Chapter 337 Crazy
But she said that Zhao Xiyue sent people out of the mansion all the way, she was not reconciled, and turned her head to look in the direction of the mansion.

Right now, she really doesn't want to go back to the palace.

People are panicking everywhere, and the atmosphere is extremely oppressive, even Zhaoyang Hall is no exception.

Because the father was furious, Zhong Gong fell ill, these are the top priorities.

And the mother and concubine will put the matter of the father and the queen at the forefront.

She must be restrained from running around, and she must be restrained from talking nonsense.

So boring.

It's all the second brother's fault, but the worst thing is, it doesn't keep her in the palace!

Pei Qingyuan went down the steps, looked back, saw her standing still, thought for a while, then lifted the skirt up again, and after standing beside her, asked her softly: "Does the princess not want to go back to the palace?"

Zhao Xiyue has nothing to hide from her.

She knew that Pei Qingyuan was smart.

That's what smart people do.

She knows when to say something, or when not to say anything.

And he must have seen through it and calculated it correctly before he opened his mouth.

So Zhao Xiyue hummed: "When something like this happens, it's meaningless to go back, no one cares about me, it's a mess everywhere.

I am worried about my father, but I can't go to Funing Palace to see my father.

The concubine mother is now stricter in these matters.

I did sneak out when the palace was in chaos, otherwise the second brother wouldn't have said that the concubine mother would worry about me in the palace. "

Lian Zhou Wanning was taken aback: "You really slipped out by yourself?"

Zhao Xiyue gave her a sideways look: "What else?"

If the concubine mother knew, how could she be let out of the palace.

The third brother somehow ran to Funing Hall to fight against the marriage, no matter how you think about it, you can't talk about it outside.

Prefer her not to do it.

She thinks that the third brother is doing it.

If you refuse to live a good life, you are just like a queen.

As expected of mother and son, carved out of the same mold.

The queen violated her father's wishes, and the three brothers went to fulfill the queen's painstaking efforts.

This may also be reincarnation in the way of heaven, and it is retribution.

Anyway, she finds it annoying.

Obviously the eldest brother and the second brother are raised so well.

How come to the third brother's place, nothing will happen.

She is young, but she is not stupid.

How could a child who grew up in the palace be really innocent?

What's more, she was educated by the queen since she was a child.

Ever since the third brother stayed in the place of fireworks and was dismissed from his marriage with Duke Pei, in the following year, the Zheng family had accidents one after another, and so did the Han family, so what could be the reason?

Before the Zheng family had an accident, they sent their daughter to Beijing.

If something happened, another Zheng Shuangxue would be stuffed in.

Even she could see clearly what kind of idea these people were playing.

In the final analysis, the Zheng family is relying on the queen, and the third brother is relying on the Zheng family.

The chain is intertwined, and the disturbed people are not at peace.

It's all their good work!

Annoyance flashed in Zhao Xiyue's eyes: "When I go back to the palace now, I also listen to those rambling words. My mother and concubine's temper has been cautious all her life, even if she is a noble concubine who takes care of the sixth palace, it is difficult to change.

But I don't want to hear it. "

"The imperial concubine..."

"I know she is doing it for my own good, but I don't like to hear it."

Pei Qingyuan had just opened her mouth to persuade her, but Zhao Xiyue stopped her from talking.

Who is nice to her, can she not tell the difference?
Besides, how could she not know about the mother who treated her most sincerely in this world, and who was also the most selfless without asking for anything in return?
But those are two different things.

Knowing and listening are independent of each other.

Pei Qingyuan stopped talking.

She didn't know how to persuade her.

Zhou Wanning didn't think about that much: "Since you don't want to go back and listen, and the King of Shu doesn't want to keep you, why don't you just go and hide with His Highness Su Wang? Otherwise, you will go to the Prince's Mansion with Sister Qing Yuan. I like you, and I will never drive you back to the palace.

Even if she hears that you slipped out of the palace, she will keep you.

When the time comes, send someone to the palace to report back to the noble concubine, so that the noble concubine knows where you are, isn't it all right? "

Pei Qingyuan couldn't grab her.

Zhao Xiyue thought for a long time, looked at Pei Qingyuan, ignored Zhou Wanning, and instead asked, "You think I'm capricious, too?"

Pei Qingyuan said no: "The princess thinks a lot, and she actually misses the imperial concubine very much in her heart."

This is also true.

Not only is Zhao Xiyue not willful, but she is much more sensible than outsiders imagined.

Anyway, since Zhao Xiyue returned to Beijing, she had been with Zhao Xiyue for several months, and she never felt that she was a girl who was pampered and spoiled by the officials.

Maybe because of her young age, maybe because of her princess status.

Those people are preconceived and look at her with prejudice, so they think she is willful.

It seems that Her Royal Highness, who is loved by thousands of people, should be pampered in the first place.

Pei Qingyuan put a smile on his face: "If the princess doesn't want to go back to the palace, she won't go back to the palace. It's fine to go to Su Wang's mansion or to the county king's mansion. The noble concubine knows that the princess is not such a spoiled and willful child, and she won't care about anything with the princess. As long as she knows the princess No matter where you are, you must be safe, and the imperial concubine is relieved.

No matter Su Wang's mansion or Jun Wang's mansion, they are absolutely safe places.

Not only the princess will not be harmed, even what happens in the palace is the same. "

Concubine Zhen was most afraid of Zhao Xiyue talking nonsense outside, that's why she wanted to detain her in the palace, but she didn't prevent her from taking advantage of the chaos and slipped away.

Zhao Xiyue smiled: "Talking to Sister Qingyuan always makes people feel very comfortable and relieved."

Zhou Wanning didn't like to listen to it: "What about me? It's not good to talk to me, right? It's not comfortable, you don't feel relieved, what I said just now is all nonsense?"

She didn't really compete, it was more like intentional.

Pretend to be angry, but to adjust and ease the atmosphere.

Zhao Xiyue raised her hand and pinched her cheek lightly: "It's against you, Mrs. Wednesday thinks she is crazy, is she talking to the current princess like this?"

Zhou Wanning made a grimace and stepped back, saving her own face from Zhao Xiyue's hands: "What's the matter? I have Princess Shu behind me to support me, not to mention Her Royal Highness, even His Royal Highness Su, I am not afraid !"

The girls laughed together, and after a while, they raised their skirts and went down the steps, each boarding the car.

It was only before getting into the car that Zhao Xiyue made a decision and called Pei Qingyuan: "Auntie Qingyuan please greet Aunt Huang for me, I won't go to the county palace.

There are three other brothers at the elder brother's side who are thinking behind closed doors. I'm afraid he's already worried enough, so I won't bother him anymore. "

Then youyouran let out a long sigh: "After thinking about it, I, the most useless person, should go back to the palace and cause trouble for my mother and concubine.

I just won't send you two to your respective homes anymore. It's been a long time since I came out. The second brother said that the concubine mother is worried about me in the palace, so I will go back to the palace as soon as possible! "

(End of this chapter)

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