Chapter 338
Zhao Yi was thinking behind closed doors, and the Shangyuan Festival passed.

The Shangyuan Festival in Shengjing has never been different.

Different, only people.

Jiang Wan and the others always went to the lantern festival at this time in previous years.

It's the atmosphere, not that the lanterns outside are really attractive.

Girls like them, what kind of lanterns do they want, even those made by the palace and the palace, it is not impossible to take out one or two to fiddle with.

A few years ago, when Empress Zheng was still very good, every year when it came to the Shangyuan Festival, she would specially ask the inner government to prepare more styles that young girls love, that is, to prepare rewards for each mansion, especially for the little ladies of each family. For fun, it is also a little bit of heart in the palace.

Now there is no hope.

Anyway, since last year, these things have disappeared.

There are many lanterns in Shu Palace, all kinds of lanterns, Jiang Wan likes them all.

But Jiang Wan couldn't be happy.

Zhao Xing half embraced her, and the two stood on the porch, surrounded by lanterns in the courtyard, and there was a big lantern in the middle, the base could be rotated.

"This fan is specially ordered by me. I prepared it more than a month earlier. The eight-sided painting fan is painted by myself. After the lantern viewing tonight, it can be disassembled. Frame it, look back and see where you want to hang it, the study room, or beside the bed."

Zhao Xing looked sideways and looked down at her: "Can't you be happy like this?"

Jiang Wan shook his head: "It's not that Gao is unhappy, I have something on my mind, how can I be so heartless and happy."

Zhao Xing took him into his arms more and more: "For Zhao Yi's business?"

Jiang Wan gave him a push: "Don't say that on purpose to offend me."

Naturally, he deliberately teased her.

Zhao Yi had nothing to do with her, she didn't bother to care about his affairs, she felt unlucky even if she took a second look, how could she be so concerned about his affairs.

Sure enough, Jiang Wan said again: "I was just thinking, the New Year's Eve made everyone feel uncomfortable, you said how annoying he is."

"Of course he's annoying. It's because he's not here today that people think he's annoying."

Zhao Xing coaxed her a few words: "I just advise you not to think about it, if you want to say that we are not interested in going out to see the lanterns because of these things, so you are angry, then forget it.

But if you find these things messy and disturbing, you don't have to.

Eldest brother sent someone to tell him that Zhao Yi was grounded anyway, and his father didn't intend to let him out during the Lantern Festival, and now his father is completely disappointed in him.

What will happen in the future is not certain.

He blatantly resisted the Zheng family's marriage, the news that the elder brother had already sent someone to Xingyang.

After the opening of the court to copy after the year, the Zheng family will definitely have another explanation.

However, his family will not make too much trouble in this matter. "

That must not be too much trouble.

Zheng Shuangxue still needs face.

Jiang Wan could imagine it with the hair of his hair.

It is absolutely impossible for Zhao Yi to resist the marriage.

Judging from Emperor Jin He's current attitude, since he had promised Empress Zheng earlier on this matter, he must do it.

Zhao Yi must marry Zheng Shuangxue.

For the Zheng family, even if Zheng Shuangxue becomes Zhao Yi's official concubine in the future, she still has to walk in the capital for a long time before she can follow Zhao Yi to the fief, or even not go to the fief, just like Zhao Xing. Stay in Beijing for a long time.

Anyway, this kind of thing of being blatantly refused to marry, how will the high-ranking wife look at her in the future?
She's a joke.

Thinking of this, Jiang Wan sneered and said, "The Zheng family can be regarded as exhausted. In the end, isn't it all for nothing?
Actually, I was thinking-"

She frowned and dragged out the ending, but she never said anything.

Zhao Xing hummed in a low voice: "What do you think?"

"Could it be a bitter trick?"

Jiang Wan murmured: "Zhao Yi is meticulous in his actions. He is younger than you, but the city may not be as good as yours. His scheming and scheming are not inferior to others. How could he rush to Funing Hall so recklessly to beg his father not to do it for him?" Promised marriage to Zheng Shuangxue?

It is impossible for him to fail to weigh which is more important.

Even if the Zheng family is not what it used to be today, it is impossible for him to cross the river and tear down the bridge so quickly.

As far as we know, many of the things he did were helped by the Zheng family. In other words, the Zheng family had his strengths and weaknesses.

So even if he loses his title, he is not afraid that Zhao Yi will turn his face and deny anyone, and he has nothing to fear, so Zheng Shuangxue is hurriedly sent back to Beijing, and he has to rush to occupy the title and position of Concubine Zhao Yi. "

Zheng Jiaming knew that Zhao Yi could have a better choice.

With so many noble girls, the one who is more helpful to Zhao Yi is definitely not Zheng Shuangxue.

The Zheng family knew what was for Zhao Yi's good, and Zhao Yi himself knew it better, but the Zheng family still did this, and they didn't care about their own girl occupying that position, even if the future was difficult.

Jiang Guan paused for a moment: "It seems that Zhao Yi was pushed into a hurry. For his future and ambition, he didn't want to marry Zheng Shuangxue. He wanted to find another girl from a high family who could help him. It will annoy the Zheng family.

But thinking about it carefully, the Zheng family found out about this and secretly submitted a memorial to Beijing. To put it poorly, his family became victims again.

Because we all knew in our hearts that Zheng Shuangxue came to Beijing for this purpose, but the Zheng family didn't make it clear, and neither did Zheng Shuangxue.

So judging from the results, it was the queen mother who wanted to give Zheng Shuangxue a marriage, but Zhao Yi refused, which caused this incident.

Zheng Shuangxue is a pure and innocent girl with a noble family background, a daughter of the Zheng family, a niece in the middle palace, what kind of husband can she marry, but she can't be humiliated by Zhao Yi?
What do you think? "

Zhao Xing suddenly understood.

In fact, when she was halfway through, he had already come to his senses.

In other words, Zhao Yi dug a hole for himself, desperate to be punished, but also to provide the Zheng family with this opportunity.

If he became a victim and was wronged, Emperor Jinhe would definitely give him a marriage. After the marriage was given, he would have to make up for the Zheng family in private, or make up for Zheng Shuangxue.

"In this way—"

Jiang Wan's eyes fell on the big rotating lantern, his eyes were dark and his face was ashen, darker than tonight's night: "Those things that the Zheng family has done, were suppressed by the empress begging Go on, if this matter happens again, once the emperor softens his heart, won't he really want to expose it and not mention it?"

She almost gritted her teeth: "It's really a good plan, a good method!"

She turned her head suddenly: "Eldest brother even sent someone to send the news to Xingyang, but he didn't know it was in his arms. He was waiting for someone in the capital to send the news, but it was the eldest brother. Father can't even pursue it!"

Didn't really think about it at first.

After all, this involves Zheng Shuangxue's reputation as a girl.

Everything is possible.

Zheng Shuangxue would have to take too much of a risk if the news leaked out.

(End of this chapter)

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