leave without saying a word.

And it does appear to be raw.

Calling Zhao Xing seems inappropriate.

Pei Qingyuan felt like sitting on pins and needles.

Jiang Wan's mind was not on her at the moment, so she ignored those details.

On the contrary, Zhao Xing, before Jiang Wan opened his mouth, said in a deep voice: "Isn't it time for my cousin to come over? Although we have to block the news about this matter, we can keep it from the outside world, but probably not from the emperor's uncle.

Aunt Huang herself didn't like Zhao Yi, she didn't know how to scold others at home after hearing this, and she would get angry at herself because of this kind of thing.

The emperor's uncle probably has to go to the palace to persuade his father, the cousin might as well go back to the county prince's mansion first and stay with the emperor's aunt. "

Pei Qingyuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and stood up slowly: "That's the same thing, my aunt has the most irritable temper. Although I may not be able to persuade my aunt, it is always better to have someone to accompany her."

She tucked her hands, and asked someone to fetch her cloak, and then went to look at Zhou Wanning: "I'm leaving now, the princess will return to the palace soon, His Royal Highness King Shu has gone home, are you still planning to stay here? "

Only then did Zhou Wanning react belatedly. Following Pei Qingyuan's movement and standing up, the little girl really had a wink, and what she brought back was the cloaks of the two of them.

Pei Qingyuan and Zhou Wanning each put on their cloaks, and after talking to Zhao Xing and Jiang Wan, they turned to go out.

Jiang Wan was the master, so he wanted to get up and see him off.

As a result, Zhao Xing pulled her back again, and only called Zhao Xiyue: "You send them out, it's freezing outside, your sister-in-law is weak, and she will fall ill after eating the wind, just in time, you sent them for your sister-in-law You don’t have to come back when you leave the palace, go back to the palace quickly, don’t let the imperial concubine worry about you in the palace.”

Zhao Xiyue pursed her lips reluctantly: "Second brother is used to bullying me now, I will definitely—forget it, when this matter is over, I will definitely sue you in front of Emperor Father!"

The person went out, but Jiang Wan's face elongated.

When the figure swayed and could no longer be seen, the window sills of the Mingwa were brightly lit, and the sound of footsteps outside the house gradually became inaudible, Jiang Wan frowned, turned to look at Zhao Xing: "What are you going to do?"

Zhao Xing sighed helplessly: "I knew you were the most duplicity, hard-spoken and soft-hearted person.

He always said that he didn't care about the affairs of the queen mother, and it was impossible to care about it. Hearing that something happened in the palace, he was not in a hurry to get angry.

You are so anxious to get angry, aren't you worried about the health of the queen mother? "

In this matter, it is indeed difficult for Jiang Wan to be hard-hearted.

Empress Zheng... Although she took it upon herself to suffer, most of the schemes she made were for Zhao Yi.

But now Zhao Yi stabbed him hard on the apex of his heart.

What's more, her illness has lasted for several months. No matter how much thought the imperial hospital has spent, there has been no improvement.

Now that it's Chinese New Year's Eve, how can you make Zhao Yi angry like this again?

It's just that she is indeed very stubborn: "You are wrong. I am worried about the queen mother's body, isn't it also for the sake of the peace of the court and the stability of the world?
If the palace is in trouble, it is a big deal.

Anyway, it's not what you said! "

Zhao Xing still shook his head and did not expose her.

It's been like this since I was a child, and it hasn't changed.

The mouth is the hardest, but the heart is the softest.

It's not that Zhao Xing doesn't know in his heart that the little girl has a long-standing prejudice against her mother, and there must be knots in her heart.

But she is a soft-hearted person, and the queen mother has been in poor health, and she was angry again, so she must be worried.

But since she refused to admit it, Zhao Xing didn't bother to provoke her, so as not to be anxious, if she was going to be angry, he would coax her slowly.

So I followed Jiang Wan's words and changed my words: "Yes, what the princess said is correct. The princess is concerned about the country and the people, not what I said, it was Xiao Wang who said something wrong just now, the princess has a lot, don't worry It’s better to have the same knowledge as Xiao Wang.”

He just made jokes to make Jiang Wan happy, but Jiang Wan rolled his eyes.

Zhao Xing didn't care, and continued to say: "When you worry about these things, you don't care about anything.

Just now your cousin felt like she was sitting on pins and needles, she really didn't want to stay in our house for a moment, you didn't see it at all? "

Jiang Wan frowned immediately when he heard the words: "Because of Zhao Yi?"

Zhao Xing nodded: "I've said it all, the queen mother sent someone to report to the father, and asked the father to block the news, and never allow this matter to spread, so as not to hurt the face of the Zheng family and Zheng Shuangxue.

Your cousin is the most cautious temperament, after hearing this, I'm afraid she wanted to leave at that time.

But she has worries, she is afraid that you will be overwhelmed, and she is also afraid that I will think that she is too far away from us, and looking at Zhou Wanning's appearance, she has no intention or plan to leave at all, so she can't say anything.

Wanting to leave again, but unable to open his mouth, he felt restless.

If you had paid more attention just now, you would have seen it clearly.

Otherwise, it's fine, what do I send her back to the Prince's Mansion with those excuses? "

When he said this, he sneered, and took a sip of tea: "Could it be that Aunt Huang is really angry about Zhao Yi's matter? When have you ever seen Aunt Huang get angry because of irrelevant people and things?
Based on my understanding of Aunt Huang, if she hears about this and knows that Zhao Yi has caused a disaster, it would be good if she doesn't applaud at home. I'm afraid she can't help but ask people to go outside to set off firecrackers to celebrate. What kind of child is she? gas. "

Jiang Wan was speechless for a moment.

Because what Zhao Xing said was right.

My aunt has such a temperament.

What Zhao Xing didn't say was about Empress Zheng.

Auntie is very angry with the queen now. After hearing about such self-inflicted things, isn't she still so happy that she can't sleep for three days and three nights?

It is impossible to be angry.

(End of this chapter)

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